Anyway, I woke up at almost 10am. And posted something on Facebook about wishing that I could go shopping. And Kim responded, and said that she'd go with me! Oh yeah, a shopping buddy!!! But she "bad mouthed" me into showering for the day. How rude, right? hehe. Actually what she said was that she was stinky and that she wanted to shower. Peer pressure at it's worst.... LMBO!
I got up, and started to get ready for the day. And yeah, it was about time for a shower. hehe.
And Jim!
Eme's such a cutie :)
Me by the tree!
Nope, no crowds! It's wasn't that packed! We were somewhat disappointed :( hehe. We got an up front parking spot, even! Kim's handicapped sticker helped. LOL! Her broken back has it's perks. (did I say that outloud???)
We headed inside, got a cart, and started looking around :) And you know me, I always find the BEST stuff at Wally World... hehe :)
Kim does too!
Kim had some gift cards for Macy's, so that was our first stop. $100, in fact! Pretty cool. Of course, that doesn't really go very far. hehe. But they did have some good sales, I guess. It's not Saver's $0.99 or anything, but still. It was ok, I guess...
We looked around, and found some clearance racks. And some funky mannequins. Like this one. Really? They have nipples? Are you kidding me???
Kim got a few clearance things, and some sweet deals on sweaters. Some SUPER cute ones! I got a few $5 tops, and we paid, and were out of there. We walked around for a bit, and found out that they'd opened a Jewelry Box back up there! We found a few things, then headed upstairs to Hot Topic! And got a scratch off coupon for 20% off! Oh yeah!!!
Check out this hat that we found! hehe :)
Kim tried on the pink and teal one hanging wall. Super cute!We paid ($17.50), and headed to Marble Slab for some Ice Cream. I'd never been, and Kim wanted to share! She said it was like Cold Stone. Bring it on!
Check out the Santa's Village area! Super cool from up above!
We paid, and headed out, and then decided that we needed to put on our cool new hats! We'd totally forgotten about them! We could have been wearing them the whole time! ha!
I tried to get in the car, and my horns totally hit the roof! So Kim opened the sunroof! Much better! ROFL!
Even the tassles were hairy!
Kim! Where'd ya go???
This was SUPER cute, but really? Chest fur????It says that it wasn't that cold but I SWEAR it was colder with the wind chill! Like 35-45 or so!
We watched some cartoons, then some Christmas shows. I blogged, and the kids played on the computer. Joe spent the night at Kim's house, and Jake did his homework from the week or so he was at the hospital. Not all the classes had a ton of homework, so it only took him a couple of hours.
And yeah, I'm ready for school to start again. The kids are getting a bit stir crazy. At the moment, everyone is getting along. But fights have been breaking out. hehe. You moms of boys, and of teen-ish boys, you totally know what I'm talking about. That Christmas song that talks about "Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again" is SO true in my case!!! LOL :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
LOL, what a cute smile!!! Sweet layout, Sharon, my dear!!!