Hi all! Man oh man was I tired when I got up at 7am this morning! I managed to get the kids dressed, get the teacher presents all together, get Toms gift exchange gift wrapped, get Jim and Jake situated, get myself dressed, and get out the door by 7:45am. I dropped the kids off at school, and walked them to their classes even.
I came back home, and was SO tired. I turned on Cartoons in my room, climbed into bed, and let Jimmy watch (and Jake do school). I slept from 8-9:15am when my Mom called. I woke up, and felt a little better. A little bit. I had time to shower and get ready and drive on up to the kids' school.
They were having Christmas parties for each of the kids, and I got to come! It was the first time. I'd always had little kids at home, and it's always distracting (to me at least) to have to bring small children while trying to spend time with the older ones. So I never went. But now with Jacob old enough to babysit, I was able to go.
I got there right at 11am, and the guard was JUST unlocking the gate. Score it! I didn't have to park in the front - yeah! I went to Joe's classroom first, but they weren't quite ready to start the party. I found Tom at the playground, and he introduced me to a few of his friends.
I wandered down to Eme's classroom, and their party was in full swing. I went and sat by her at her desk, and she showed me all of her stuff. She'd made a snow globe out of a baby food jar, glitter, baby oil, and a small toy. It was SO cute. She had some coloring pages, and I helped her color for a little while.
Her teacher always has such nice things to say about her. Eme really is a good student, and a great little girl. I think I'll keep her :)
Next I went to Toms class. They'd just had their gift exchange, and were passing out all the treats. SO many treats. Dang, treats everywhere. Tom was building his toy that he got from the gift exchange. A hot wheels track. He was SO proud of it :) He introduced me to a few more of his friends, and I wandered down to Joe's class.
They were playing a "musical chairs" type game. They passed around the stuffed animal, and said a little rhyme about it as they went. If you were holding it when the rhyme was over, then you were out. The kids were having SO much fun. Only in Kindergarten - LOL!
After the game, we gathered up all their stuff, grabbed his goody bag, and headed out with all of the other Ft Bliss kids. I gathered up all my kids, and we headed home. The kids were SO nice to share their goodies with Jacob and Jim, since they didn't get a party. Such nice kids :)
Captain America was home when we got there (about 12:30), and said that the blender broke. Crap. Good thing I had a fund called "Household repairs" with about $40 in it. At least I had money to replace it.
I was still tired, so I went into my room, and took another nap. I know, I know, story of my day, right? It's nap day, apparently. Maybe I'm getting sick, besides being tired.
At around 2pm, Andrea texted me and asked if I wanted to go to Walmart with her. She had to get some distilled water for the humidifier, and diapers. I needed a blender, so I went! The kids were doing their chores, and then were gonna play the computer. They were all settled in :)
We went to Walmart, and it was pretty busy. But we found what Andrea needed, and I even found the things that Jake/Tom needed. Undies, black socks, white socks, and deoderant. And tissues for Joe. I forgot that Joe wanted black socks too. Next time, Joe!
No blender, though. They had some weaker ones, but I wanted to get a powerful one. Captain America's milkshakes have ice, and it needs to be able to cut through it. Andrea said that we could stop at Target and look. It was kind of on the way home.
And they did! And it was on sale. $30 for the same one that Wal Mart was out of. And the same price. And Captain America would be happy because it was not from Walmart. ROFL! We headed home, and all was well.
Oh yeah, I'd bought a frozen lasagna, brown and serve rolls, and bagged salad at WalMart for dinner, too. I didn't feel like cooking....
So I got home at 3pm, and guess what? I took another nap. I woke up at 4:30pm, ad put the lasagna in the oven, and went back to lay in bed. Jimmy and I put Ratatoullie in to watch, and I dozed, and he watched. I don't think he's feeling terribly well either. He's usually not so snuggly.
We had dinner at 5:30pm, and I made the kids do their chores again. Captain America got home at around 7pm, and went to make his shakes on the new blender. I was excited to try it out. And it didn't work. Dang. What's that all about. Well, come to find out, the old blender wasn't broken. The outlet just needed reset. Crap. SO, we pulled the old one out of the trash, washed it all up, and it worked just fine. So we boxed back up the new one, and will take it back to Target. Or save it for when the old one finally does die. I'm not sure yet. I guess they'll always have sales, right? What's that saying "The universe will provide"??
We were thinking about going out on a date, but I was tired (and had bad cramps), and he was tired. We wanted to go and see Avatar, but it was sold out. "Did you Hear about the Someone or anothers" looked good, but was gonna be $12. And our budget for entertainment for the rest of the month is only $15. The Vampires Assistant was only $4, but it wasn't until 9:20pm, and we were both tired. We decided to skip the date, do what we needed to do around the house, and go to bed early. Sounded like a plan to me.
Even with all the napping, I was STILL tired. Definitely sounds like I'm getting sick. Sigh.
So here it is, 9:15pm, I'm done blogging, I'm gonna make a freebee real quick, and I may watch some TV on the internet. Lie to Me, or Fringe, or Medium. Those are my favorites. Saturday is our Wards Christmas Party. Should be a good time. I'm not sure what we're doing the rest of the day. Sleep will probably be high on our list - ROFL! All of my kids are still out in the living room, playing and having a good time. Pretty soon, I'm gonna have to be the bad guy and break up the party. Do you suppose that they'll sleep in? The big ones, possibly. But probably not the little ones.....
So Saturday is the day that I wanted to take the Old WordArts, and re-do them. Funny thing is, though, that I may like the old one better - ROFL! Not that I don't like the new one. I do think it's cool. But I just REALLY like the old one. So, click HERE to go to the old one, and click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file.