Hola! Busy day again... But then, when isn't it. hehe. I woke up for seminary, and was super tired. I'd Skyped with Captain America last night, and gotten to bed later than expected. So I was super super sleepy by the time I pulled into the parking lot at church. And after our few chapters of the book of mormon got finished, I totally took my nap. And it was SO incredibly nice!
I woke up, and we headed back to post. And got the kids ready for the bus. Fast and furiously. Here's us at the bus. SO freakin' cold. See, here's what my phone said. SUPER cold!

I think that summer is officially gone... Boo :( I'm kinda partial to summer, you know. I guess we can do fall. I guess... It IS the end of October, right??
Anyhow, I headed home, and had about an hour or so before I had to be where I was supposed to be. I really wanted to sleep. Or shower. But didn't have time for either. I needed to get my weekly designing done. I had a few packs to finish off. So I did. See, I CAN be productive when I need to be. hehe.
As soon as it was finished, I got ready and headed out to Walgreens. I was wearing green, and I wanted to buy that cool frog hat. But when I got out the gate, I decided to NOT buy it, and go to Big Lots instead. And look for the cheese balls for the Halloween Goodie bags for the kids. But they didn't have them :(
I did find some Raisinettes for the movies, though. And some 8 oz bottles of hand sanitizer for a quarter. Can't beat that! hehe. I got 8!
I got back to post around 10 am, and headed back home. I changed clothes (I needed something more compfy for the movies), and Kim came over to pick me up.
But first, I took a picture of my poor Scarecrow. He'd tipped over. I fixed him though. hehe :)

Carved pumpkins don't last long here... Oops...

Here's that $0.25 hand sanitizer! Oh yeah!

Kim and I headed out and we went to the Autism Support group on post. I really like to go there. It makes me feel good about my situation, and like I can handle my situation. Know what I mean? To see that there are other people going through my same situation it very comforting. Demented, I know. hehe. To wish that on someone else. hehe :)
Anyway, Kim and I enjoyed ourselves for about an hour and a half, and then it was time to go. She and I headed out, and headed over to Kari's house. We picked her up, and headed over to Carmike 16 to the movies. We were gonna see Dream House. We got a Popcorn and Soda combo, and headed on in.
And it was SUCH A great movie! I really really liked it! It was more of a psychological thriller. And it tied up all great in the end. So it works for me :) Cause I like movies that tie up.
Anyway, we talked about heading right back to post. Cause I needed to clean my kitchen. Cause it's nasty. But they somehow managed to talk me into going Halloween superstore shopping with them. I'm sure they had to twist my arm a lot. ROFL! You know me :)
Check out this CREEPY baby thing! Dang!

Are you my mummy?


Kari needed a helmet for Leo's costume, and the Dollar Tree's were out. So this was our change to find out. But we decided to give the Dollar Tree on Viscount ONE more shot. So off we went after the Halloween Super Store.
I did find some cheese puffs for our Halloween treat bags. And some bread. And a sword for Joe. But no helmet. Oh well. We tried.

We paid, and we headed back to post. Kim dropped us off at our houses, and I bagged up a few of the snacks, just to see what it was gonna look like. And yeah, they're gonna look FABULOUS! I was really quite impressed with them.
I grabbed a few, and headed to the bus stop to pick up the kids and show the girls. But first, I took a picture of myself on Kim's hay and scarecrow display. Cute, huh? hehe.

I chatted with the girls, and we stayed after the kids got off the bus, and let them play by the bus stop. Kim eventually came home, and let me borrow her face paints for our Halloween party at school tonight.
Then we headed home. We had the kids do their chores really quick, then got to work. I decided to be a zombie. Cause face paint is SO much fun. hehe :) And Eme was a zombie soccer player. And Joe was a Zombie cool guy. And because Jim couldn't find his batman costume, he had to be a Zombie soccer player too. Yeah, he wasn't so happy. But that's what you get, right? If you can't keep your room clean enough to find stuff, then you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!
Here's Joe and eme and I.

We headed off to school at 445pm. And got the Hot dogs and chips and drinks combo for dinner. And a few nachos to share. NASTINESS, but it was dinner.

After the kids ate, I let them go into the main part of the gym and play games. It was all math/reading based games, and they really did have a great time and learned a lot. I visited out on the food table with Amanda most of the time. It was too hectic and confusing to follow kids around inside. hehe. Or at least, that's what I was telling myself. ha!
Here's Jim at a station

Leo at a station



We stayed at the Monster Math night for about an hour, then had to gather up all the kid sand head back on post to Jim's soccer game. I took Leo and dropped him off at his house, and Kari too Jim, and dropped him and Josephine off at the game. Amanda met me at my house, and she came with us to the game. I dropped Eme off at the house too, since she's now old enough to stay home alone for a few hours.
But not Joe, so he had to come with me. Tom was at the youth center. So Amanda and Austin and Joe and I headed on over to the Youth Center to pick up Tom, then made our way to the Main Post ball fields for Jim's game. And yeah, the Milam Youth center people sure looked at me funny, what with my sexy zombie looks. ROFL!
Anyway, we got Tom, and from the second he got in the car, he was captain attitude. It was SO bad. I don't know what was the matter, but he was SO Bad. Nothing was right, and he was just crabby at anything and everything. I had to make him sit in the truck alone. Cause he was so naughty.
Kari and Amanda and I went inside the youth center to assemble some of the baggie things. I stuffed 5 cheese puffs into a mini snack baggie. Amanda folded the 4x6 in half. Kari stapled it onto the snack bag. Viola! It's just that simple :) And they look cute. I'll take some real pictures of it tomorrow, ok ?
check out my uber cheese fingers by the time we were done!

We finished up, and had 3 minutes to get out to cheer on our kids! Go yellow team! hehe. Jim and Josephine were done, they ran thought the crowd, got their snack, and we headed back home. I stopped by the shoppette real fast so Amanda could pick up something, then dropped her back off at her car.
We came inside, and I helped the boys get all the paint off of their faces. And then got it off of mine. And threw them in the shower.
And while they were showering, I took 5 large white trash bags into their room, and picked up EVERYTHING on the floor. 2 bags for clothes/shoes, and 2 bags for toys/trash. Now, if there's somethign in there that they NEED, they have to do a special job to earn it back. If not, you can get your crap back on Sunday after church. Then you have to put it all away.
So I speed gathered, and it's now on my bed in 4 massive bags. We'll see if the boys figure out where their crap went... hehe. They're pretty smart. I bet they figure it out before sunday...
I got them in bed, then had to field whiny 11 year old crap from Tom. He and Jake were getting into it, and at one point, I had to take away his text book to get him to listen to me. Sad, I know. But I have no other leverage with the child. Grounding him from school work. Nice. It that REALLY whats it's come to? LOL. Know your audience, right? ha!
I loaded my store, and uploaded my pictures to Facebook, then started blogging. And here it is, 10:45pm, and I'm SO tired. I keep saying that I'm gonna go to sleep early one of these days. Then it doesn't' happen. But really. One of these days. I really will.
OK, so I'm totally falling asleep. So I need to get off of here. And go to sleep. ZZZZZZzzzzzz. Night, all!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Great Star Wars page, Sharon, my dear! You did a fabulous job! My kids would LOVE to go to a Star Wars place - hehe :)