CPT and Jake were home until 3, so we decided to all do lunch together. We had to drop Eme off at 8am at Volleyball camp in the morning, then hung out at home. Jake woke up around 9. He watched cartoons with the little boys. Although, at one point, CPT did hear the cartoons noise change. He went to check on the kids, and Jake had somehow convinced them to change the program to something that HE wanted to watch. Jim later told us that Jake had said "THIS IS DUMB" over and over and over until they relented and let him watch what he wanted to watch.... Poor little boys. CPT fixed it and they got to watch their cartoons again.
Eventually, it was noon-ish, and we went to pick up Emeline. We told everyone that we were going for Chinese. Jake just wanted to go to the youth center. He didn't want to go to family lunch. So we left him at the Youth Center. And we all headed out for lunch.
A while back, the girls and I had gone to lunch at a SUPER yummy and cheap place on Dyer. It used to be an Italian joint, I'm guessing, because there were statues of Italian chefs out front. LOL. And they never took them down. So it's a Chinese restaurant with Italian chefs out front. CPT was dubious. The place looked shady. Plus is WAS on Dyer. That place IS shady.
But it was SUPER cute on the inside. They dumped all their money inside. You sat at tables with couches. They had a HUGE circular fish tank that the boys were fascinated with. We ordered off of the lunch menu, and it was only around $4.50 per person! Awesome! And the portions were MASSIVE! We all brought food back for dinner! hehe :) So now I didn't have to cook, either :)
Jim got Sweet & Sour chicken, Eme got pepper steak, Joe and I got the almond chicken, and CPT got... um... yeah, I can't remember. Something with beef. It was good! We all got the white rice with it. It came with egg drop soup. They brought us little bowls, and a HUGE bowl of soup for our table. The kids LOVED the soup. We ordered 2 orders of Crab Ragoon to share. LOVE that stuff. And we got some crunchy thingys for the soup. Yeah, I LOVE that restaurant!
After lunch, we went to Walmart for a few necessities. And ended up meandering the store for an hour or so. We ended up talking to a grandma lady about special needs to quite some time. She hugged us when we were done. hehe. She made us promise to take the kids to the Grand Canyon before we left the El Paso area. LOL.
Then we headed back home. CPT and Joe washed the cars, and I headed to my doctors appointment. It was just a meds recheck. I think they wanna make sure that I'm not getting depressed again. And can you blame them? With the amount of stress going on in my life???
I said how I was feeling a bit anxious a lot, and a bit depressed. But how it was to be expected, what with all the crap going on. How I've been crying a lot, and been not as interested in the things that I used to be interested in. So they upped my antidepressant. We shall see if that works. Hopefully I feel better. Can't make it any worse, right???
When I got home, CPT was ready to head back to camp. He picked up Jake, and off they went. And I haven't heard from them since. No cell reception up there :(
The kids and hunkered down for a Friday night at home. Then Laura texted, and asked if we'd go and collect a package from her doorstep. Sigh. I LOVE Laura, and of COURSE I would, but I'd JUST put on my jammies, and had hunkered...... So I grabbed my purse, and the kids, and loaded into the Saturn, and we headed across town.
We grabbed the box, stashed it in the backyard, and decided to swing by the kids' old school from when we first moved to El Paso. Laura lives REALLY close to there. Then we drove by our old house. The new tenants had planted shrubs and put down some decorative rock. It looked really nice.
Then we headed home, and hunkered for real. LOL. I watched a few episodes of that newer series "The River", and the kids watched TV. Then I put everyone to bed, and yup, that was our Friday night.
The men (CPT, Jake, and Tom) come home on Saturday. But I'm not sure what time. They said noon. I'm not holding my breath. hehe. But miracles DO happen - ha!
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