Wow, long day today. And yeah, I know you think that I ALWAYS have super long days, but this days was EVEN longer! Seriously. hehe.
Got up a little after 7am, read scriptures, said prayers, and got the kids ready for school. Luckily they were almost all ready to go, cause it was practically that time. I considered going back to bed after Captain America left at 7:45am ish, but Kari and I decided to go walking the 4 mile loop on post instead. We were gonna go hiking, but I wanted to stay close to home this morning. I knew Captain America was getting off at some point in the morning, but not at what time. So an on post walk was perfect.

We had a very nice pace going.

I came back home, got Jim ready for school, Jake was already working on school, and I hopped in the shower and got all ready for the day. Captain America's unit was having a Deployment Ceremony, and I wanted to look pretty for pictures :)
And I still hadn't heard from Captain America, so I headed up to ACS (Army Community Services) to sign up for the Waiting Families (Family Covenant) program. We get 16 hours of free child care per kid per month, free classes, free sports, free stuff galore. I just needed a copy of orders, and to fill out a form. Sa-weet! I finished that off, and headed back home.

Jim went on the bus, and I headed back out to the PX. Captain America wanted a Point N Shoot camera to take with him when he deploys, and I thought that if I was getting a cheap one for him, I might as well get a cheap one for myself. Right? Sound reasoning? hehe.
So I found the one that I wanted at the PX (Fugifilm - 12 Mega Pixels/5x zoom), got the memory card, and got one for Captain America, and met him in the food court for lunch. We tried out a new Mexican place right in the PX, and it was SUPER yummy. We broke out our cameras, and snapped a few pictures.

See, twin cameras!

This salad was simply DIVINE! The chicken was super tasty, and those carrots were grilled and WONDERFUL! Mmmmm!

This is ice cream, and really doesn't need much more explanation. It was wonderful!

After eating, we had about 45 minutes before he needed to be back for formation, so we hung out at the PX. Mostly in the toy section - ROFL! Me and some light sabers!

We ended up getting an additional foot locker for Captain America, and some hot wheels for a race tonight!
We left at around 1:15pm, Captain America going to Formation, and me going back home to pick up Jake. And he and I headed off post to pick up the kids from school. It took forever, but we eventually got all of the kids, and headed back on post to the ceremony.

When we got to Milam gym, they were practicing. And we still had about 30 minutes to kill. BUT, it was super crowded. People everywhere. Jake was NOT in a good mood. NOT at all. His Autism was kicking in, and he just wanted to go home, so he made sure that it was MISERABLE for everyone else. Sigh.
This is Charlie Battery, the one that Captain America is in. Not everyone in the unit was in the ceremony. Captain America got to sit in the bleachers with us! I was very happy :) This is just a small portion of his group. The lady in the front is his Commander.

Jimmy had the best time with his daddy.

At one point, they had the BTN CDR roll up the BTN flag, and wrap it up, and make it "ready" to deploy. Kinda cool. I'd never seen that before.

This is Jake, deciding that he DID NOT wanna listen anymore, so he stuck his fingers in his ears, and sat there for like 30 minutes like that. Gotta give the kid props for persistence...

After the ceremony, we all headed outside. Captain America's Battery had a meeting, and the kids and I hung out near the front of the gym. They had 3 John Deere tractor lawn mowers there, and the kids had a BALL playing on them. And no one came to yell at them to tell them to get off, so it was even better!

Mrs DeLaTorre took a photo of our whole family. Yeah, Jake chose not to be in it. Sigh... Maybe we can Photoshop him....

We were eventually done, and headed home. I took the kids in the truck, and Captain America followed behind in his truck. We dropped off all of our junk at home, and headed out to dinner. We were gonna go to Golden Corral. Kids all have stuff that they like to eat there, and dessert is included. Works for us!
And this is my VERY favorite salad, I've decided. Lettuce, blue cheese, cranberries, crunchy noodles, bacon, olives, and I had vinegar for the dressing. SO good.

They ate so much ice cream, it almost made ME sick - LOL!

We had fun at the end, sitting around deciding what facial tricks we could or could not do. Like rolling your tongue, or flaring your nostrils, or wiggling your ears. Kinda cool. Maybe not the best "restaurant" behavior, though. LOL!
Walmart was RIGHT next door, so after we were done eating, we headed over there. We needed just a few things, and actually stuck to our list fairly well. We paid, and headed home.
And set up the race track for a Hot Wheel race! It was a GREAT time. We kinda had to pull the dog back so he didn't eat the cars, though. He was getting suPER excited!

Check out this shirt I got! I designed the Charlie 2-43 ADA part. And picked the font. I thought it was a good one. And cleaned up the logo that Captain America drew. So they gave me a free shirt. I like it :)

We're #1!!! OK, so maybe Jim was #1, but who's keeping score...

After the race, we put the track away, sent kids to bed, and Captain America and I went to the garage to get it all organized. We're putting all of the "Captain America things" that I won't use while he's deployed into the trailer. It was a bigger project than we expected, but we worked together and got it done. It was very nice to work on a project with him! Thanks, hon! I enjoyed it :) Much better than a movie!
After we were mostly done, we called it good for the night, and came back inside. He had some computer work to do, and I needed to get started on photos and blogging. And now, here it is, almost 11:30pm. I'm sleepy. We've got a FULL schedule for tomorrow, too. Wish us luck!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
4shared (I totally jinxed it yesterday when I praised it...)
box.netAwe, what a PRECIOUS little baby, Sharon!