Yeah for new stuff!!! Hope you guys like my products for the week! They're 20% off right now, or only $2.00 per pack. Enjoy!
HERE to go to my store at!

Wow, I'm ready for bed - hehehe. It's now 12:08 in the morning, and I'm sleepy :) As soon as I get done blogging, and link up this freebie, I'm off to dreamland. Well, no dreams. I sleep better when it's no dreams.
Anyway, I was up a little early today. 6:40ish. I hopped in the shower, and was out before I had to get the kids ready for school. But just barely. After they got on the bus, I fixed my hair and makeup.
Hilary was over around 8:15 or so. We decided to skip walking, since she and I both had appointments at 1pm. She finished getting ready at my house, and then we headed out. Laurie's b-day is on Saturday, so we wanted to get something for her.
First, we went to Walmart. She had a few things on her list to get. And I found some tennis shoes that were Joe/Jim size for $3 a pair. So I got one red, one blue, and one green. Can't beat 3 pairs of tennis shoes for $9, right?
After Walmart, we went to Fallas Paredes. I found a nice little "unmentionable" for Laurie :) Her man comes home in about 3 months :) Next, it was on to Cielo Vista mall. And Victoria Secret. They had their lotions/body sprays and such on sale. 6 for $30. Or $5 a piece. So I got 3 and Hilary bought 3, and we split the cost. Then, we each kept 2, and gave the others to Laurie for part of her b-day gift. AND we got cool Victoria Secret bags.
I bought the Love Spell perfume. I have the lotion and LOVE it. Hilary got the lotion. Then, we got some Island something flavor. Smelled REALLY good. AND, I found out that Hilary calls it flavor too. OK, so technically, you're supposed to say scent. Whatever. I call it flavor. hehehe. I swear, we're the same person sometimes - hehehe.
Oh yeah, did I ever ask you guys this? About the tooth fairy? When I was growing up, the tooth fairy would have us put our fallen out teeth in a cup of water by the sink. Then, in the AM, there would be quarters in the water. No one I've ever talked to had the tooth fairy do that, EXCEPT Hilary's family. SO, my question to you is, did anyone else out there have the cup of water tooth fairy, and how did that start? We decided that we both had Grandmothers from Idaho. Anyone??? Anyone???
OK, back to my day. We got the lotions, and the cool bags, and headed out. We stopped by Sam's Club to get gas in her car, then met the men folk at El Taco Tote. I know, I know. 3 days in a row. hehehe. I'm gonna have to drain my Paypal account into my checking account - LOL.
After lunch, Hilary picked up her kids and took them to an orthodontist screening thingy, and Captain America and I hurried off to our appointment. Through the military, we can go to a counselor for free, and confidential, no records kept. Not that we're having major issues or anything. Just little spats now and then. But, a healthy marriage is one that is worked on. SO, we figured that it would be good to keep working on it, right?
Mostly, the dude just affirmed things that we already knew. When you feel frustrated, think of the other person. Be deliberate in your actions towards the other person. Oh yeah, here's one. I'm not allowed to say "I Don't Know" anymore. I'm a very non-confrontational person, and don't like to make decisions. SO, this one was for me - hehehe.
I can ask for clarification if I need it, but I need to make a decision. No I don't knows. I'll work on that. I will :)
So after that, Captain America dropped me off back at home, and I hung with the kids. I picked up Eme and Joe from the bus at 3:30pm, then Tom came home at 4pm. Eme and I had a Mother/Daughter dance this evening, so I spent quite a bit of time getting us both "dance" worthy. hehehe. It was a Semi-Formal event, so I wanted us both to look nice.
Here's me in my outfit. The shirt has sparklies all over it. And the skirt is poofy. Yeah, it seemed Semi-Formal to me. ha!

And here's Eme. Doesn't she look all grown up! Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that she's only 8. What a cutie :)

We left the house at 5pm, and were among the first to arrive. Laurie and her girls came a few minutes later, and we hung with them for the evening. It was a fun dance. Eme kinda did her own thing on the dance floor. ha! Laurie and I and her girls, and Eme to some extent danced together.
Here's Eme and I again.

Eme and her classmate (2nd grade) Michelle

Laurie and I (with her daughter Elise in the background being goofy - LOL)

Mmmmm (hehehe, we didn't really eat it :)

The dance lasted until 7pm. We got home about 7:20pm. Tom and Captain America were at football, and Jake, Jim, and Joe were watching Pirates of the Caribbean. One of them. And the house was UTTERLY trashed. I don't know what they did, but it was MESSY. The kitchen looked like it hadn't been cleaned in FOREVER. Sigh.
So I changed out of my dress clothes, put on some compfy clothes, and started to work. I cleared the counters, washed them, put the clean dishes from the dishwasher onto the counter, then loaded the dishwasher with dirty dishes, started it, cleared the table, swept the floors, picked up messes, and finally had all the kids come help at the end. They picked up and swept up piles, and Jake put the clean dishes away, and a few other kitchen tasks.
Captain America came home around that same time, and commented that the house looked nice. Yeah, that was ALL me. I was SO tired.
But that wasn't the end of my day. At 8:30pm, Captain America and I walked over to our friends' house, the Kirkmans (Kayley). We were having a game night. We played a few hands of Uno Attack. Then Paul and Hilary got there, and we switched games.
Yeah, I'm not big on party games. Games where I have to look dumb, I usually avoid. BUT, I stuck it out, and it was fun-ish - hehehe. I don't think my friends knew how hard it was for me to do the crap that the game told me to do. Like mime 3 different things. Or laugh ever time someone else did (yeah, ALL night long). Or say "Ho Ho Ho Mummify" 10 times, trying to get people to guess that I was Santa. hehehe.
OK, so it was kinda fun. And funny. And I did laugh a lot. And towards the end, I felt more comfortable. Still, it was out of my comfort zone :) Hilary, when we come over tomorrow, let's NOT play that game, ok?
So at 10:45pm, we walked back home. And here it is, 12:32pm, and I'm just now getting done blogging. I'm tired. And ready for bed. And Hilary, this WordArt doesn't work for us. Because somedays, I think you're my twin, separated from birth. hehehe.
Oh yeah, and this is my new hat, and bag. Randomly thrown in at the end of my blogging. Because I was too lazy to put it on the other day. hehehe. And I'd like to report that I'm STILL on the diet, no cheats in 30 days. And I'm down a total of 12 lbs. Not too bad, eh?

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