I posted a few pics from our family walks we've been taking. Here's one of me and my dad, posing in front of the Casino - ok, so not in front, but it's WAY off there in the back ground. You can see it through the trees at this "dead end" street near our house. Hehehe. My diet is working pretty good, don't ya think! I'm down to 152!!! Woohoo!

Here's Tom and I at Dairy Queen. We walked there for dinner last night (well, they ate there, I had water then came home and had my stir fry). It's probably a mile away. But it's through "Old Town" Florence, and it was neat walking past all of those "touristy" places I usually avoid :)

Hehehe, and I just had to share this one. This is Jacobs (my 10 year old) General Grevious (Star Wars) action figure, that he wrapped up like a mummy. Tom (my 8 year old) was reading a book all about mummies today, and Jacob thought it would be pretty neat to make one himself. Jacob was so proud of his work, and made my mom take a picture of it right when she got home from work. Heheheh, thought I'd share.

This WordArt request is from Laura. What an incredibly cute quote! I LOVED it the instant I saw it :) Hope you like what I did with it.
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks, girls!

Curious - An Unfortunate Event DeWarped
Adventures - Charade JF
Curious - An Unfortunate Event DeWarped
Adventures - Charade JF