What a whir-wind of a day :) Fun, but fast! Started off at 7am, getting kids ready for school, and working fast and furiously to arrange my living room for the party. I got the kids on the bus, and moved things around so I had seating for 21 in my living room. In a big circle.
I went to Andreas house at 8am to exercise, and was home at around 9am. I swept and did a few dishes and washed some counters and swept some more and put on some better clothes and made my egg salad sandwiches shaped like dinosaurs and made caramel corn and drank some Diet Mountain Dew and swept some more (did I tell you that my kids crushed some styrofoam yesterday ALL over the house - yeah, still sweeping it up from random places), and all of a sudden, it was 11am. People started trickling in.
I had Jessie (2 kids) and her friend (1 kid) and her friends friend and Bridgette (2 kids) and Kayley (1 kid) and Andrea (1 kid) and Veronica and Laurie (1 kid) and Leigh and Leslie and Aimee (4 kids) and Danielle (1 kid) and Heather (2 kids) and Heidi (3 kids) and Karen (1 kid) and Hillary and Sarah (1 kid). Wow. That's a lot of people and kids. If I counted right, it was 18 women and 22 children.
We ate a TON of food (mostly desserts, mainly cupcakes - hehehe) and chatted and laughed and giggled and played a few games. We did another "under $3" gift exchange and chatted some more. At 3:25pm, everyone was gone, and us moms who get kids from the bus made our way over to the bus stop.
After the bus, Jake and Joe played Wii, with Hunter (Leslies kid) joining them, Eme and Tom went with Veronica to play with Michael and Bella at their soccer games, and Jim and I went to the park to play with Andrea, Luke, and Ben. It was a sunny and nice afternoon at the park.
We came home, and I cleaned up after the party. The kitchen wasn't too bad, but the living room needed some work. I swept up candy wrappers and cake and cookies and frosting and such. hehehe. I put chairs back where they went, and did a load of dishes. It looked pretty good when it was done. But I don't think that I EVER Wanna see another treat again. I feel SICK from all the junk food.......
At 8pm, we turned on a "family movie", and laid down in the living room with pillows and blankets. Captain America came home at 9pm, and joined us for the end of Batman Begins. I think I'm gonna make the man take me out tomorrow late morning for a "date", since I'm too tired tonight. That should be fun :)
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