I thought that this quote was really cool! And, I could envision layouts of night time, under the stars. Or layouts of little kids looking up, with that twinkling in their eyes :) Anyway, I liked it :) And, my hubby likes the band Rush, so even better :)
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)
Welcome to my Site
You can reach me at: bnbharty@gmail.com and I'll try my best to answer. I get a crazy amount of email, so PLEASE don't hate me if you don't hear back from me. Love ya!
Click here for my Terms of Use
Click here for my Terms of Use
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Never Ending
More packing....I got the kids homeschool computer all ready to ship back, and the library/computer room packed up. Most of the clothes are washed (that's a BIG accomplishment in a family of 7 - LOL). Most of the food is all packed up. I'm getting there! Slowly, but surely :)
AND, I have all my wordart freebies done through the 26th of July!!! Woohoo! I got done cleaning/packing today, and needed a little "Me" time with the old 'puter! hehehe. So, if my posts from here out sound a little dry, it's because they were all written LAST NIGHT - lmbo :)
Yep, another Brad Paisley song. He's my hubby's favorite Country Singer! Gotta love Brad. That's what DH calls Brad Paisley. I think it's so funny that he's on "first name basis" with the guy - LMBO! It's always "Brad's on the radio", or "Brad sings about this", or whatever. Too cute!!! Aren't boys funny!
I thought this would be cute on SO many layouts, but especially little people loving their mom/dad/sibling/pet. Too cute! I can already see the layout.....
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
AND, I have all my wordart freebies done through the 26th of July!!! Woohoo! I got done cleaning/packing today, and needed a little "Me" time with the old 'puter! hehehe. So, if my posts from here out sound a little dry, it's because they were all written LAST NIGHT - lmbo :)
Yep, another Brad Paisley song. He's my hubby's favorite Country Singer! Gotta love Brad. That's what DH calls Brad Paisley. I think it's so funny that he's on "first name basis" with the guy - LMBO! It's always "Brad's on the radio", or "Brad sings about this", or whatever. Too cute!!! Aren't boys funny!
I thought this would be cute on SO many layouts, but especially little people loving their mom/dad/sibling/pet. Too cute! I can already see the layout.....
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Never - Impact
Ending - Eight Fifteen
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Too Much Fun
Just had to share a few pics of my DH getting sworn in to the US Army. Isn't he a cutie!!! These were taken on Tuesday, up in Columbus Ohio at MEPS.

OK, you guys, just wanted to let you know, that I'm not gonna do anymore requests until I get to Oregon. It may be a couple of weeks. So, if you have a request in, I will eventually get to it, but it'll take longer than normal :) LOL!
I hope to get some designing done tomorrow, and have freebies for ya all the way through my move, but I may miss a day or two, and if I do, I hope you understand :) I think I'm gonna do some song quotes, since they're pretty fun, easy to find, and require little brain power on my part - lol!!!
Here's a great one! I'm excited to use it on a layout of my youngest son, Jim. He's such a little rascal. Always getting into stuff he shouldn't. Always getting dirty. Always into stuff! This will be PERFECT for him! I'm sure you all have a child/sibling/friend/ someone JUST like that :) Ha!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)

I hope to get some designing done tomorrow, and have freebies for ya all the way through my move, but I may miss a day or two, and if I do, I hope you understand :) I think I'm gonna do some song quotes, since they're pretty fun, easy to find, and require little brain power on my part - lol!!!
Here's a great one! I'm excited to use it on a layout of my youngest son, Jim. He's such a little rascal. Always getting into stuff he shouldn't. Always getting dirty. Always into stuff! This will be PERFECT for him! I'm sure you all have a child/sibling/friend/ someone JUST like that :) Ha!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)

Too, Much, Fun - Pussycat
Too, Much, Fun - Pussycat
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sales and New Stuff!
Well, since I'm gonna be gone here in a matter of DAYS (wow, it's still shocking to think about - lol), I wanted to get some new stuff out before I left. Here are 4 new WordArt packs for ya all!
Plus, I have a special running through the 24th of July. If you purchase any 3 of my WordArt packs, you'll get my Bottle Cap WordArts for FREE!!! Great deal, eh? (good through the 24th)
And, I'm gonna pick one lucky person to receive a FREE Custom WordArt! For every WordArt pack purchased, your name will be entered into a drawing for it! Aren't you excited!!! I'll pick the winner before I leave for my trip on July 25th.
Plus, I have a special running through the 24th of July. If you purchase any 3 of my WordArt packs, you'll get my Bottle Cap WordArts for FREE!!! Great deal, eh? (good through the 24th)
And, I'm gonna pick one lucky person to receive a FREE Custom WordArt! For every WordArt pack purchased, your name will be entered into a drawing for it! Aren't you excited!!! I'll pick the winner before I leave for my trip on July 25th.

Are We There Yet?
OH NO! I totally forgot about WordArt Wednesday! Luckily I remembered before it go TOO far into Wednesday. So, my mistake was to your benefit. Now, you get 2 WordArts today :) Here's the link to the new WordArt Wednesday Week 6 at Scraporchard. Remember, you need to be signed into the gallery to get the WordArt.
I thought it was appropriate, since I'm moving next week - AAAHHHH!!! hehehe.
Click HERE to go to the gallery at Scraporchard and get the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Blogger may or may not be having issues on my 'puter, so if there's no preview, I'm SO SORRY. I'll try and get it fixed later today :)
I thought it was appropriate, since I'm moving next week - AAAHHHH!!! hehehe.
Click HERE to go to the gallery at Scraporchard and get the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Blogger may or may not be having issues on my 'puter, so if there's no preview, I'm SO SORRY. I'll try and get it fixed later today :)
Family Happiness
OK, you guys! HOLY COW!!!! We were at MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) FOR EVER yesterday! Captain America had to be there at 6am (i got there at 11), and we didn't get in to see our guy until about 4pm. It was a long day of waiting :) But, we found out our state date. 4 weeks? NO. 3 weeks? NO. How about 2? I can make 2 work. NO. 9 days. Yep. 1 1/2 week. HOLY CRAP! Can I do this?......... Yeah, I can do it :) I'll make it work. I'm tough!
So, as I'm writing this (last night!), I'm totally fried, and SO THANKFUL that I did this WordArt project with Joy from ShareJoy last week! It was a lifesaver (too wiped out to design tonight). So, here's a really cool WordArt using Joy's new kit, which is releasing soon at Benevolent Boutique. Her kit was AWESOME!!! And, if you go to her site, EVENTUALLY hers will be there too. If it's not there when you first visit it, just keep checking back.
So, click on the WordArt below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and then click on the next WordArt to go to Joy's site. ENJOY!!!

So, as I'm writing this (last night!), I'm totally fried, and SO THANKFUL that I did this WordArt project with Joy from ShareJoy last week! It was a lifesaver (too wiped out to design tonight). So, here's a really cool WordArt using Joy's new kit, which is releasing soon at Benevolent Boutique. Her kit was AWESOME!!! And, if you go to her site, EVENTUALLY hers will be there too. If it's not there when you first visit it, just keep checking back.
So, click on the WordArt below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and then click on the next WordArt to go to Joy's site. ENJOY!!!

I know how much you guys LOVE to know what fonts I use, but it might be a while before I can get to this. Once we get past these 2 weeks, I'll have a bit more free time :) Sorry, guys :)
I know how much you guys LOVE to know what fonts I use, but it might be a while before I can get to this. Once we get past these 2 weeks, I'll have a bit more free time :) Sorry, guys :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Imagine, Believe, Achieve
What a perfect WordArt for today!!! Thanks to Jana for suggesting it! Awesome :)
OK, you guys, I wanted to share with you the BIG changes in the Harty Household. My hubby is joining the United States Army as an Officer!!! We're going up to Columbus today to sign the papers, and he's getting sworn in!!! We should find out the date he goes into Basic Training (the kids and I are moving back to Oregon to live with my family).
That should be 9 weeks, then OCS (officer candidate school) is about 16 weeks. After that, I think we get to come too! We really are excited about all the changes, and think it will be a good life change for us! We're used to moving around, so that won't be a problem. AND, I'm looking forward to being with my parents out in Oregon. We haven't been back for a visit since the summer of 2005.
So, be sure to think good thoughts for us today! I'll have more info tomorrow :) So, back to WordArt - Imagine, Believe, Achieve! This is SO us on our journey into the military. Captain America had to lose a LOT of weight to get in, and he did it. And in like 8 weeks!!! So, thanks again Jana for the WordArt request. It was PERFECT!!! I'm so proud of my husband, and for his willingness to serve our country. I know he's going to do a wonderful job!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)

OK, you guys, I wanted to share with you the BIG changes in the Harty Household. My hubby is joining the United States Army as an Officer!!! We're going up to Columbus today to sign the papers, and he's getting sworn in!!! We should find out the date he goes into Basic Training (the kids and I are moving back to Oregon to live with my family).
That should be 9 weeks, then OCS (officer candidate school) is about 16 weeks. After that, I think we get to come too! We really are excited about all the changes, and think it will be a good life change for us! We're used to moving around, so that won't be a problem. AND, I'm looking forward to being with my parents out in Oregon. We haven't been back for a visit since the summer of 2005.
So, be sure to think good thoughts for us today! I'll have more info tomorrow :) So, back to WordArt - Imagine, Believe, Achieve! This is SO us on our journey into the military. Captain America had to lose a LOT of weight to get in, and he did it. And in like 8 weeks!!! So, thanks again Jana for the WordArt request. It was PERFECT!!! I'm so proud of my husband, and for his willingness to serve our country. I know he's going to do a wonderful job!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)

Imagine, Believe, Achieve - Charade JF
Imagine, Believe, Achieve - Charade JF
Monday, July 14, 2008
Love Stories
Is it REALLY Monday again? Boy does the time slip by! And JULY? Holy cow! Where did the year go? Things are getting crazy hectic around the Harty household, and it's only gonna get more crazy in the next few months!! Big changes coming our way :) (I'll have more details tomorrow), and I hope I survive it all - lol! But, I'm just taking it one day at a time, and trying to enjoy it all!!!
This WordArt request comes from Dana. She has a friend who's husband recently died from cancer, and thought that this quote would make a nice wordart for them. I hope you like it :) Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
This WordArt request comes from Dana. She has a friend who's husband recently died from cancer, and thought that this quote would make a nice wordart for them. I hope you like it :) Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wow! We had a busy Saturday. We did a bit of "Spring Cleaning" in the morning (wait, it's summer, so what's it called now?), then took some stuff out to our storage shed in the afternoon. We went to Wal-Mart and picked up our photos (remember, us in the flag shirts :), and stayed and hung out in Wal-Mart for 2 hours, I think. We bought their $5.00 deli sandwiches, and ate them at the in-store Subway (ha! we're such rebels!) We had a little bit of grocery shopping, a little "sunday clothes" shopping, and a little bit of school shopping to do. Funny, that going to Wal-Mart is our "night out on the town". Ha!!!
This WordArt request is from Maria. She recently lost a dear friend, and wanted to create a page in his memory. She came up with the quote herself (I changed it a bit to flow in WordArt form - hope you don't mind, Maria).
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

This WordArt request is from Maria. She recently lost a dear friend, and wanted to create a page in his memory. She came up with the quote herself (I changed it a bit to flow in WordArt form - hope you don't mind, Maria).
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Strength, laughter, joy, endless - Al Sandra
Strength, laughter, joy, endless - Al Sandra
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