Mine is here, and can be found at ScrapOrchard, on sale, this week only, for $2.00. Aren't they pretty! You can get to the Wordart pack by clicking on the image below.

Next, I just wanted to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to my Father-In-Law, Paul! Love you, and hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday! Eat an extra piece of cake/ice cream, JUST for me :) Miss you lots!
So, I took a few pics from our Girls night on Thursday. I know you're just dying to see. Here's Andrea on the Wii. She was playing Wii fit. Here's her doing the tight rope walk. Too funny. It's all about keeping your balance, which she had some issues with - hehehe. Not that I'd be much better - I didn't even attempt it - LOL!

And here's her doing the hula hoop. Dang, was she good! She can really twist those hips! You go, girl!

And, here's a movie of her doing the hula hoop. TOO funny. She'll be so pleased to see her video on here, I'm sure! Love ya, Andrea!!!
So I went to bed at 4am on Thursday night (well, I guess that's Friday morning), and was up at 8am. I didn't really wanna be up that early, but it just kinda worked out that way.
At 9:30am, Andrea came and picked me up, and we went to Visit Teach a lady in our ward. She suffers from SEVERE seizures. So much so that she has to live in a rehabilitation home. She's the youngest resident there. She's in her early 3o's. Poor girl! But, she has her own room, which is super cute and girly. I loved the purple comfortor (that matched with the cute purple curtains). I also found out she played the cello. Jacob's played a few years in Orchestera, and is enjoying it.
On the way out, when we were in the parking lot, some old guy whistled at us. Kinda weird, but in a flattering kinda way, I guess - ROFL!
Andrea dropped me off at my house at 11:30 (we stayed in her rig and chatted for another 2o minutes after she got there) and decided to meet at 2pm to get our eyebrows done. The girls had heard of "Threading". You take a lenght of string, tie it in a circle, twist it a few times, and use the twist to pull out unwanted hair. Very cool. We tried it out at the girls night, but we weren't very successful. There was a kiosk at the mall that did it. Only $11.00. So, we thought, What the heck. Might as well give it a try.
So, I got the kids some lunch (with what little groceris I had in the house), and I headed off to the commisary. Grocery shopping day. I think that everyone else at Ft. Bliss was there too. It was SO crowded. But not as crowded as Wal-Mart. I just kept repeating that to myself. LOL!
I got all the food I needed, and came in $8.00 under budget. There were soldiers bagging at the commisary, so I gave one extra dollar for my tip. I know, you all think I'm cheap, but I tip one dollar per hundred spent. When my hubby makes the next pay grade, I'm gonna double my tip amount. $2.00 per hundred spent. I know, you probably still think I'm cheap. OH well. I do my best :)
We was back home by 1:30pm, and got all the groceries put away. I read my book for a few minutes, then left again with Andrea. Katy and Kim (the girl we helped with the Burritos on Tuesday night) were there too. Jake was babysitting his siblings, so we were kid free! ON to the mall :)
We got there and started wandering around, looking for the kiosk. I didn't realize that so many vendors approached people with their products. I guess because I typically have 5 kids in tow, they all leave me alone. But 4 women, in a group, and every vendor there wanted us - LOL!!!
So, we find the "Threading" place, and we're SO excited to get our eyebrows done. We say "We're ready, who goes first". The ladies were sitting near their kiosk, and we notice that they have plates of food. "We're eating", they say. "Come back in 40 minutes". Um, what? There's 2 of them. Stagger your lunch break, so you can accomodate your customers. It wasn't even "Oh, I'm SOOOO sorry, but you caught us at lunch." It was kinda rude. VERY poor customer service. We decided that we didn't wanna go to them. They didn't deserve our money. hehehe. We even went to the mall info place, and filled out comment cards, and complained. Apparently, those girls had been complaining that their sales were down. Um, I know why! They're turning away paying customers. Duh!
The nice lady at the office said that someone would call us tomorrow, and that the Sunland Park Mall had a kiosk with the same company, just different employees. We're planning a trip for there for next week. But still, I was disappointed that we didn't get it done. I'll just be bushy for a few more day :( LOL!
So, in order to not spoil the entire trip, we made a run to Sonic. I hadn't EVER been there, and since I'd had a bad week, eating wise anyway, I decided to have a "blizzard" type thing. I think it was called a Sonic Blast, Oreo. OMGosh was it good! Of course, the fact that I hadn't had ice cream since April or so probably helped. hehehe.
Here's a few pics from the suburban - Katy and I (it was SO dark, that I lightened it up, but it's still kinda funny)
Mmmmm, dessert!

So, back home by 4:00pm, and Captain America was already home. The kids had done their chores, and were playing around. I cooked an early dinner for the kids (because they were STARVING) of Sausage, Eggs, Cheese, wrapped in a tortilla with sour cream. It was a BIG hit. They also got bananas with that. Mmmmmm.
Joe was wearing the fUNNIEST thing today. He had on shorts, no shirt, and a sock hat. Yep. Classey dresser. Then, he decided he was cold, and wanted to put on my black hoodie. And one black sock. Don't know what that was about. Then, he wanted his picture taken - Seriously, the kids' a riot! Oh yeah, I almost forgot. He also had on gloves. That he and Jimmy had taken scissors and cut the fingertips out of, while I was out. Nice. Good to know that Jacob watches them well - hehehe.

Captain America had decided to take a nap after work, and I kinda forgot he was in there. It was our date night, and we'd planned on going after the kids went to bed. The movies started at 9:20. We were gonna see Land of the Lost. It was at the $2.00 theater, so that wasn't too bad. I'd heard it was a dud of a movie, but we hadn't seen it, and it was cheap.
I woke Captain America up at 9, asking if we were still going, or did he just want to sleep. He TOTALLY didn't know what day it was, and wondered why I was so dressed up for morning - hehehe. It food about a minute for him to realize when it was - ha! I've done that before :)
We got ready real quick, and headed out. It was obvious that we weren't gonna make Land of the Lost, so decided to see Year One. Katy wanted the girls to go and see it together, which was fine. I could see it twice.
OMGosh! It was horrible. I don't wanna see it twice. It was raunchy and nasty. Lots of gay jokes. Lots of body function/secretion jokes. Just dirty. OK, so a few places had me laughing. But really. Not such a good one. I wouldn't pay to see it again. No thanks, I'll pass.
But, it was still a date, so I still had fun. After the movie, we went to the Wal-Mart on the East side of town. It's a little bit more fancy. Captain America needed Protein Powder for his shakes, and we needed some household items. We got body wash, toothpaste, tampons, paper plates, dishwasher soap, cleaner, bike pump needles, a mouthguard, and a few other random things. You know, since we've been doing the envelope system, we've really cut down on unnecessary spending. When you know you only have $100 a month for ALL those kinds of supplies, you become much more choosey about what you do or don't put in your cart.
We headed home, and got there by 1am. Another late night. And I swore that I would not design this late anymore. So, I can't be held accountable for what I design. And it'll probably have a typo - hehehe.
But first, check out these FUNNY Facebook photos I made. I saw that Katy and Andrea did it on their facebook , and I couldn't resist. You just upload a pic of yourself, and it'll put it into these hairstyles. TOO funny! Here's a few of my favorites of myself. Some of them don't look a think like me - ha!

OK, I think I'm ready now for WordArt. This WordArt request comes from Tricia. What a great song! And I think it lends itself very well to WordArt. Plus, it's the name of my favorite Doctor Who episode. The one with the Weeping Angels. SUPER creepy! Don't blink! Don't even blink! Sorry, if you haven't seen the new Doctor Who, you don't know what you're missin'!!!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.