Holy Abs of Steel, Batman! New Moon was SO fantastic! Totally lived up to my expectations!!! More about that later.....

So I got the kids up and ready and out the door this morning, then got ready for my walk. I put in a movie for Jimmy, and got Jake all set up with school. Have you seen Coraline? It came out this year to the theaters. I watched a few minutes of it, then went on my walk with Andrea. It's amazing how good walking in the morning feels :)
The movie was over by the time I got home, but I still wanted to see it. I asked Jimmy to watchi ti with me. "No, Mommy", he said. "It's scary". What? I sat with him and watched it again, and you know what, it IS scary. Kinda creepy. And that part with the dancing heavy old lady that was scantily dressed? What was that all about? Nasty!
Anyway, after lunch, the kids and I headed out to the store. Wal-mart isn't my favorite place, but it's a necessity sometimes. I wanted to get a white shirt to make a "Twilight" shirt out of. And I needed a printer cartridge. And some body wash for Captain America. And me. And soap for the kids' bathroom. AND, they had 40 cent turkeys! So I bought 2!!! And some real cranberries. Anyone have a good recipe for homemade cranberry sauce???
After Wal-mart, we hurried back on post and got gas. It was VERY low. I was actually afraid we'd run out. Have you ever done that? I've done it before. It's not fun. I don't recommend it :)
And, the gas pump was actually FAST today. Last 2 times? OMGosh it was slow. Slower than slow. Maybe they were broken before or something. This time was SO much better. I decided to run into the shoppette and grab some candy to take with me to New Moon.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'm not paying $1.30 for a candy bar. Might as well buy it at the Theater! After getting gas, we headed over to the commissary. I got some Mike & Ikes, some Junior Mints, some trail mix, and some chocolates. I got a few snacks for the kids, and headed home.
I'd put crock pot chinese chicken on at lunch time, so it was all smelling nice in the house when we got home :) I had about 10 minutes before I had to go and pick up the kids from school. I went in my own rig today, because I had to take Tom to the doctor at 3:45pm. He needed a referral for Speech.
So I go in with Andrea to get the kids, find my own, send Eme and Joe home with Andrea so she can drop them off at my house, and take Tom to the doctor. I brought my laptop so I could design my Twilight shirt. hehehe. Wanna see what I made???

We got home at 4:10, and I printed out my shirt thingy, then ironed it on. SO cool! It was a little crooked, but I didn't care. I put it on, and the kids and I headed off to the park. We met Andrea and kids and Leslie and kids (and grandbaby) there for a while. I stayed and chatted until about 5:25pm. I couldn't stay much longer! I had to go home, feed my kids, and get ready to go.
SO, we went home, at the chicken and rice, and I got the kids ready to stay home. Funny, but you have to do that. Captain America still wasn't home, but I knew he'd be home shortly. Or so I thought.
Sarah (my backyard neighbor), Mindy (live 3 houses down in the backyard), and another chicke i'd never met, met me at my house at about 5:50pm. I had my New Moon soundtrack, and we were ready to go. It took about 20 minutes to get there, and there was NO parking anywhere. It was crazy!
We parked WAY in the back, and walked on up. Inside the theater, they were directing the crowd into 2 waiting areas. I'm not sure how to explain it without using my hands. ROFL! A gated area with switchbacks. You know, like the line at fast food, where you go back and forth to get to the front of the line. Anyway, it had SEVERAL switchbacks. We were in the 4th switchback.
I used my super math skills (ROFL!) to figure out how many people were in line. There were 10 switchbacks. I counted the people in my row, which was 12. So, if every row had 12, then there were 120 people. Dang! Come to find out, we were the 3rd of 4 groupings waiting to go to the SAME movie! That's a LOT of people.
We got to the theater at 6:15, and they let us in at 7:40. I was wishing I'd worn different shoes - LOL! My feet were killing me :) A few of the girls went to get food from the consession stand, and the rest of us held place in line.
At 7:40, they finally let us in. Since we were the 3rd group, we were sitting near the front. Great. I hate sitting in the front. The screen is WAY too big in the front. It kills my head. And this screen was ginormous!!!
I turned around and took a pic of the stadium seating movie theater. It was massive! Tons of people there :)

This is Mindys friend. How bad is that of me that I didn't catch her name, and I sat by her the whole movie - LOL

Here's the 6 of us. The 2 chickies on the left side are from our neighborhood, but I don't know their names. Mindy and Sarah are in the middle, then me, then the chickie that I didn't catch her name.

I thought it was hilarious all the cat calls, the ooooing and aaaaaaaing and clapping and cheering for the movie. And the theater was definitely slanted toward Team Jacob. He was hot. There's no denying that :)
And remember how I was worried about the drinking thing? They weren't before we left, they weren't in line, but I know that there was some going on during the movie, when the lights went out. Sigh. Really? During New Moon? Whatever. I guess I was asked just to be the designated driver. Whatever. I LOVED the movie.
On the way back to post, when we stopped to show our id's to the gate guard, I handed him the pile (LOL -4), and he asked if I could roll down the back window. OK, I said, but you have to help me roll it back up. Are you serious, he asks. Yep, I say.
And the window gets stuck down. He felt really bad, and tried to help get it back up, but it was stuck. The look on his face was worth the cold air blowing in the rest of the way home - ROFL!
I dropped off the girls, then went home. And gave Captain America a recap of the evening, then sat down with the computer. I don't know how it got so late. I swear it was only 10:30pm when I got home. Its now 1:33. Yeah, where did 3 hours just go? Sigh.
I'm meeting Adela and Katy tomorrow at 7am to get ready for the garage sale. I need to find my christmas prints, and my frames, and assemble them. I need to find some cash. And a little bit of sleep would be good. Not sure where or when that'll fit in. Right now, I'm looking at 5 hours. I guess that's better than a poke in the eye :) A little - hehehe.
After the garage sale, Andrea and I have planned to go to church for Super Saturday (we all get together and make Christmas crafts). It's from 10-1pm. Should be fun. Jake has his first wrestling match at 2:30pm, but Captain America is taking him. Thank goodness. Maybe I can get a nap tomorrow afternoon. Maybe. We'll see.
I'm gonna go see New Moon again with Captain America, sometime next week (maybe even Saturday!), and then again with the girls. My girls! We've just gotta pick at time and day. I bet its even better the 2nd time around. LOL!
Yes, I know, it's childish. But I don't care. He/they are hotties. LOL! And they deserve their own WordArt for it. I'm sure you have a "hottie" in your life that you can use this for! If not, feel free to grab Jacob or Edward. I'm sure they wouldn't mine - ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

I just couldn't resist. One more time :)