Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. hehehe. I really hate missing days, because it gets to be SUCH a pain to go back in time and fill y'all in - hehehe. What? Didn't you know that I'm a time traveler, too? ROFL!
So lets see what I can remember from this weekend. I think I left off on Thursday afternoon. I continued packing, had a few more errands to run, packed some more, Captain America finally got home from work (commander wasn't letting anyone go...), and anyway, we didn't roll out of El Paso until around 9pm. Yeah, late start.
I ended up driving most of the way, because Captain America was SO tired. And I was tired. But we made it there in one piece.
I slept in the truck until the men folk pitched a tent and got my bed ready, then I went to bed. That was my reward for driving the 2 1/2 hours while Captain America slept. I'll take it :)
He must have got the kids unpacked and in their tents too. Cause camp was mostly set up when I woke up at 7am Friday morning.
And I was FREEZING! Seriously!

And it wasn't just me! Hilary was freezing too!

Apparently, though, we were the only ones freezing. Check out Paul in his t-shirt and shorts. Whaaaaat? I know it was freezing!

So as we were sitting around, freezing, Hilarys phone got a text. WHAAAAAAT? We have reception? I ran to the tent and grabbed my phone. and YES, I had reception too! Last time we camped here, there was no reception at all. Sure, it's a different location, but same area. Or maybe we just have a better phone? I don't know, but I wasn't complaining.
Look at my face - hehe. I can't contain my joy - ROFL!

And then there's a TON of pictures. I'm not sure of the order, but you get the idea. We camped and had a lot of fun - hehe.
Here's our campsite

And our toilet


Mmmm, dinner one night

Captain America and I

So Friday, we decided that we need some stuff from Walmart. Which is an hour away in town. And there's no way we're taking 8 children into Walmart. There's just not. ha! So the men decide to go to Walmart, and the women are gonna stay in camp.
The kids go off to play. I read in my book, and Hilary takes a nap. And around 4pm, we start to cook dinner. And of course, when you cook over a campfire, you get all dirty. Check out our hands.

Which leads to the next series of pictures. ROFL!

OK, so we all had a TON of fun playing in the ashes. What? Haven't you ever done that? hehehe. Our kids thought we were crazy, but they sure joined in!
When the men got back from Walmart 3-4 hours later (ok, so there was 2 hours at least of drive time...), they brought us gifts! 44 oz sodas from the gas station. Diet Dr Pepper, even! We were SO excited!
Yeah, I know, I'm a freak - hehehe

People around camp

I'm not sure how this all transpired, but Jake is tree man, or something. ha!

Eme and Meghan




Joe, Me, Jannie, Hilary, and Paul

Me and Hilary

OK, this picture does NOT do justice to the slope of this mountain. They had to crawl up it it was so steep. then, they'd slide down it, and get FILTHY. It was a favorite entertainment for the weekend...

Captain America and I

At least they were on the OUTSIDE of the tent...

Meghan and Joe

Captain America and I one morning. I'm telling ya, I FROZE!

Me at the campfire one night. Yeah, CRAZY hair!

Captain America and I again

OK, so Saturday, since the men got the Walmart (no kids) trip into town, it was the Women's turn. We got our soda refills first off, bought some more campfire wood, and went to the dollar tree. We decided that we wanted to have another "girls party" like we had earlier this year. Like the St. Patricks and Valentines and Tacky parties. This one? Pirates! Arrrrgh!
So we wanted to see what the Dollar Tree had. Ha! A pirate flask!

This was hilarious! Hilary took my picture, and was like "Are you SMILING under there?" And I TOTALLY was. hehehe.

We got some sugar free candies, and thought the back was HILARIOUS! Really? They're slippery? OK, we'll watch out for that - hehehe.

These glasses were priceless!

I don't think I've laughed that hard in FOREVER. Thanks, Dollar Tree, for not kicking us out. ha!
Next, on to Walmart. And I found my new favorite Sugar Free candies. Basking Robins cookies and cream. I swear, it's JUST like eating an oreo.

So we got what we needed on our shopping list, and headed back to camp, but not before grabbing another refill and one for the men. We even got back 30 minutes before they were expecting us! See how good we are - hehehe.
Captain America took the kids on a hike that evening. Here's him and "round 1". I don't think we got a pic of "round 2".

Eme and I

Me and my refill

Sunday morning, we broke down camp, and headed home. Here we are, stopping at the gas station on the way out of town.

We got home before dark, or near to it. And Captain America, who was SUCH a sweetheart, had me go in, get the little boys and Eme to bed, then relax. He and the older two boys unpacked and organized everything, and I took a bath. It was SO nice.
It was a great campout, and I'm SO glad that we got to spend so much time with family and friends! Can't wait for the next campout :)
We went to bed early on Sunday night, so Monday morning, we were up and going by 8am. OK, so it's not terribly early, but it WAS a day off. hehehe.
I've decided I don't like my hair like this. I can't seem to take a pic of myself that I like with my hair pulled back. I resort to silly faces. Ha!

We got the kids all organized and happy, and at 10am, Captain America and I headed out for a date. Cause we totally missed date night. ha! And the kids were happy to be home with all of their things, so it was good.
We met Paul and Hilary at Savers, and the girls shopped while the guys held our purses and stuff. Yeah, it was awesome! I found some new jeans and some shoes and a few tops. It was 1/2 off all clothing. I was so excited. But I think 1/2 of El Paso was there too, so it wasn't quite as enjoyable as it could have been. Still, 1/2 price IS 1/2 price. I ended up with 2 pairs of sandals (one of them Steve Madden), 4 tops, 5 pairs of jeans, and 2 Halloween accessories for $40. Not too bad :) My jeans were getting too loose, so I needed some new ones :)
We found these at Savers, and I'm TOTALLY going back to get these before our Pirate party. Oh yeah, we're doing a pirate theme because Sept 19th is National Talk Like a Pirate day. Did you know? Arrrrgh!

After Savers, we headed over to Academy Sports. Just to balance our the girls store, I think. hehe. The men LOVE Academy Sports. ha! Hilary and I were gonna go look at shoes, when we TOTALLY got distracted by this mirror. ROFL!
Yeah, so those pics are on Hilarys phone, and I can't get them. Sigh. Cause they're SO funny. Maybe she'll upload them before I go to bed for the night so I can put them on here. Otherwise, I may grab them for tomorrow. I was a fun house mirror. So it made us have super long legs, or neck, or face, depending on where you stood. Yeah, it entertained us for a good 15 minutes :)
Then, we decided to go look for size 20 womens/40 mens pants. Cause that's the size both of us used to wear. And we tried them on over our clothes. Dang, I can't believe that was my size! I got both legs into one pant leg of some size 40 mens shorts.
Then, we wandered back to the men folk. And hung out on some ammo while the guys looked at guns. Then headed out for lunch.

Captain America and I in the car on the way to lunch

We went to Rudy's BBQ for lunch. Here's Captain America and I with our lunch

After lunch, we headed to the Outlet Mall, stopping for a soda first. We got new 64 oz cups from Howdy's. If you use their cup, the refill is only $0.69. That's even cheaper than Circle K..... hmmmm.
We got to the Outlet mall, and went to Jewelry Box, and then to Vitamin World. Here's Captain Americaand I with our new Jewelry Box $1 sunglasses :)

And me with my new Soda cup - ha!

Oh yeah, and while the men were in Vitamin world, Hilary and I went to Claires next door. And yeah, it's SO not the Jewelry Box. hehe. I would much rather spend $1 than more... Check out these big sunglasses we found, though. ha!

And, after heading home, we stopped for another refill.

Hilary and I had made plans to take Aimee to Walmart later in the day. She was having a rough week, and had missed us TERRIBLY while we were camping. I guess we're fun or something.... hehehe.
So she and Aimee and I went to Walmart. I needed to get a few things for Captain America anyway, since he was going to the field on Tuesday. He stayed at home and did some things with the kids. He's such a good guy :)
I think Aimee enjoyed the trip. We were laughing so hard we almost peed a few times. Hence the trip to the Walmart bathroom. Whaaaaat? Look at this fancy bathroom! ha!

I got most of the things that Captain America needed, the girls go the things on their list, and we headed out. After dropping off Aimee at home, we saw Captain America with the kids and the truck and trailer. He was dropping it off at his friends house, Joe, who's letting us keep it there. So we pulled over, I went with Captain America, and Hilary didn't need to take me home. It worked out perfect :)
We dropped the trailer back off at Joe's house, and headed home. And I decided that yeah, 2 64 oz sodas are NOT good for me. That was WAY too much caffeine. Not when I'm weighing what I'm weighing. At a heavier weight, I could totally pull it off. But not being under 140. Not happening.
I didn't really feel good the rest of the night. We had family home evening, Captain America and the two older boys cleaned the vehicles, and I put the little ones to bed, and started blogging. And just felt sick to my stomach.
OK, I've learned my lesson. Too much caffeine is not good. I'm sticking to a under 64 oz limit per day, thank you very much. hehe.
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