So, how was your 4th of July? It's my 1st 4th of July without my hubby in 12 years of marriage :( So sad. But, he is having a TON of fun at his Civil War Reenactment! Get those Yankee's, sweetheart! LOL :)
We had fun at our church picnic. Because our building is so small (the new one is being built, and should be done in the fall/winter), we met at a members home, and had a BBQ and the kids played on the homemade slip and slide. They connected 3 tarps together (on a hill), and the kids took turns running and sliding down the hill. Even a few of the grown-up and older boys got involved. It was SO much fun to watch the kids! They were having a blast. It didn't even matter that it was raining - lol! 80 and raining is still PERFECT weather to play in the slip and slide - ha!
No fireworks for us, though. I decided to just bring the kids home and put them in bed. I've been staying up WAY too late, so I'm gonna try and get to bed early tonight. Need to recharge my "super mom" powers - LMBO!!!
This WordArt request is from Monica, who wanted something to use on a layout about reading. I found this quote, and just LOVED it! Hope you like it too!!! This will be perfect for the summer reading programs at your local library, don't you think?!!!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account and download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work :)
Welcome to my Site
You can reach me at: and I'll try my best to answer. I get a crazy amount of email, so PLEASE don't hate me if you don't hear back from me. Love ya!
Click here for my Terms of Use
Click here for my Terms of Use
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
I just LOVE the 4th of July!!! I think mostly because I LOVE my country. I'm so grateful for my freedoms, for this beautiful land, for all the peace and prosperity that my family and I enjoy living here.
Here's a movie that I made for my son Jacob's Cub Scout Arrow of Light crossover ceremony. It's all about our great country! Hope you like it :) If for some reason this doesn't work, click here to go to my personal blog and watch the video.
And, on to WordArt :) I made this WordArt back over Spring Break in St. Louis. It's the first part of the Declaration of Independence. Gotta love Thomas Jefferson. What an inspired document!!!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Happy 4th of JULY!!!
Here's a movie that I made for my son Jacob's Cub Scout Arrow of Light crossover ceremony. It's all about our great country! Hope you like it :) If for some reason this doesn't work, click here to go to my personal blog and watch the video.
And, on to WordArt :) I made this WordArt back over Spring Break in St. Louis. It's the first part of the Declaration of Independence. Gotta love Thomas Jefferson. What an inspired document!!!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Happy 4th of JULY!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
BIG SALE in the Orchard!!!
OK, you guys - I have a BIG sale for you all at my Scraporchard store! For this 4th of July weekend only, for every 2 WordArt packs you buy, you get one free! What could be better! Plus, for every WordArt pack you buy, you'll be entered into my drawing for a $5.00 coupon to my store. And, don't forget that my new WordArt packs are on sale this week for $2.00! If you bought all 3 of them,it would only be $4.00!!! What a steal :)

And, I've moved these products below into the Farmers Market, which means that they're only $1.00 each!!! Now that's REALLY a good deal :) There are 4 different WordArt packs to choose from.

Awe, You All Love Me!
Thanks so much, you guys! It's been fantastic to read all of your sweet comments! You guys ROCK! And, because you're so awesome, I've giving away WordArt packs to 3, not just one!!!
I went back through the comments on the last post, and picked 3 of you who commented, and those were the winners of the WordArt packs.
So, drumroll please (yes, i expect you to do it on your desk/table/lap/whatever - ha! play along :) Here they are below- will you 3 please email me at and let me know which of my Scraporchard WordArt packs you'd like!!!
Rona said...
I went back through the comments on the last post, and picked 3 of you who commented, and those were the winners of the WordArt packs.
So, drumroll please (yes, i expect you to do it on your desk/table/lap/whatever - ha! play along :) Here they are below- will you 3 please email me at and let me know which of my Scraporchard WordArt packs you'd like!!!
IreneO said...
I just recently discovered your blog and am glad I did. Your word art is great!
Good luck alone with the kids - I know what it's like - first it was shift work, then it was out-of-town. Usually only 3 days or so, but it has been as much as 36 days (and who's counting? - lol)July 2, 2008 7:58 PM

I was laughing at your attitude word art! Love 'em!
July 2, 2008 8:29 PM
Thanks so much you guys! You're the best blog readers ever!!!
Thanks so much to ALL of you who left me love yesterday! I SO appreciate it :) I'll pick someone later today to win my WordArt prize for leaving me love back on that post - You guys are awesome :) My hubby called last night to say that he'd got to Gettysburg safe and sound, and was taking lots of pictures for me - Good man :)
We had a nice day yesterday, went to the library (for the summer lunch program), checked out a few books and movies, played in the pool (well, they did), designed (yep, that was me!), and I actually cleaned! Cleaning's really not my thing, as much as I'd like it to be. I have friends who keep their houses spotless, and I'm not quite sure how they do it. Oh well, we're all good at something, and housework just doesn't happen to be mine. I bet my clean friends can't make a WordArt - lmbo!!!
This WordArt request if from Starla, and I thought it turned out really cute :) Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
We had a nice day yesterday, went to the library (for the summer lunch program), checked out a few books and movies, played in the pool (well, they did), designed (yep, that was me!), and I actually cleaned! Cleaning's really not my thing, as much as I'd like it to be. I have friends who keep their houses spotless, and I'm not quite sure how they do it. Oh well, we're all good at something, and housework just doesn't happen to be mine. I bet my clean friends can't make a WordArt - lmbo!!!
This WordArt request if from Starla, and I thought it turned out really cute :) Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Small - Bibliotheque
All rest - Auburn
Small - Bibliotheque
All rest - Auburn
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
New Products in the Store
OK, you guys. My hubby just left for the week to go to Gettysburg, and I'm gonna be a bit lonely :( SOOOO, if you could just leave me a little love, I'd really appreciate it! Ha! And, I'll be picking one of you guys (who leave me some love ON THIS POST) to get a FREE WORDART PACK of your choice from my store.
And, once again, I wanted to give my blog readers an early look at my new products hitting the "shelves" in Scraporchard this Friday. They're on sale for the first week, but you can click the links below to buy them now!!!
And, since I had such a GREAT response to my little promotion last week, I'm doing it again this week (but, I'll extend the deadline to Monday at 10 am). For every WordArt pack you buy from my Scraporchard store between now and Monday at 10am, I'll enter you into a drawing to win a $5.00 coupon to my Scraporchard store!

And, once again, I wanted to give my blog readers an early look at my new products hitting the "shelves" in Scraporchard this Friday. They're on sale for the first week, but you can click the links below to buy them now!!!
And, since I had such a GREAT response to my little promotion last week, I'm doing it again this week (but, I'll extend the deadline to Monday at 10 am). For every WordArt pack you buy from my Scraporchard store between now and Monday at 10am, I'll enter you into a drawing to win a $5.00 coupon to my Scraporchard store!
$2.00 for the first week - and just in time for the 4th of July
(wouldn't a few of these make CUTE 4th of July tee shirts!)
(wouldn't a few of these make CUTE 4th of July tee shirts!)

So, to recap (ha!):
1. New products in the "secret store", just for you!!!
2. Leave me some love to win a WordArt pack of your choice
3. Each purchased WordArt pack gets you entered into a drawing for a $5.00 coupon to my store.
1. New products in the "secret store", just for you!!!
2. Leave me some love to win a WordArt pack of your choice
3. Each purchased WordArt pack gets you entered into a drawing for a $5.00 coupon to my store.
My mom informed me that i should tell all of you BAD guys out there, that i have a shot gun (3 actually) (and so does my neighbor), so you better not come and get me while i'm home by myself. Better, Mom?
Just had to share a few quick pictures of my boys! They have been working hard on their Cub Scout advancement these past few months, and finally earned their Rank Advancement. Thomas earned his Wolf Badge, plus 3 arrow point, and Jacob earned 5 activity pins, his Arrow of Light, and his Boy Scout joining badge! Way to go, you guys!!!
It's WordArt Wednesday at the Orchard again! This WordArt request comes from Patty (PoshyPrincess). What a nice saying! Love it!
Don't forget, you have to be registered with Scraporchard to get the freebie :) Click here to go to Scraporchard and download the PNG file!!! Plus, make a layout using it, and you could win a WordArt pack of your choice from me :) I'll pick my favorite next week.

It's WordArt Wednesday at the Orchard again! This WordArt request comes from Patty (PoshyPrincess). What a nice saying! Love it!
Don't forget, you have to be registered with Scraporchard to get the freebie :) Click here to go to Scraporchard and download the PNG file!!! Plus, make a layout using it, and you could win a WordArt pack of your choice from me :) I'll pick my favorite next week.

Beautiful - LainieDaySH

Paper: Purplecolorz
Alpha: Bel Vidotti Scrap
Flowers: Simply Sweet Designs
Furry girl: Scraps by Shilo
Thanks so much to Kim for sending in her layout. Awesome! What a happy little girl :)

Kit by Jenlin Designs
Yeah! I just LOVE patriotic stuff :) Great red, white, and blue!!! This page was sent in by Jennifer. You did a good job, girl!!!
Beautiful - LainieDaySH

Paper: Purplecolorz
Alpha: Bel Vidotti Scrap
Flowers: Simply Sweet Designs
Furry girl: Scraps by Shilo
Thanks so much to Kim for sending in her layout. Awesome! What a happy little girl :)

Kit by Jenlin Designs
Yeah! I just LOVE patriotic stuff :) Great red, white, and blue!!! This page was sent in by Jennifer. You did a good job, girl!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Green and Grass
Yah!!! It's time for another great Alpha from Crystal (Digiscrapalicious) over at Benevolent Boutique (doesn't she do great work!!!) Here are 2 new WordArts - You can grab this first one from me, and you'll have to go grab the second one from her blog :) Also, be sure to check out her new Alpha at her store!
I know I have pics of my kids helping their dad mow the grass that would be PERFECT with this wordart :) I think I even have some pics of on of the little boys posing on a riding lawnmower. that would be really cute! I'll have to go and look for those :) Click on the first WordArt below to go to my 4shared account and download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

I know I have pics of my kids helping their dad mow the grass that would be PERFECT with this wordart :) I think I even have some pics of on of the little boys posing on a riding lawnmower. that would be really cute! I'll have to go and look for those :) Click on the first WordArt below to go to my 4shared account and download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
Mowing, the - Charade JF
Mowing, the - Charade JF
I thought that this WordArt would be cute on pages with kids eating salad, kids NOT eating salad (lol), kids sitting in the grass, and most especially, KIDS EATING GRASS! Ha! I have some of those :) Heheheh. And, remember, you have to go to Crystal's Blog to grab this one :)

Awful - Pupcat
Awful - Pupcat
Monday, June 30, 2008
Every Time You Smile
So, this 4th of July, my hubby gets to go and be part of the 145th Year Gettysburg Civil War Reenactment. He's SO excited! I've been busy helping him get the last minute sewing things done. On Friday, I made him a quilt, and Sunday evening, we worked on shrinking his pants (yep, he's lost 45 lbs since xmas time!!!), and fixing a collar on his shell jacket. Aren't I a nice wife (good thing he couldn't hear me talking to myself inside and wishing i was designing - LOL!)
This wordArt request comes from Trina - What a WONDERFUL saying this is :) Hope you like it! I thought it turned out pretty good!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account and download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work.

This wordArt request comes from Trina - What a WONDERFUL saying this is :) Hope you like it! I thought it turned out pretty good!
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account and download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Every, time, you - scriptina
Smile - Pupcat

JustABoy Papers by KAagard Designs
the Circles and Stars Template by KAagard Designs
Awesome, Rachel! Thanks so much for sharing - It looks FABULOUS!!!! That's gotta be one of the BIGGEST smiles I've ever seen a little person make!!!

Fun'Ky Summer Kit by digitaldivadesigns
Thanks so much to Kerri for sending in this layout! Fabulous! Lovin' the background paper, and those elements are WONDERFUL! And that photo is perfect! Great job :)

Created in PSPP XI
Photo by Still photographs by Michelle
Hand, globe and white sparkles on background from a PSP tutorial
Night sky in globe by me
Back ground from Backyard play by Leaonna at Busyscrappin
Thanks to Jenn for sending in this layout! WOW! How pretty is this ??!!!!! Great job :)
Every, time, you - scriptina
Smile - Pupcat

JustABoy Papers by KAagard Designs
the Circles and Stars Template by KAagard Designs
Awesome, Rachel! Thanks so much for sharing - It looks FABULOUS!!!! That's gotta be one of the BIGGEST smiles I've ever seen a little person make!!!

Fun'Ky Summer Kit by digitaldivadesigns
Thanks so much to Kerri for sending in this layout! Fabulous! Lovin' the background paper, and those elements are WONDERFUL! And that photo is perfect! Great job :)

Created in PSPP XI
Photo by Still photographs by Michelle
Hand, globe and white sparkles on background from a PSP tutorial
Night sky in globe by me
Back ground from Backyard play by Leaonna at Busyscrappin
Thanks to Jenn for sending in this layout! WOW! How pretty is this ??!!!!! Great job :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Road of Life
So, did you all like the patriotic stuff from yesterday? I had SO much fun making it :) Well, I got a little carried away with today's freebie too! LOL :) Back for the Scraporchard June Collab, I tried to make some bugs from a TUT, and it took me like 3 hours to make 'em. They've been sitting on my 'puter ever since. Well, when Mags requested this quote, I thought that the little buggies might be great on the WordArt. Then, I thought that I might as well GIVE you the bugs. Then, I thought that some nice papers, the same colors as the bugs, would be even better. So, it kind of evolved into a "mini" kit thingy.
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the "mini" kit, and leave some love if you like my work.
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the "mini" kit, and leave some love if you like my work.
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I love how your word art is looking so good with elements and different colors. Thanks so much for all the freebies
July 2, 2008 11:22 AM