Well, another day down :) 7am felt pretty early this morning - hehehe. I got the kids ready and out the door, and sat down with Breakfast and my computer. I spent a few hours online. Designing. Housekeeping. Working on store projects. Around 10:30am, Hilary came over. Yeah, I was still lovely. Stripped socks. Coca Cola sweats. T-shirt. Zip up hoodie. Glasses. Messy hair. Yeah, I was real hot. hehehe. She stayed until Captain America got home for lunch, then went home to meet Paul.
So this was me last night, when I took a pic of myself right before I went to bed. Yeah, I coudln't have looked too much different this morning. LOL! Thanks, Hilary, for still being my friend....

I ate with Captain America and the kids, then hopped in the shower. Yeah, I felt prettier after the shower - hehehe.

After lunchtime, around 2pm, Hilary came over, and we went grocery shopping for our Camping trip. When she was over earlier, we'd made out a menu, and a shopping list, so we went to buy the stuff.
First, we hit Walmart. We got some of the stuff there, then headed to Sonic. Yeah, our Happy Hour sodas tasted a bit off, so we told the dude that it must be flat or something, because our Diet Dr Peppers tasted weird. Yeah, that's because they're not diet, he said. So he traded them out for Diets, AND gave us free coupons for next time. Sa-weet!!! Gotta love Sonic.
Next, we headed to the Commissary. She'd bought the stuff at Walmart, which was about $35, and I got the stuff at the Commissary, which was about $35. Worked out perfectly :) We're eating together for the campout. We got stuff for hot dogs, chili, baked beans, foil dinners, pancakes, sausage & eggs, french toast, chicken stew, and a few other meals. Along with Smores and Cherry Chocolate cake and Pineapple Upside down cake. Yeah, we're gonna eat well this weekend. WELL, they're gonna eat well this weekend. Hilary and I are on a diet. Sigh. I can smell it, right?
Check out this 5lb bag of peanuts we found, for around $5. Not too shabby, eh?

Came back home, put the stuff away, cooked dinner, ate on the back porch with the kids, did some laundry, and got Tom ready for football equipment turn ins, and took the other kids up to the pool. Captain America said that he was gonna take Tom. We hung at the pool till about 7pm, then headed home.
We pulled up at the same time as Captain America. Huh? Apparently, when he texted earlier, he'd meant that I was supposed to take Tom to football. Dang, didn't read that. So we all changed from the pool, and loaded up in the truck, and we all went to the football field. It was over, but coach was still there, along with a few other people. The team had signed a photo and had it framed for all the coaches, along with a plaque. Captain America got one of each. And Tom got a participation trophy. It was pretty cool.
After that, we all loaded back up, and headed to Big 5 Sports. Captain America needed some baseball pants for morning PT. He's on the battery baseball team (which plays in the AM PT slot), and he'd nastified his leg from just wearing shorts and sliding. So the baseball pants were in order.
OMGosh, I remember why I leave most or all of the kids home when shopping. DANG, there's a lot of them. And they weren't really being bad, there was just so many of them, that milling around in a sporting good store for 15 minutes while Captain America tired on pants was PAINFUL. Yeah, I was super on edge by the time we left.
We got home, and the little boys had fallen asleep in the truck. I'm gonna have to have Joe do his homework when he wakes up in the morning. We put the kids to bed, then he sat down to do some work on his computer, and I started blogging. It's 9:24pm right now, and I'm tired. I think I may be turning in early tonight.
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