Oops, forgot to blog about this AGAIN! I definitely need more sleep - LOL! Well, better late than never :) Sine, of Designs by Sine (you know, our Template girl at the Orchard), is having her ENTIRE store 50% off today! Click on the image below to go to her store.

And, here's a CUTE freebee for you guys from Sine - Don't you just ADORE her templates? She's wonderful!!! Click on the image below to go to Scraporchard to get Sine's freebee.

So as I was at preschool yesterday morning, I got a call from Captain America. He said that he'd just got off the phone with the Boy Scout caretaker. Did I tell you that we were renting a cabin at Boy Scout camp for the 2 weeks that Captain America is here? Well, this last storm that hit knocked out all of camps electric and water. And there are trees down, blocking the roads in camp. So, staying at camp is a no go. So, I was left scrambling for housing. My sister and her hubby and little girl are coming into town tomorrow, and are staying with my parents. That would be 13 people in a 3 bedroom house. Yeah, not gonna happen - LOL!
So, I told the girls at preschool the situation, and Angie, one of the moms, said that her family is going out of town for most of that time period, and that we could stay at her house. WOW!!!! That's HUGE! I'll just need to find a place for us to stay for a few nights. I'm SO glad that Heavenly Father is looking out for our little family! My life sure keeps me busy. Never a dull moment. Ha!
After preschool, I went to Marens house, and she taught me how to make Almond Rocha. Oh My Goodness!!!! It's FABULOUS! Here's our recipe:
Almond Rocha
2 lbs butter (yeah, it's THAT good)
4 cups sugar
1 cup water
Heat in large pot, using a candy thermometer. STIR CONSTANTLY. When it gets to 300 degrees, add
4 tsp vanilla and
4 cups of roasted, chopped almonds.
QUICKLY pour onto 2 cookie sheets, lined with waxed paper. Spread so it coats the entire sheet. Sprinkle
2 bags of chocolate chips (semi sweet and/or milk)
over the hot mixture. Spread with a spatula. Top with finely chopped almonds. Let cool, then break. YUMMY! SO GOOD!!!! Try it, I know you'll like it.
I was at Marens until about 3:30. At 4:00, my mom and dad and my mom's friend, Pinky, and I got to go to Eugene to watch
Glenn Beck's The Christmas Sweater. Grandma Ida and Aunt Sue watched the kids. The show was FABULOUS! He wrote this cool book, and it's been in the stores for a while now. My mom got them for us for Christmas. I guess let me back up. You all know who Glenn Beck is, right? He used to have a show on CNN, and is moving to FOX next year. He's SO COOL! Gotta love Glenn Beck. He has a national radio program, and also a TV show. He's fabulous.

So, he has the book, and it's doing very well. They also decided to make the story of the book into a "play" of sorts. More like a dramatization. Here was a singer, and an orchestra, and Glenn told the story. He's very animated, and a GREAT story teller. It was like a Broadway one-man show. And adaptation of his book. Anyway, it was great.
And we didn't really get to see him in person. It was performed for a live audience in South Carolina (the last show of his tour), and was broadcast across the country. We went to Eugene (well, Springfield) to the movie theater to see it. It was broadcast there. I just LOVE technology.

And, we had to brave the storms to get there. See that BLUR in the picture? Those are icicles. They were HUGE and fabulous looking. But, we were going so fast that the camera didn't capture it well - LOL! My dad drove, so we all rode easy, knowing that he's a pro! It was a little snowy and wet, but not too bad. We had studded tires and chains in the back, so we weren't worried. Well, I wasn't worried. Pinky seemed a bit nervous - LOL!

We got to the mall in time to get our tickets, get dinner, and look around the mall for a few minutes. There was a store that was going out of business, and I ended up with 2 wrap sweaters (one black with fake fur, one red with black fake fur), a skirt, a sparkly shirt, and a pair of jeans, all for $21. Not too bad, eh? I have a complete new Christmas Sunday outfit - I'm SO excited :)

Here's Pinky and I after the show. We were all crying! He really told a beautiful story about redemption. It was wonderful.

And here's my dad and mom. Aren't they cute!

After the show, we drove home, but not before stopping at Jack-in-the-Box for a shake. I got a Oreo Milkshake. Let me tell you, it was FANTASTIC!!! Super thick. My poor mouth was SO sore when I was done. I haven't been using my mouth like that enough, I guess. My kissing partner is gone - LMBO!!!
Really, it was a great day. And it's getting SO close to my hubby coming home! Woohoo!!! Here's the WordArt for today. Click on the image below to go to my box.com account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Silver - Champignon
Bells - An Unfortunate Event DeWarped