I woke up today at 7:30am, and had Tom and Eme to camp by 8am. I came back home, and SO wanted to go back to bed. I didn't feel terribly well. But I couldn't fall back asleep. At 9am, Joe and Jim and I went to Big Lots for a new red rug for the kitchen. Cause the tan one was literally falling apart. And I got a new locking door knob for the kitchen pantry. Yes, it's come to that. hehe.
We were home by 9:30am, and I installed the door handle. Like 3 times, because I kept doing it wrong. hehe. But I eventually got it right :)
And at 10m, the bug guys showed up. Yeah, they were supposed to be here between 12-5. 10am is NOT in that range. I'm just glad we were home! They sprayed inside and outside, and off they went.
I cleaned a very little bit (tried to at least get it back to how clean it was yesterday BEFORE the kids messed it up), then hung out. I woke Jake up at 11am to get ready to go. He hopped right up, and was actually in a cheery mood. And didn't really wanna go to the youth center. I told him that if he didn't go, that whenever I was cleaning, he needed to be cleaning too. And he agreed to that.
I loaded up in the truck, and headed to the on post youth center to get Tom and Eme about 1145am And yeah, they said that the bus was late from the Adventure Zone place, and that they'd be there around 1215. Dang, that threw off my childcare appointment! I called the CDC to let them know that we'd be late, and I had the kids eat free lunch.
See this HUGE plate of food? I went through the line with Joe and Jim, and as I was helping Joe get to the table, Jim deposited his DIRECTLY into the trash. Yeah, I wasn't happy! He didn't think it looked good, apparently. Little turd! There's starving kids in the world!
I was totally gonna stop at the shoppette and grab myself a soda, but my contact was freaking out, and I could hardly see. So I headed straight home.
And the inspection guys showed up. They were checking for preventative maintenance? Or something like that. Checking to see if work orders were being taken care of, and for smoke detectors. Actually, we had 2 broken ones, so I had them change/replace them. My Aspie son took a hammer to one when it was being SUPER annoying..... So now we're "safe" again. hehe.
I watched an episode of 24 (the finale that I never got around to last night, from season 6), and then Jake and I started cleaning. We swept the front walk, and picked up trash. Then swept the driveway, and picked up trash, and cleaned out the truck. Then we started sweeping/organizing the garage. It took us about an hour.
And then the work order guys got there around 2:30pm. And worked for about an hour. They fixed the stripping where the linolium/fake hard wood meet, replaced the air filter outside, fixed the back shed door (it blew off the hinges, or a kid "rode" it off the hinges...), took the kitchen drawer to fix it, repaired holes in the wall from the garage/laundry room doors, fixed a hole in the wall that Tom kicked in a fit of rage (sigh), and did a few other things. And they had to go back to the main office and grab stuff to fix the running toilet (it won't stop) and some new door stops.
And I was SOOOO tired. I just wanted to lay down and sleep. But I knew they were coming back. But not when... Jake played his computer, and I watched some stupid TV show with him. Wizards of Waverly place, or something like that. I like Phineas and Ferb better. Heck, I like little kid cartoons better, I think..
About an hour later, the dudes came back. And fixed the toilet. And installed the door stops. And then they were on their way. It was 4pm, and I was EXHAUSTED. I set my alarm for 5:15pm, and laid down for a nap. And was instantly out.
I woke up to my alarm, stumbled out of bed, and headed to pick up the kids. I got Jim, then Tom and Eme and Joe, and headed back home. And TRIED to resume my nap, but it wasn't working. I couldn't fall asleep.
I had the kids pick up their messes that they'd made in the 20 minutes I was trying to take a nap, and had them make themselves something for dinner (Ramen, sandwiches, whatever). I watched a part of a movie with Joe, and sat on my couch with my back massage-er. My neck is SO tight and hurting. Sigh.
I worked on my computer for a bit, and chatted on FB with Andrea for a bit. And here it is, 9:16pm. And I"m tired. And my head kinda hurts. And I'm bored (I'm usually not bored, you know!). I had no in person grown up interaction today, and I'm feeling lonely. Luckily, my Mom and Dad and Aunt Sue fly in tomorrow! They should be here before lunch! I"m SUPER excited :) Not sure what the plan for tomorrow is. Maybe we'll do lunch at the PX? And I can show them the commissary, and we'll grab some groceries. Because I'm out. ROFL!
Maybe my kids will sleep in tomorrow, and then the house will stay clean. And maybe I'll win the lottery and hire a maid! hehehe. I can always wish right?
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