Anyway, Tom had a game at 11 that I drove him to. I sat in the truck and texted with a few good friends because I didn't feel like being in a gym full of people. After the game, we came back home, and had lunch.
Then the kids and I picked up Kari, and we went to play at the park by Pizza Hut on post. The big kids weren't having too much fun, so Kari supervised my little ones, and I drove Tom and Jake over to the Youth Center. I said that I'd picked them up at 10pm. They were excited.
We hung at the park until around 315pm, then headed back home. I dropped her off, then went back home to get ready for our girls night. Terra was coming to pick us up, and we were going to Aleanas house. We didn't know where we were going to dinner! So exciting!
I didn't wanna hop in the shower because I didn't think I'd have time, so I pulled most of my hair back and added a few curls with my new curling iron, and put on some new make up. I think I looked passable :)

We took the scenic drive down Montana (hehe), and finally got to the restaurant. It was a little hole in the wall looking Italian restaurant. It looked pretty rough from the outside. But I just LOVED the look of the neon sign. so I hurried and snapped a photo. Love the iPhone 4S's camera!

After that, I put the phone away. And hung with the girls. We had some bruchetta for an appetizer, then they brought us salads (SUPER good). And we had our main course, with bread sticks. I loved it all!!!
Terra's. it looked good, except the Cajun part...

We were there from around 4:30-6ish, then headed back to post. We dropped Terra off at her car at Aleanas house (Terra has been dieting really hard, and wasn't used to all the carbs, and wasn't feeling well), and Kari and Aleana and I headed to the movies. They left it up to me to decide on the movie, and I wanted to see "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close", the new Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullocks movie. The one about 9-11. It got mixed reviews from what I heard, but I still wanted to see it.
We got there, and they had like 25 minutes of previews. hehe. But I did find a few movies that I wanted to see - so that was good :) And you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I was crying in parts, and laughing in others. It was tastefully done. They handled a very sensitive subject matter masterfully.
And the fact that the little boy had Aspergers (or something like it) helped win me over! I could totally relate to the way he acted and to his responses to things and to how his poor mother must be feeling and what she must be going through! Anyway, GREAT movie!
We came out, and all the other movies letting out were loud and laughing and giggling, and our movie theater was somber and sniffling and stoic. Yeah, I know how to pick them. hehe.
We headed to the car, and, I, of course, brought the mood back around to fun loving and laughing. I can do that, you know. hehe :) We headed to the Youth Center, and picked up my boys, then Aleana dropped us off at my house. And, we decided, it wasn't good bye. It was "Until Next Time". Because that's how it is in the army. See ya, friend!!!
The boys went to bed, and CPT was still cleaning and organizing his army stuff. I started blogging, and here it is, 11:01pm. My head is hurting, and I'm gonna go take some meds and go to bed. It's been a very long few days. Tomorrow is Sunday, and I hope I can be spiritually fed at church. It's SO what I need :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Jan. 22, 2012. Thanks again.
Hi Bethany,
It's been months since I've visited your blog, I've just been so busy! But I'm happy I stepped by and glad to see and read that your husband is home again! Hopefully life is prettier now then the last time I was here, I'm sure it is.
Thanks for all the great WA dates, and from now on, I will put you in my daily routine again. I missed it.
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