Hi from Pre-publishing land again! Yep, I'm still back on Tuesday night :) LOL! I sure hope I'm having fun on my trip - hehehe.
So, today was family day at Ft. Knox. I headed off to base at about 8:15, and after sitting and waiting in the car for 15 minutes at the place I "thought" it was at, we were directed somewhere else

We all waited there until 9:00, and then waited some more - LOL! The term, "hurry up and wait" was tossed around a lot. At about 9:25ish, the head guy (yeah, not speaking Army so well - LOL!) told us the rules for the pass (no alcohol, no tobacco, no entering into contracts), and then they marched out the company.

We were all standing behind a white tape marker, and when the guys were finally released, it was a madhouse. DH saw me before I saw him, and he had a HUGE smile on his face! It was WONDERFUL seeing him again!!!! Here we are in front of his barracks.

I signed him out, then we headed for the rental car. The closer we got to the car, the more "normal" he seemed. I think he was having trouble switching out of "soldier" mode while still being there. Here's a pic from the parking lot. What a cutie! He's lost SO much weight since I sent him here!!! Holy cow!

We left base, and came back to my hotel. It was so nice to just hang out, and be "normal" again! It was like he'd never left. He was back to his happy, cheerful self

I feel a little bad, but I am SOOOOOO glad that I left the kids at home - hehehe!
We went out to lunch at Applebee's (let me tell you ladies, they just want to EAT!!!!! when they go off base - they're STARVING!), and a quick trip to Wal-Mart for supplies for him to take to OCS. Then back to the hotel.

We went out to eat at a Mexican Restaurant, which was FABULOUS! So yummy. Again with the eating. He REALLY had to focus on not just scarfing it down. I guess they regularly have to do that, and it's a hard habit to stop. Poor thing! Here's him with his "fried" ice cream. He was so full from the giant taco salad, that he could only eat a few bites.

The guys were supposed to be back at the barracks BEFORE 2100 (9pm). We were in the parking lot at 8pm, and just sat there and chatted. It was so nice. I think we're both "recharged", and ready for the next 16 week training. He'll have his cell phone for the next training, so it should be a lot better. Here's some pics, just before the guys got back into formation.

So, tomorrow at 9am is the Graduation. I get 15 minutes with him after graduation, then he gets on a bus for Ft. Benning. Wish me luck!!!!
Here's a really neat quote I found. It's a part of a Robert Frost poem. Isn't it wonderful?!! Can't wait to see the layouts using October and fall colors and leaves and such! I can see it now!!!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

October - Impact
Leaves - Amelia (or something like that :)