My hubby decided to spend the evening on Thursday night playing on the computer with just the right amount of work thrown in so that I woudln't complain. Then, there was no time left for getting the trailer out of the garage. Why is that a problem, you might ask? Well, remember my picture of my garage at my last home. All the stuff thrown in there? A lot of it has found it's way into our trailer here. The trailer is in the garage, so that it's not an eye sore for our neighborhood. Which makes the garage full. Which means crap gets thrown in the trailer. See my problem?
So after Captain America left for work this morning, I went out to the garage to get started. OMGosh! It was piled to the ceiling. Not fun. I had to pull all the junk out (some of it was quite heavy), and still leave a walkway through the garage. Then, all of my unsold garage sale items were piled sky high behind the trailer. Sigh.
I decided that the best bet was to donate the garage sale times first. I loaded up the truck, and headed to Goodwill. About a 15 minute drive. I knew it opened at 8am, so I got there at 9am, thinking I'd be all set. No one was there. I rang the bell, still no one. We drove to the front of the store, only to find a sign saying that effective July 9th, the store would open at 10am. Nice.
So, I drive back across town, and get ready to go onto post, only to discover I can't find my ID. Crap. How am I gonna get on post without it. I pull up to the guard, looking all flustered, and explain that my wallet must be at home on my nightstand, since I cleaned out my purse last night. I ask what my option are. He smiles real nice, and says "run home, get it, and come right back. Just don't speed". I love you, security guard man! I hurried (but not too fast) home, and went to my room to see where I'd misplaced my wallet. Nothing. Looked under the bed. Nothing. Looked in the blankets. Nothing. Hmmmm,
Maybe it fell out of my purse in the truck. We did make a sharp corner, tipping Jimmy's car seat over when we left Goodwill. I went out to the truck, and opened the passengers side door. Out falls the wallet. Thank goodness!
I got back in the truck, and drove back out to the gate. I showed the little man my ID, explained what happened, thanked him perfusely, and headed back home. I finished unloading the rest of the trailer, and had Jake and Tom both help me ease it out in to the driveway. Boy, was it heavy. But, we managed.
We pulled out all the tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, cots, and back packs (filled with clothes that the kids packed the night before), and set them next to the trailer. Captain America can pack it when he gets home.
By the time I got that all done, it was 10am. So, back to Goodwill we went. They took all the stuff (thank goodness!), and we headed back home. On the way, I decided to stop at Big Lots and get a few more flashlights. I also came away with a new pair of black capris and some sandals for myself. And a bag of generic cheetos for the kids.
We came in a different gate, so I wouldn't be embarassed again (hehehe), and started back to work again. I worked until Captain America got home for lunch. I cooked food for the kids and for myself, then took a break. No more packing for me for a while. Most of it was done, anyway. I took a break at around 1pm to make cupcakes. We're supposed to bring a side dish or dessert to share for dinner at the campout. I made Carrot Cake CupCakes with Cream Cheese frosting. Mmmmmm, they looked really yummy. I even had extras, so I didn't have to listen to my kids whine about why they had to wait till tonight to eat them - ha!
I spent a while doing dishes, then a while designing. I'm gonna have a WordArt collab with Jen of Graham Like the Cracker here soon, and I needed to get started with it. 1/2 way done! I also designed my WordArt for Saturday, and am getting this blog post ready to go. See, aren't I efficient!
We'll be in New Mexico tonight and tomorrow, and will hopefully be home by dinner on Saturday night. Cloudcroft, I think. I don't know - hehehe. I do have the directions, though. I just follow them :)
This WordArt request comes from Deborah. Her best friend is having a birthday next month, and she wanted to get her something special. She thought a quote about the bond between a mother and her child would be perfect. I couldn't agree more! I hope you like what I came up with, girl! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!