Hehehehe, this is the only family picture that we have so far. Um, I think I need to make this a higher priority, or this will be the Christmas Card photo for this year (yeah, I think they're gonna end up being Valentines Day Cards and newsletters - I wanna wait till we KNOW where we're gonna be stationed before I send them out, and we need to get the list out of storage - sigh). So, My goal for the next 6 days is to get a SPECTATULAR family picture taken :) I know I can do better than this - LOL! (showering for me would help - hehehe)

We decided to go to Eugene on Saturday. I just love spur of the moment trips. I didn't used to be like that, but the more into the Army lifestyle we're getting, the more I do. We just loaded up at 2pm, and headed over. It was RAINING. I mean, really bringing it. Standing water on the road kind of raining. But we didn't care. Captain America just drove a little slower :) We went to Wal-Mart (of course!), and out to eat at Izzys (woohoo for x-mas money), then over to Chucky Cheese. We had some really good token coupons, and the kids just had a blast! It was some really nice family time. I think the kids will remember that trip for years to come :)
And how's my diet coming, you ask (ok, so you didn't ask, but I'm volunteering!)? Well, I was really good for 1 day (hehehe), and ended up losing 2 lbs, but then not so good the next day, and the 2 lbs were back. BUT, I did learn that with the 2 lb weight drop, my dress will fit again. SO, all I need to do is cut the 2 lbs before the dance, and not gain anymore, and I'll be fine. Then, after graduation, I can work on getting back to my pre-holiday weight :) hehehe. No use super dieting while Captain America's here. That's just no fun - LOL! Of course, eating Ice Cream and "
Bar in a Jar" sauce while I'm supposed to be blogging isn't really helping the whole "Dress" cause. I'll have to watch out for that next time - LMBO!!!
Oh, I REALLY liked this saying when I came across it! I'm SO glad for all of the friends that I have. They really are such a great support to me. You know, I've never really had a "best" girl friend that I do everything with, and I'm so glad that I found Maren here in Florence. She's just AWESOME! And even though I'm thoroughly enjoying this time with my hubby, I must say, I MISS YOU Maren :) Can't wait to hang out again!
Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Friendship - His Name Is Honey
All rest - Hobbes