Yep. Here's the day it all started. The day I packed up all my possessions, and either left them in a friends garage in Ohio, or packed them in this homemade trailer, dropped my husband off at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), and drove clear across the country to stay at my parents house. Seeing my husband drive off to Fort Knox, Kentucky was one of the hardest things I've done. But I did it.
My mom and I drove across the country in a 1990 Suburban, towing a home made trailer. 2500 miles. With 5 children. In 4 days. With no air conditioning. In the beginning of August. That was hard.
I watched my 2 year old wonder where his Daddy was. Throw fits because he wanted his old house back. Wonder where all of his toys were. Where his old backyard was. Where his old Nursery class (from church) was. Wonder why he was in a new house with new rules. That was hard.
Cram 5 kids into one little room, in a full bed, 2 cots, and a play pen. Then move 2 kids into tents, then eventually the garage. Field complaints of "you don't love me because you make me sleep in a tent", and "I hate sleeping in this room with all these boys". Trying to keep 5 people's clothes in one little closet, with no dressers. That was hard.
I went without talking to my husband for 9 weeks. 63 days. I saved an old voicemail from him, and listened to it whenever I got lonely. Not having a loving shoulder to cry on. Not having him here for me when things got tough, that was hard.
Making all the phone calls, dealing with all the bill, handling all the problems, being a single parent (essentially), that was hard.
I've found, though, over these hundred days, that I am tougher than I thought. I didn't die. I didn't have a nervous breakdown. I didn't quit. I'm still here. It's still hard, but I'm doing my best. We've actually had a TON of good times. I've learned a lot. I feel proud about what my little family is doing for our country. Most things that are important are hard. That's were the most opportunity for growth comes. "That which does not kill you makes you stronger". And I'm becoming ARMY STRONG.
Anyway, to honor my 100 days, I'm going to give you all a treat! Just be one of the first 100 people to leave a comment and you'll win a prize! And what might that prize be? Well, look below to find out!!!
comment #1-5 : 50% off coupon
comment #6-20: 40% off coupon
comment #21-50: 30% off coupon
comment #51-75: 20% off coupon
comment #76-100: 10% off coupon
Now, here are some guidelines: CT and Managers can't play. You girls get TONS of stuff for free already :) AND, only one prize per person. No multiple comments :)
So, when you leave a comment, make sure you leave a way for me to get a hold of you :)
OK, girls! Thanks for helping me celebrate what a GREAT accomplishment our family has done! We've been in the Army for 100 days!!!!!