Why hello there! So, how was Christmas Eve??? Huh??? Was it wonderful???
Mine stared out around 9am. I was done sleeping. Captain America? Nope. He'd been up SUPER late wrapping presents last night! Yup, I don't have to wrap anything now! What a guy! I think it was the first time he'd ever wrapped Christmas Presents for the family. hehe. I fell asleep, but he stayed awake and worked. Good man :)
I'd seen an ad in a flyer in the paper for Diet Mt Dew in cans on sale again. $2.12 a 12 pack. At Super 8 grocery store. So I picked Joe for my shopping buddy, and we headed out after I grabbed some breakfast.
See, aren't I hot - hehe.

We found green onions, and cucumbers, and soda. And went to Family Dollar, which was next door, also. We found some Star Trek figures, and decided to buy them for Tom. I'm not sure who they're gonna be from, but they were pretty cool :)
And then we went across the street to the dollar tree. I grabbed a few hangers, and some alphabet magnets for the fridge for Jim, and an ice cream for Joe. And we headed home.
Captain America was awake when we got back, and he and Joe and Tom started work on shelves for the garage. Yeah, he'd shown me plans, and I'd helped buy wood, and yeah, I still didn't know what he was making. But I just smiled and nodded and ooohhhed and aaaaaahhhed at the appropriate times. hehe.
And I spent the day on and off baking and designing. I got 2 WordArt packs designed for next week, and I made meatballs and deviled eggs, and banana bread and key lime pie and pistachio pie and cheese ball. And maybe something else, but I can't remember now. hehe.
Yeah, here's Jim with some Christmas Cheer - ROFL!

America working on the shelves

Jake eating a cookie - :)


And we spent most of the day preparing the food or building things, and waiting for the time that we could eat - LOL! At 4:30pm, I set out the spread.

At 5pm, we blessed the food, and at for about 30 minutes. hehe. It was SO tasty. But I think I had too many treats. But it's Christmas Eve, right? LOL!
The boys went back to work, and I went to give myself a facial. Because I thought it would make my face feel good. And it was a peel off one, and I LOVE to pick things. ROFL!

And then I showered and got myself girly, and felt SO much better :)

And headed back out to the garage to check on the progress of the shelves.

Don't worry, Tom wasn't operating this, he was just dusting it off (it was unplugged...)

Jimmy wanted to pose with the saw dust. Silly boy :)

We had to move all of the totes in order got get the shelving in place, and here's me, pretending to be scared that the totes were gonna fall on me. Eeeekkk!

And here's the shelving before the plywood shelves were secured on it

Some of the kids inside watching a movie

America screwing in a shelf

This was funny. Joe was playing with Jake's pointer light, and we decided to shine it on our tongues and take a picture. Yeah, it didn't show red, just white. And no, I didn't pierce my tongue - ha!

Crack kills, you know...

I made some eggnog herbal tea, and came out to watch the building project with the little boys.

Joe and I made a teepee "fire" with the extra pieces. Smile!

See what it's gonna look like when it's finished? Captain America stopped for the night, and will do the other half tomorrow. He went to hop in the shower, and Jake and Tom went to clean up, and we're gonna do Christmas Eve festivities. We're gonna sing some songs, and tell the nativity story, and open the presents that we gave each other (we drew names). Yeah for Christmas Eve!

OK, fast forward to 11:59pm on Christmas Eve. I"m gonna finish up this blog, finish this movie with Captain America, and got to bed. Santa's coming tomorrow, you know :)
Anyway, all gathered in the living room, and I read a part of a Christmas poem book that my mom sent, and Captain America read a Christmas story, then Twas the Night Before Christmas, with a little redneck twist on it - ROFL! The boys LOVED it :)

Por Joe was SO tired - we had to remind him to stay awake to open his present. hehe

WE talked about what Christmas was really about, and why we give gifts, then started on the Family gifts. We all drew names this year, and Joe was chosen to pass out the presents. He did a good job :)
Captain America drew Joe, and gave him a GI Joe vehicle

Joe drew Captain
America, and got him a Football helmet piggy bank and a Diesel Hotwheel.

Jim drew Eme and got her some drawing paper and a paint your horse kit. She LOVED it

Tom drew Jake, and got him big fancy headphones and a HotWheel. A Delorian, I think. The thought it was cool.

Eme drew me, and got me Springform pans. How did she know that I wanted those???

I picked Jim and got him color changing hotwheels.

And then we spent the next hour or so building our toys and playing with them, and yeah, eating cookies - hehe

Captain America's job was to put the stickers on the GI Joe vehicle. Yeah, it was a lot of work for poor Captain America! hehe.

We gave Tom the other Star Trek people that went with his toy. Wait, I didn't post pictures of Tom. Jake drew Tom, and got him a Star Trek set, with Kirk and the Bridge. From the new movie. It was pretty cool. I knew that I took pictures, but I can't find them. Sorry, Tom! Here's Jake and Tom playing and setting up the set.

And then we sent Joe and Jim and Eme to bed. Poor little kids were sleepy. Jake and Tom finished cleaning up their stuff, and up the stairs they went. Captain America and I looked at the photos from the night, and we got Santas cookies and eggnog all situated where Boxer wouldn't find it (hehe- he's good, but no point in testing him, right?)
Anyway, Captain America and I were gonna sit down and watch a movie after helping out Santa. And out comes Joe. Covered in puke. Asking for a tissue, to blow his nose. Because he didn't know he'd puked. And denied that he'd puked. Poor little thing.
We got him all cleaned up, and I went and looked in his room, and he'd puked on his 2 sheets, his 2 stuffed animals, and his 2 blankets. But his 2 pillows were somehow spared. I gave all the dirty laundry to Captain America, and took Joe into the bathroom for cleaning.
We got the laundry going and new bedding (yeah, I don't know how Jim and Eme managed to stay asleep through it all, but they didn't even budge) and all tucked back in. He'd got some tummy medicine and a sip of water. And Captain America gave him a blessing, and a puke bowl, and he went back to sleep.
And Santa came (woohoo for Santa!) and Captain America and I sat down for our movie. And I'm just now finishing up the blog. And now I"m gonna go spend some time with my man on Christmas Eve :) Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!
Awe, my kids are SO cute! Thanks, Sharon!

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