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Saturday, July 3, 2010
New Products for 2 July 2010
Just wanted to show you all the new Products that released yesterday! Click HERE to go to my store to check it out!

Smile for the Camera
Morning, all! Hope the beginning of your weekend was a great one :) It's been nice having Captain America around lately! I could get used to this - hehehe.
We got to sleep in, then spent a lazy morning at home with the kids. We went to Free Lunch at noon-ish, then the afternoon at home again. At 3ish, Captain America took Tom and went to put in a few hours on his Truck, and I got ready and went grocery shopping. I'd been a few times since I got home from my trip, but only got just a few days worth of items. I really liked buying everything I need for a week, so it felt good to go and get it all done today.
But it was REALLY busy at the commissary. Because it was so close to both payday AND 4th of July, I think. It was crowded, and the shelves weren't well stocked, but I got the things that I needed.
I came home, put away groceries, and cooked dinner for the kids. Pork steaks, mashed potatoes, and green beans. AND we sat at the table together to eat. I was nice.
Captain America and Tom got home at 6:30pm, ate dinner, and then Captain America and I got ready for our date. We're starting Family Scripture reading and family prayer with the kids again (we'd been bad about doing it for WAY too long - time to refocus), and it was really nice to spend that time together.
We put the kids to bed, and Captain America and I headed out. We went to see that new show, "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It was pretty good. I enjoy her. He's looking pretty old - hehehe.
It was nice to spend some time with just Captain America :) After the movie, we went to Walmart and got a few essentials. Like new foundation. Cause my other one was WAY too white. Made me look pastey, and pastey is NOT the look I'm going for. And new hair clippers for Captain America. Cause the old ones are cutting his head. Hair, good, cutting head, bad. hehehe. So hopefully this one will last for a while :)
After Walmart, we stopped at Circle K for a drink (Diet Dr Pepper, you know), then headed home. The MP's were out in force at the gate, looking for insurance and drivers licenses, and drunks. hehehe. You'd think it was 4th of July weekend or something....
Here it is, 12:52pm, and I'm exhausted. I need to design something for y'all, and go to bed. So I can wake up and take my family to the pool. Cause it's fun to go to the pool, you know - hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
We got to sleep in, then spent a lazy morning at home with the kids. We went to Free Lunch at noon-ish, then the afternoon at home again. At 3ish, Captain America took Tom and went to put in a few hours on his Truck, and I got ready and went grocery shopping. I'd been a few times since I got home from my trip, but only got just a few days worth of items. I really liked buying everything I need for a week, so it felt good to go and get it all done today.
But it was REALLY busy at the commissary. Because it was so close to both payday AND 4th of July, I think. It was crowded, and the shelves weren't well stocked, but I got the things that I needed.
I came home, put away groceries, and cooked dinner for the kids. Pork steaks, mashed potatoes, and green beans. AND we sat at the table together to eat. I was nice.
Captain America and Tom got home at 6:30pm, ate dinner, and then Captain America and I got ready for our date. We're starting Family Scripture reading and family prayer with the kids again (we'd been bad about doing it for WAY too long - time to refocus), and it was really nice to spend that time together.
We put the kids to bed, and Captain America and I headed out. We went to see that new show, "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It was pretty good. I enjoy her. He's looking pretty old - hehehe.
It was nice to spend some time with just Captain America :) After the movie, we went to Walmart and got a few essentials. Like new foundation. Cause my other one was WAY too white. Made me look pastey, and pastey is NOT the look I'm going for. And new hair clippers for Captain America. Cause the old ones are cutting his head. Hair, good, cutting head, bad. hehehe. So hopefully this one will last for a while :)
After Walmart, we stopped at Circle K for a drink (Diet Dr Pepper, you know), then headed home. The MP's were out in force at the gate, looking for insurance and drivers licenses, and drunks. hehehe. You'd think it was 4th of July weekend or something....
Here it is, 12:52pm, and I'm exhausted. I need to design something for y'all, and go to bed. So I can wake up and take my family to the pool. Cause it's fun to go to the pool, you know - hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Friday, July 2, 2010
Excitement and Intrigue
Howdy, all! It was a big day in the Harty Household today :) Captain America was promoted at work! I got to go and, um, I don't know what it's called. hehe. I took off the old rank, and put on the new rank. It was pretty cool, actually!
The ceremony started at 8:45am. They did flags, and National Anthem, then promoted the officers, then the enlisted, then passed out awards. The whole thing took only about 45 minutes. It was a nice ceremony. And only 2 guys passed out in formation. hehehe. Poor guys. They always forget to NOT lock their knees when they stand :)
Here's some pics from the Morning.
The 4th dude saluting in that line is Captain America:) This is when they're taking the oath of an officer.

After the ceremony, I swung by the Military Clothing supply store to get a berret pin for Captain Americas hat. The one I picked up yesterday wasn't for berrets. It was for the field cap. So, I grabbed one, and headed back to the Motorpool, where Captain America was. I dropped it off, and headed to the commissary for just a few essentials.
Back home, I had the kids do chores, and we got ready for Free Lunch. Captain America came home at 11:45am, we cooked lunch for him, and me, and took it with us, and we all headed to Free Lunch. It was really nice going together. The kids ate Chili, tortillas, and tater tots, with milk and watermelon, and LOVED it :)
We dropped the kids off at home, and Captain America and I went to Circle K for a soda, then he dropped me off at home, then went back to work. I made sure the kids were happy and all set up at home, and I took a nap. It was only an hour and thirty minutes, but it sure felt good. I'd been working on only 4 hours each for the past few nights. Sigh. A nap was good :)
Captain America was home early, too! At 3:15pm, he came home :) He's supposed to be off early on Thursdays, since it's Family Day, but since his XO job was SO demanding, it never happened. He's only subbing as XO until the new chickie gets off maternity leave, so he was able to leave on time! I was excited :)
We spent the evening at home with the kids. We cooked dinner, and ate, and had to run to church real fast for a meeting, but it only lasted for about an hour, then were back home. We played a quick round of Phase 10 with the kids, which they really enjoyed. We all sat at the table together, and talked about what we wanted to do over this 4 day weekend together. The kids all picked out things they wanted to do with just their dad. It was really sweet :)
Captain America and I spent the rest of the evening together. It was really nice just to stay home, and be together as a family. I really enjoyed it :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
The ceremony started at 8:45am. They did flags, and National Anthem, then promoted the officers, then the enlisted, then passed out awards. The whole thing took only about 45 minutes. It was a nice ceremony. And only 2 guys passed out in formation. hehehe. Poor guys. They always forget to NOT lock their knees when they stand :)
Here's some pics from the Morning.
Back home, I had the kids do chores, and we got ready for Free Lunch. Captain America came home at 11:45am, we cooked lunch for him, and me, and took it with us, and we all headed to Free Lunch. It was really nice going together. The kids ate Chili, tortillas, and tater tots, with milk and watermelon, and LOVED it :)
We dropped the kids off at home, and Captain America and I went to Circle K for a soda, then he dropped me off at home, then went back to work. I made sure the kids were happy and all set up at home, and I took a nap. It was only an hour and thirty minutes, but it sure felt good. I'd been working on only 4 hours each for the past few nights. Sigh. A nap was good :)
Captain America was home early, too! At 3:15pm, he came home :) He's supposed to be off early on Thursdays, since it's Family Day, but since his XO job was SO demanding, it never happened. He's only subbing as XO until the new chickie gets off maternity leave, so he was able to leave on time! I was excited :)
We spent the evening at home with the kids. We cooked dinner, and ate, and had to run to church real fast for a meeting, but it only lasted for about an hour, then were back home. We played a quick round of Phase 10 with the kids, which they really enjoyed. We all sat at the table together, and talked about what we wanted to do over this 4 day weekend together. The kids all picked out things they wanted to do with just their dad. It was really sweet :)
Captain America and I spent the rest of the evening together. It was really nice just to stay home, and be together as a family. I really enjoyed it :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
I'm Sorry
Any second now, my hubby is gonna text me to come and pick him up from the airport.....any second now...... It's 11:21pm. And his connecting flight out of Dallas was pushed back by about 20 minutes. He was supposed to get in here at 11:05pm. ANY TIME NOW.... hehehe.
I don't know if I have time to properly blog the day, so I'll do some highlights. We skipped free lunch today. First time all summer, I think :) We stayed home instead. I did have a few errands to run, and I did do a Sonic run with a friend. I had to fax over some papers for Jakes homeschool, and I had to go to the Military Clothing supply store and buy a few things for Captain Americas uniform, but that was all for during the day. We just spent the day relaxing at home.
In the evening, I had a primary scouts meeting, but no scout meetings for the boys. I went to Leslies in the evening after the mtg and she cut Karin's hair, and we chatted for a bit. Then home, clean the house, and wait. Maybe I'll just drive up there, so I have something to do to take my mind off the fact that he should be texting me, literally, any second....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
I don't know if I have time to properly blog the day, so I'll do some highlights. We skipped free lunch today. First time all summer, I think :) We stayed home instead. I did have a few errands to run, and I did do a Sonic run with a friend. I had to fax over some papers for Jakes homeschool, and I had to go to the Military Clothing supply store and buy a few things for Captain Americas uniform, but that was all for during the day. We just spent the day relaxing at home.
In the evening, I had a primary scouts meeting, but no scout meetings for the boys. I went to Leslies in the evening after the mtg and she cut Karin's hair, and we chatted for a bit. Then home, clean the house, and wait. Maybe I'll just drive up there, so I have something to do to take my mind off the fact that he should be texting me, literally, any second....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Midnight Movie
Wow... It's late. 3:17am, to be precise. Or would that be early? hehe. I guess it depends on what day you're talking about :)
And it was a long day, too. I texted with my former neighbor Sara in the morning. She moved last week while I was gone, and they're visiting family in Massachusetts. We spent the morning at home, and left for free lunch a little before 11am.
But the truck was dead. Because when we rolled up the windows last night from the thunderstorms, the key was left in the ignition, turned over. Sigh. So I texted Leslie and told her I couldn't take her kids cause of the no truck, so she offered hers. So we all headed out to free lunch, then the pool.
We were home by 2pm, and by then, the repair guys had come and fixed the A/C. I spent a while straightening things up, then wandered down to Andreas house for an hour or so. Then took the kids to the park. Then headed home to get ready for Eclipse premiere.
Laurie came to pick me up at 5:45pm, and we headed to Applebees. Laurie and her sister and Teri and I and Andrea were at dinner. It was very nice. Laurie and I split a 2 for $20 and we each got steak, cause we usually don't. I substituted my mashed potatoes for a salad, and ate the veggies. It was pretty good.
After dinner, I rode with Teri to the movies. She's awesome :) I really enjoy her :) Jessi and her friend were already in line WAY WAY WAY at the front. We'd gotten there early enough that it was ok to line jump. Only a dozen or so people behind. And we waited. And waited. And waited.
My phone died relatively quickly, and I even went and charged it in Teri's car at one point. Lauire and her sis had gone back on post to pick up some more people (mostly Laurie's family), and showed up with a HUGE group. Yeah, we couldn't really let them line jump, cause there were like 8 of them :) But Karin, we did. She was picked up by Laurie, but wasn't family. So she stayed up front with us, and we sent Laurie to the back of the line - ROFL! Poor Laurie :)
Kari and Chelsie and Leslie and her daughter were there too, but not by us in line. We stood and chatted and had a good time until around 9:45pm, when they let us into the theater. Where we spent another 2 1/2 hours sitting. Which was better than standing, frankly. hehe.
Leslie and her daughter didn't make the cut off for our theater, but Laurie and her gang and Kari and Chelsie did.
You know, I really like going to Premiere's ,because the audience is SO interactive, and I expect it then. Sometimes that bugs me, but not on Premiere night, midnight showing. It's to be expected. I can clap if I want, and not feel out of place - hehehe. Or ooooo and aaaaahhhhh, and be the norm :)
Anyway, the previews started at 12:15am, then the movie after that. We got out of there at 2:40am, and got home at 3:10am. Sigh. SO sleepy.
So, I'm making something quick for you tonight. Cause I need my rest, you know :) So I can clen my house before my husband comes home tomorrow night :) hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
And it was a long day, too. I texted with my former neighbor Sara in the morning. She moved last week while I was gone, and they're visiting family in Massachusetts. We spent the morning at home, and left for free lunch a little before 11am.
But the truck was dead. Because when we rolled up the windows last night from the thunderstorms, the key was left in the ignition, turned over. Sigh. So I texted Leslie and told her I couldn't take her kids cause of the no truck, so she offered hers. So we all headed out to free lunch, then the pool.
We were home by 2pm, and by then, the repair guys had come and fixed the A/C. I spent a while straightening things up, then wandered down to Andreas house for an hour or so. Then took the kids to the park. Then headed home to get ready for Eclipse premiere.
Laurie came to pick me up at 5:45pm, and we headed to Applebees. Laurie and her sister and Teri and I and Andrea were at dinner. It was very nice. Laurie and I split a 2 for $20 and we each got steak, cause we usually don't. I substituted my mashed potatoes for a salad, and ate the veggies. It was pretty good.
After dinner, I rode with Teri to the movies. She's awesome :) I really enjoy her :) Jessi and her friend were already in line WAY WAY WAY at the front. We'd gotten there early enough that it was ok to line jump. Only a dozen or so people behind. And we waited. And waited. And waited.
My phone died relatively quickly, and I even went and charged it in Teri's car at one point. Lauire and her sis had gone back on post to pick up some more people (mostly Laurie's family), and showed up with a HUGE group. Yeah, we couldn't really let them line jump, cause there were like 8 of them :) But Karin, we did. She was picked up by Laurie, but wasn't family. So she stayed up front with us, and we sent Laurie to the back of the line - ROFL! Poor Laurie :)
Kari and Chelsie and Leslie and her daughter were there too, but not by us in line. We stood and chatted and had a good time until around 9:45pm, when they let us into the theater. Where we spent another 2 1/2 hours sitting. Which was better than standing, frankly. hehe.
Leslie and her daughter didn't make the cut off for our theater, but Laurie and her gang and Kari and Chelsie did.
You know, I really like going to Premiere's ,because the audience is SO interactive, and I expect it then. Sometimes that bugs me, but not on Premiere night, midnight showing. It's to be expected. I can clap if I want, and not feel out of place - hehehe. Or ooooo and aaaaahhhhh, and be the norm :)
Anyway, the previews started at 12:15am, then the movie after that. We got out of there at 2:40am, and got home at 3:10am. Sigh. SO sleepy.
So, I'm making something quick for you tonight. Cause I need my rest, you know :) So I can clen my house before my husband comes home tomorrow night :) hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
First off, here's a few pics from Captain Americas trip to south east Missouri. Here's a shot of the Mississippi river.
And pics from the Cardinals Game... Apparently they won in the 9th. That's good, right? And active duty military get in free, so even better!

Hey there! Morning, all :) What a day, what a day :) It started off with ANOTHER migraine. Luckily for me, I have drugs - hehehe. Legal ones, thank you very much. But drugs, none the less. I slept in an extra 30 minutes after taking them, and I was as good as new. It is a bit concerning, though. I'd had a migraine ever since I got back home from St. Louis.... Maybe the weather is messing with me?
Anyway, I was late hoping in the shower, so I didn't get time to really fix my hair the way I wanted it fixed, and then we were late to the dentist. Not so late that they canceled our appointment, but late, none the less. And I don't like being late.
I guess it didn't really matter, because our appointment time was 9am, and it was well after 10:30am before they called us back. Sigh. I sat in the dentist office FOREVER. At least there were fun things for the kids to do there. Games and TV and such. But it started to drag on, even for them...
Jimmy playing in the waiting room

Finally, the called us back. I had a BUTTLOAD of paperwork to fill out. Paperless paperwork, if that makes sense - hehe. They had those electronic signature thingys that I had to sign on. 4 per kid, or something crazy like that.
They took the kids while I was filling out paperlesswork (ha!), and xrayed them, and cleaned their teeth, and gave them a fluoride treatment. I'm assuming they did fine. I wasn't there to crowd control :)
Then we had the chat with the dentist. Jake had good teeth. No cavities. He recommended sealants, so he didn't get any. And braces. Really? I was like, yeah, no, he's good :) hehehe. We don't have money for braces.
Tom had one little cavity, Eme had a few cavities, and a real nasty one, Joe had 3 getting bad ones, and Jimmy had 3 not too bad ones. Sigh. I guess that's what happens when you don't take your kids to the dentist for 3 years. We didn't have insurance in Ohio, no place to go in Oregon those 6 months, and I'm just now getting around to it in Texas. Note to self: Don't wait so long next time....
The bill was gonna be almost $1200. I told the hygenist that I had $400 to work with, to show me what was the most important. Eme. So, Eme was the winner, er, loser, um, winner? hehe. We scheduled her for next week, and she's gonna get everything taken care of.
I need to save some more money, then it will be Joe's turn, then Jim's, then Tom's then Jakes. In that order. Hopefully I can save fast enough that the things that aren't important now won't be then.... Children are fun, aren't they...
Here's my "I ain't happy" face - hehehe

Anyway, we left the dentist at about 11:45am, and headed to free lunch. We got there the same time as Hilary's family, ate, and headed over to her house. We snuck out for a few minutes to go to Walmart, then collected some of the kids and headed to the movies. The big boys didn't wanna come, so we left them at home. Cause they're old enough to do that.
We say "How To Train Your Dragon" at the cheap theater. The little kids sat in the front, and the grown ups sat in the back. And it was nice and peaceful :) hehe.
Both boys fell asleep on the way home. Aren't they cute - hehehe

Check out Joe in this pic. Jimmy is in the backseat, but if you look at Joe off to the right side, you can TOTALLY see his eyes are still open. Nasty! hehee

After the movie, we swung by Circle K, got drinks, then headed back to Hilarys house. I picked up my big kids, and headed home. And we spent the rest of the evening at the house. And it was really nice.
Me on the way home :)

Except for the broken A/C. Sigh. I totally forgot to call during the day. So it was broken AND after hours when I got back home. A thunderstorm rolled through the area, cooling it off outside, but it's still 82 degrees in there. And I'm sweaty. And I don't like it...
Me, mad and sweaty because of the 83 degrees in my house - hehe

And me watching Persons Unknown on my computer. We thought we would be able to watch the 4th episode on TV tonight, but the storm took care of that option...

I designed for a while tonight, and I really had a lot of fun. Studio Rosey Posey has a FABULOUS new kit hitting stores soon, called "Backyard Safari", and I made some WordArts with it. I just LOVE playing with elements, and don't often get the chance. So I was ECSTATIC to play!
Here it is, almost midnight, and I'm tying up my blogging, then gonna design something fun for you. Probably Eclipse themed. Since ITS PREMIERE NIGHT! I'm just sayin...
Are you all going? My group is going to Applebees for dinner at 6pm, then heading over to the theater to wait in line. Couldn't be more excited!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Hey there! Morning, all :) What a day, what a day :) It started off with ANOTHER migraine. Luckily for me, I have drugs - hehehe. Legal ones, thank you very much. But drugs, none the less. I slept in an extra 30 minutes after taking them, and I was as good as new. It is a bit concerning, though. I'd had a migraine ever since I got back home from St. Louis.... Maybe the weather is messing with me?
Anyway, I was late hoping in the shower, so I didn't get time to really fix my hair the way I wanted it fixed, and then we were late to the dentist. Not so late that they canceled our appointment, but late, none the less. And I don't like being late.
I guess it didn't really matter, because our appointment time was 9am, and it was well after 10:30am before they called us back. Sigh. I sat in the dentist office FOREVER. At least there were fun things for the kids to do there. Games and TV and such. But it started to drag on, even for them...
Jimmy playing in the waiting room
Finally, the called us back. I had a BUTTLOAD of paperwork to fill out. Paperless paperwork, if that makes sense - hehe. They had those electronic signature thingys that I had to sign on. 4 per kid, or something crazy like that.
They took the kids while I was filling out paperlesswork (ha!), and xrayed them, and cleaned their teeth, and gave them a fluoride treatment. I'm assuming they did fine. I wasn't there to crowd control :)
Then we had the chat with the dentist. Jake had good teeth. No cavities. He recommended sealants, so he didn't get any. And braces. Really? I was like, yeah, no, he's good :) hehehe. We don't have money for braces.
Tom had one little cavity, Eme had a few cavities, and a real nasty one, Joe had 3 getting bad ones, and Jimmy had 3 not too bad ones. Sigh. I guess that's what happens when you don't take your kids to the dentist for 3 years. We didn't have insurance in Ohio, no place to go in Oregon those 6 months, and I'm just now getting around to it in Texas. Note to self: Don't wait so long next time....
The bill was gonna be almost $1200. I told the hygenist that I had $400 to work with, to show me what was the most important. Eme. So, Eme was the winner, er, loser, um, winner? hehe. We scheduled her for next week, and she's gonna get everything taken care of.
I need to save some more money, then it will be Joe's turn, then Jim's, then Tom's then Jakes. In that order. Hopefully I can save fast enough that the things that aren't important now won't be then.... Children are fun, aren't they...
Here's my "I ain't happy" face - hehehe
Anyway, we left the dentist at about 11:45am, and headed to free lunch. We got there the same time as Hilary's family, ate, and headed over to her house. We snuck out for a few minutes to go to Walmart, then collected some of the kids and headed to the movies. The big boys didn't wanna come, so we left them at home. Cause they're old enough to do that.
We say "How To Train Your Dragon" at the cheap theater. The little kids sat in the front, and the grown ups sat in the back. And it was nice and peaceful :) hehe.
Both boys fell asleep on the way home. Aren't they cute - hehehe
Check out Joe in this pic. Jimmy is in the backseat, but if you look at Joe off to the right side, you can TOTALLY see his eyes are still open. Nasty! hehee
After the movie, we swung by Circle K, got drinks, then headed back to Hilarys house. I picked up my big kids, and headed home. And we spent the rest of the evening at the house. And it was really nice.
Me on the way home :)
Except for the broken A/C. Sigh. I totally forgot to call during the day. So it was broken AND after hours when I got back home. A thunderstorm rolled through the area, cooling it off outside, but it's still 82 degrees in there. And I'm sweaty. And I don't like it...
Me, mad and sweaty because of the 83 degrees in my house - hehe
And me watching Persons Unknown on my computer. We thought we would be able to watch the 4th episode on TV tonight, but the storm took care of that option...
I designed for a while tonight, and I really had a lot of fun. Studio Rosey Posey has a FABULOUS new kit hitting stores soon, called "Backyard Safari", and I made some WordArts with it. I just LOVE playing with elements, and don't often get the chance. So I was ECSTATIC to play!
Here it is, almost midnight, and I'm tying up my blogging, then gonna design something fun for you. Probably Eclipse themed. Since ITS PREMIERE NIGHT! I'm just sayin...
Are you all going? My group is going to Applebees for dinner at 6pm, then heading over to the theater to wait in line. Couldn't be more excited!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Monday, June 28, 2010
Thinking of You
Good morning, you guys!!! Hope your weekend was divine :) I know mine was pretty darn good :)
Started off not so great - hehehe. I woke up with the same migraine... Boo! I took a miriad of pain meds, and went back to bed. Luckily, it was gone when I woke up again.
At 11am, I got the kids started with showers, and and myself too, and we were all ready for Stake Conference at noon. Check out my new hair style. No, I didn't get it cut, I just tried to fix it a different way :)

We left the house, and drove over to Hilarys house, then followed them to the Stake Center across town.

And no, I didn't stop at Circle K on the way to church - hehehe. I just refilled my soda cup at home with soda from the fridge - ha!
Lauries family and Hilarys family and my family all sat together on 3 rows. 3 women, 1 man, and 12 kids. Yeah, it's wasn't quite. hehehe. Ages 3-13. Yeah, I bet you wish you were there too - hehehe. Between all the kids, I didn't really hear much, but I'm sure it was great :)
After church, we drove home in the SUPER hot heat (no A/C in the truck, remember), and cooled off. I got the kids a snack, and we all just relaxed for an hour or so. I put some pics up on Facebook, then at around 5pm, we headed over to the Nouhans for dinner. Captain America's still in Illinois, so it was SUPER nice of them to invite me and the kids over :)
We had chicken from the Grill, rice a roni, baked beans, and veggies for dinner. Well, I had the chicken and veggies, which were very tasty! Thanks, Nouhans.
Here's the kids, magically making a pack of Graham crackers disappear with a glass of milk. hehe.

We chatted and hung until 7pm, then I took my rowdy gang home. We cleaned up, watched 1/2 a movie, and I put the kids to bed.
But as I was sitting on the couch (under the A/C vent), I notice a funny smell. Like a burning smell. Couldn't figure out what it was. And that it was kinda getting hot. So I checked the A/C thingy, and yup, it was set for 72, but was reading 75. Yeah, that's not right. I went outside, and listened to the A/C unit, and it was making normal-ish noises. Hmmm. Over the next hour, it went up another 3 degrees. This doesn't bode well for tomorrow....
I called housing, and got their after hours answering service. I told them that my A/C wasn't working, and that I was smelling smoke. The dude said he make a note of it and pass it along. Really? You'll make a note. I told him I didn't want my house to burn down as I slept, and he said he'd pass it along. Thanks. Thanks a lot...
At a little after 9pm, Laurie came over, and we watched some Doctor Who, and here I am, at 11:40pm, sitting on the back patio. Cause it's 76 outside, and 78 in my house.... And it doesn't smell like burnt plastic out here. Sigh.
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Started off not so great - hehehe. I woke up with the same migraine... Boo! I took a miriad of pain meds, and went back to bed. Luckily, it was gone when I woke up again.
At 11am, I got the kids started with showers, and and myself too, and we were all ready for Stake Conference at noon. Check out my new hair style. No, I didn't get it cut, I just tried to fix it a different way :)
We left the house, and drove over to Hilarys house, then followed them to the Stake Center across town.
Lauries family and Hilarys family and my family all sat together on 3 rows. 3 women, 1 man, and 12 kids. Yeah, it's wasn't quite. hehehe. Ages 3-13. Yeah, I bet you wish you were there too - hehehe. Between all the kids, I didn't really hear much, but I'm sure it was great :)
After church, we drove home in the SUPER hot heat (no A/C in the truck, remember), and cooled off. I got the kids a snack, and we all just relaxed for an hour or so. I put some pics up on Facebook, then at around 5pm, we headed over to the Nouhans for dinner. Captain America's still in Illinois, so it was SUPER nice of them to invite me and the kids over :)
We had chicken from the Grill, rice a roni, baked beans, and veggies for dinner. Well, I had the chicken and veggies, which were very tasty! Thanks, Nouhans.
Here's the kids, magically making a pack of Graham crackers disappear with a glass of milk. hehe.
We chatted and hung until 7pm, then I took my rowdy gang home. We cleaned up, watched 1/2 a movie, and I put the kids to bed.
But as I was sitting on the couch (under the A/C vent), I notice a funny smell. Like a burning smell. Couldn't figure out what it was. And that it was kinda getting hot. So I checked the A/C thingy, and yup, it was set for 72, but was reading 75. Yeah, that's not right. I went outside, and listened to the A/C unit, and it was making normal-ish noises. Hmmm. Over the next hour, it went up another 3 degrees. This doesn't bode well for tomorrow....
I called housing, and got their after hours answering service. I told them that my A/C wasn't working, and that I was smelling smoke. The dude said he make a note of it and pass it along. Really? You'll make a note. I told him I didn't want my house to burn down as I slept, and he said he'd pass it along. Thanks. Thanks a lot...
At a little after 9pm, Laurie came over, and we watched some Doctor Who, and here I am, at 11:40pm, sitting on the back patio. Cause it's 76 outside, and 78 in my house.... And it doesn't smell like burnt plastic out here. Sigh.
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Oh The Pain 2
So apparently I've used this one before. AND when I had a migraine. So, I guess when I have a migraine in the evenings, and I'm feeling sick, "Oh The Pain" is the first thing that pops into my head. And ask my friends, I don't remember anything. What? What are we talking about? huh? hehehe.
Anyway, this is gonna be real short, since my head is KILLING me, and the light from the laptop is hurting my eyes and head.
Got up at 7:30am, after going to bed at 4:30am, got ready. and headed to the commissary. I got enough food to last through Monday, and headed to Hilarys to pick up 1/2 my kids. I got Eme and Jake and Jim, then headed to Laurie's to get Jim and Tom. It was SO nice to see all the kids again!
I brought them home, gave them their souvenirs, we cleaned up a bit, and I went to try and take a nap. Yeah, it didn't work well. Jimmy ended up coming and snuggling with me, which I thoroughly enjoyed :)
At noon, we had lunch, and at 1pm we went to the pool. Well, maybe it was closer to 2. I can't remember. Hilarys family came and swam too, and Danielles family was there too. We had a good time. It was colder today than it normal is. Only low 90's, so we FROZE when we got out of the water. I know, I ,know.... hehehe.
After the pool, the kids and I made Homemade pizza, I showered and got ready for Stake Conference (church mtg), and Paul and Hilary came to pick me up. I'd set the kids up with a movie, and given Jake directions to put the little kids to bed at 8pm.
We drove to the West side, and went to Conference. I was really tired, but did enjoy it. Brother Horton (a chaplin in our ward) spoke, and so did Brother Blackman (he's pretty cool, and also from our ward). I enjoyed their talks.
After conference, we went to Kohls to look around for a while, then started back home. Right before we got to Kohls, I started noticing signs of a migraine. I'm pretty sure it's from lack of sleep. Well, that's my theory this time, anyway. I wonder if it could be change in humidity.... hmmm.
Anyway, I took a migraine pill before Kohls, but on the way home, it was getting back. I seriously felt like I was gonna be sick. Hilary and Paul dropped me off, I grabbed my laptop, and here I am. Almost done. It's 10:40PM, and I'm gonna finish this up, and go to bed.
Tomorrow at 1pm is Stake conference on the West side. Should be good. AND we get to sleep in. I'm looking forward to that. Unless, of course, this migraine is still around, then we're taking a sick day. Cause I can't drive or function feeling like this...
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Anyway, this is gonna be real short, since my head is KILLING me, and the light from the laptop is hurting my eyes and head.
Got up at 7:30am, after going to bed at 4:30am, got ready. and headed to the commissary. I got enough food to last through Monday, and headed to Hilarys to pick up 1/2 my kids. I got Eme and Jake and Jim, then headed to Laurie's to get Jim and Tom. It was SO nice to see all the kids again!
I brought them home, gave them their souvenirs, we cleaned up a bit, and I went to try and take a nap. Yeah, it didn't work well. Jimmy ended up coming and snuggling with me, which I thoroughly enjoyed :)
At noon, we had lunch, and at 1pm we went to the pool. Well, maybe it was closer to 2. I can't remember. Hilarys family came and swam too, and Danielles family was there too. We had a good time. It was colder today than it normal is. Only low 90's, so we FROZE when we got out of the water. I know, I ,know.... hehehe.
After the pool, the kids and I made Homemade pizza, I showered and got ready for Stake Conference (church mtg), and Paul and Hilary came to pick me up. I'd set the kids up with a movie, and given Jake directions to put the little kids to bed at 8pm.
We drove to the West side, and went to Conference. I was really tired, but did enjoy it. Brother Horton (a chaplin in our ward) spoke, and so did Brother Blackman (he's pretty cool, and also from our ward). I enjoyed their talks.
After conference, we went to Kohls to look around for a while, then started back home. Right before we got to Kohls, I started noticing signs of a migraine. I'm pretty sure it's from lack of sleep. Well, that's my theory this time, anyway. I wonder if it could be change in humidity.... hmmm.
Anyway, I took a migraine pill before Kohls, but on the way home, it was getting back. I seriously felt like I was gonna be sick. Hilary and Paul dropped me off, I grabbed my laptop, and here I am. Almost done. It's 10:40PM, and I'm gonna finish this up, and go to bed.
Tomorrow at 1pm is Stake conference on the West side. Should be good. AND we get to sleep in. I'm looking forward to that. Unless, of course, this migraine is still around, then we're taking a sick day. Cause I can't drive or function feeling like this...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

And click HERE to get Oh The Pain 1. hehehe.
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