So waking up in the middle of the night with a pounding migraine is SO not a good way to start the day. It was 2:30am and I had the hardest time going back to sleep. Sigh. When my alarm went off at 5:25am for Seminary, I made the executive decision that I was in no condition to be driving, and went back to sleep.
I got up at 6:30am to check on the kids (Tom and Eme and Joe were awake), and Joe had had a nightmare and needed some snuggles. I took him back to bed with me. And yeah, the headace was HORRIBLE! I was almost to the puking stage...
Tom got on the bus at 7am, and I woke Jake up. He said that Boxer had had a rough night, and had kept him up. And finally at 3:30am, he'd taken him outside to go to the bathroom, and put him in the kennel. So he was happy that he got to sleep in a little bit.
I somehow managed to get up, and get the kids ready for school. I took a whole bunch of meds at 7am, hoping that something would help my poor head. Then took the kids to the bus. And just barely made it. The bus was already there when we got there. I looked pretty bad - hehe. I didn't stay and chat long, and headed back home.
Jake was being slow, but eventually left for the bus. I turned on Prison Break, and snuggled into the couch with Boxer. And just as it was starting, in walks Jake. He'd missed the bus. I just about burst into tears. I admit that I yelled a bit, too. He felt really bad. Luckily, my meds were starting to kick in, and I was good enough to see to drive. So I drove him up there, and dropped him off a few block from school (motivation to get on the bus!).
I headed back to post, and again snuggled into the couch and watched Prison Break. That show's pretty good! And the main characters aren't too bad to gawk at - hehe. And soon, it was time to go to Kari's house. It was spa day! Kari's a trained masseuse! And was giving us massages! Good thing, because my neck/shoulders were SOOOO bad.
Right before I left, I noticed my poor tree out front. Aunt Sue, remember how nice it was??? You even took pictures of it! Well, back when the front yard started to flood, I put in a work order for it, and I guess the fixed the issue. By taking all the water to the tree! Poor thing. I guess I should put in another work order for it???

I got to kari's house first, so I got the first massage. She had a table, and the heating blanket, and soothing music, and massage oil, and everything! It was the best 45 minutes of my day. Seriously! My head was feeling a ton better afterwords. I don't know if it was massage or all the drugs, or a combo of both. hehe.
Amanda was next, and Maggie and I painted our nails. She'd bought the good crackle stuff. I guess it does pay to get the good stuff. It worked fabulously! Not like the dollar stuff I'd got. It was crap :) hehe. i guess you get what you pay for, right?

Maggie had to go and meet her hubby at lunch before her massage, so she took a raincheck for next time :) Kari painted her nails, and we all decided to go with Amanda to Academy sports to get Wrestling shoes for Austin. Academy is a fun store :) And I was feeling better, so what the heck!
We loaded into Amanda's car, and off we went. We found the shoes, and went to browse the clothing section for a bit. And found SUCH good deals! School polo's for $1.74, slacks for $2.88, nice shirts for $2.88, 2 belts for $2.50. We weren't planning on getting a lot of stuff, so we didn't get a shopping cart. And my arms were KILLING me by the time we were done. hehe.
Eme ended up with a white, blue, and pink polo, 2 slacks, 1 capris, 1 shorts, Tom got a green polo and 2 shirts, Jake got 2 shorts and a nice shirt, Joe got a gray polo and 2 belts, and Tom and Jim and Eme got new shin guards. Yeah, can't you just see me carrying that all around the store! LOL!
We paid, and decided to head to lunch. Kari wanted Indian food, but we spotted a "Corner Bakery" on the way, and decided to go there instead. It's SUPER yummy, and was close. I ordered a panani and salad combo, and asked for a diet soda. And I was told that they didn't have diet soda. Whaaaat? What kind of a place didn't have diet soda. Then the girl said they didn't have soda at all. That they just had frescas. Um, ok. I'll take a water cup, then...

Yeah, she was totally full of crap. They had a soda fountain. And Diet Coke. Maybe that was the universes' way of telling me I needed less caffeine and more water? hehe. I didn't go back and get a soda, I just stuck with the water! I CAN make good choices, see? ha!
Here's my sandwich and salad :)

Kari got a mozzarella and tomato sandwich with Tomato soup, and it looked SO good. Kari's a vegetarian, did I mention that before?

I didn't take a picture of Amanda's because by the time she got her food, I devoured mine - ha! I was slightly hungry :)
We stuck around and chatted for about 30 minutes after lunch, since it wasn't too busy, and it was a cute little cafe atmosphere :) My girls are SO much fun!
But my headache was starting to come back... We headed home, and Amanda dropped me off around 2:45pm. So my drugs last for about 5 hours. I totally should have taken more right then and there, but I didn't. Tom got home at 3:10, and he and I finished up an episode of Prison Break, then I went to get the kids from the bus.
I barely made it again! Sigh. This headache is kicking my butt! We headed back home, and I finally took some meds, and laid down for 35 minutes. And they were JUST starting to kick in when I got up. Jake had a therapy appointment at 5pm. So he didn't have to miss school.
We loaded up in the truck (since my car was still at Kari's house), and headed out. We got there, and the receptionist was like, "oh no, didn't you get my message? We had to cancel today..." Sigh. Oh well, I made sure I had the next two appointments in my phone, and scheduled the month of October too. Not a total waste of a trip, right?
And we headed back to post. Jake convinced me to drive him out to the Youth center, and we swung by the house, picked up Tom and the kids, and off we went. I left Tom and Jake at the youth center, and came home. Joe and Jim did their homework, and Jim got ready for soccer. I finished up my episode of Prison Break, and we headed up to Soccer.
Josephine and Jim practiced, Leo and Joe played "Deadliest Warrior", and Kari and I chatted. My drugs had fully kicked in, so I was good :) After practice, I took Leo and Joe and headed to the youth Center to pick up Tom and Jake and Justin (Kari's oldest). She took Josephine and Jim. I got the boys (they'd been sitting outside reading/watching a portable movie player), and back home we went.
I dropped Justin and Leo off at Kari's and picked up Jim. And we headed home. The kids ate a VERY fast "find what you can find" dinner, and we called me dad on the video phone for a belated birthday song, and they headed to bed. At 8:45pm. Its almost a whole hour past when they should be in bed... Hmpf!
Oh yeah, here's Jake and Tom wearing their new clothes. Jake was SO excited to have "real" clothes from a real store. He was like, "Mom, it's the first time I've ever got NEW clothes not from Walmart or Savers!". Whatever. hehe.

I blogged, and here it is, almost 9pm. Wait, it is 9pm. I'm gonna put this away, and go watch a Prison Break episode. And take an Ambien to sleep. If my headache is still here, I don't want it waking me up in the middle of the night, you know! Pray that it goes away. It's messing with my social calendar and exercise calendar! hehe :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
This one would be PERFECT for an action shot of Boxer jumping the fence, huh? hehe. Great layout, Sharon! Poor puppies!