OK, a warning. This post is VERY long, and kinda silly - hehehe. My true colors emerge! hehehe.
Howdy Hey, girls!!! It's FRIDAY already!!! And, what's a Friday without a little bit of Fresh fruit! I've got 5 new WordArt packs for ya, hot off the press (LOL!) Click
HERE to go to my store, and remember, it's on sale for the first week at $2.00 a pack. After that, I'll go up to $2.50 :)

Layout by ThunderDragon

Layout by Diana

Layout by Trina

Layout by Grace

Layout by Jaimee

OK, so re-cap of girls night back on Wednesday :) I had SO much fun! I showed up at Katy's house at about 9:05pm. I brought about 8 board games, not sure what would be fun. I'd also made some Banana Spice cookies with Lemon glaze - mmmmm, they smelled warm and were still fresh. Adela showed up next, followed by Laurie. We were SO excited that Laurie was able to come!!! It was her first girls night late night with us!
Katy had some cheese, some artichoke/spinach dip with crackers, and some apples. Laurie brought chocolate dipped strawberries. And Adela brought a tiny little bit of "adult" beverages for her and Katy. Laurie and I stuck to water/diet soda :)
We started off with Apples to Apples (super funny game), and moved on to Scattegories. Katy got a call from her hubby (he's deployed) somewhere in the middle, too. Awe, so sweet!!!
The camera came out at one point. Who knew that Katy LOVED the camera and making funny faces as much as I do. Seriously, I've never had a friend that likes to be goofy as much as me - hehehe.
Here's Adela and Laurie, trying their best to be goofy (not as naturally talented at it as Katy and I)

Here we go, this one is better :)

Here's Katy give me the crazy eyes - LOL!

And here's what Katy does when she gets embarassed - TOO funny!

And Katy trying to jump into the fishtank - ROFL! OK, not really. Can't remember what she was really doing. I do remember talk of her saying she could fit into the fish tank, then reconsidering, and saying, "well, not me, but my husband" - ROFL!

Katy has a MAC, and it had this SUPER funny program that morphs your face. We took turns sitting in front of the computer screen, taking screen shots of our crazy faces - OMGosh - I gotta get that program. hehehehe. I think Katy and I were enjoying it a whole lot more than I should have.


Me - why do I look like a scary old man??? ROFL!

Me and Katy

Adela, Me, Laurie, and Katy - Aren't we HOT!!!

Oh yeah, I'm all that!

Katy and I - LOL!!!

Adela - hehehehe!

Me and Laurie (can you tell who liked this program the MOST!)

Then, for some reason, at 1:15am, we decided to go run a lap around the block. I know! What were we thinking! Laurie and I and Katy decided to go. Adela passed on the whole crazy idea. I only had my platform-ish flip flops, so Laurie let me borrow ONE of hers. We were quite the pair. What a bunch of dorks, we are! Running laps after midnight, and only 1 of the 3 of us had even had a drink - hehehe.

So after we get back, we start talking about the positive benifits of having vinegar in your diet. I know, random - ha! Anyway, I don't know who came up with the idea, but a shot of vinegar was called. Laurie was the drinker - hehehe. Here she is, posing for the drink!

She took a little sip, then a cucumber to wash it down.

Ewwww! One little sip was enough for her - nasty stuff - good for seasoning, not so much for drinking straight up :)

Well, Katy couldn't let it go unfinished, so she decided to down it. Ewwww!

Sorry it's sideways. You'll get the idea, though :) heheeh.
Adela and Laurie (Adela had some moles removed earlier in the day, so that's the bandaid. I Photoshopped the rest of them out in the other pics, but got lazy towards the end, and left this one - Sorry, Adela!)

And Katy and I.

The party broke up at about 3:30am. We all went home, and slept. I got woke up at 7:50am, and was up for the day. Girls night is SO worth the lack of sleep :)
I made the kids cereal (yeah, MADE - LOL!), and got myself breakfast, and sat down on the couch to watch a movie with the kids. No laptop. Good of me, eh? I lasted about 30 minutes before I went and got it. I'm working on it :)
I'm not sure what we did all morning long, since I was kinda in a "lack of sleep" induced trance, but we headed out for the pool at 11am. Katy and Adela came, as well as a few other friends. The Kirkmans (Kaylee) were there, and so was Kelsey. Oh yeah, Laurie was there too, and her hubby as well. We had quite a large group of friends. It was SO hot (about 100), so we spent the majority of the time in the actual pool. Usually we're just sitting around chatting, but not yesterday. WAY too hot - LOL!
We left at about 2pm, and headed home. Everyone was a little bit pink. We needed a 3rd application of sunscreen. The sun was pretty intense. I got home, changed, got a snack for the kids, and went to bed. Katy had let me borrow her season 1 of Felicity, and I thought I'd try it out. Yeah, I fell asleep. Not that it wasn't good. I was just tired. I eventually brought Jimmy in with me, and we slept a good portion of the afternoon. I was on and off sleeping, what with kids coming in and needing things, but I eventually woke up at around 6pm. Hehehe.
I went out and made Taco Salad for the kids, and the usual for me. I spent a little time with Captain America (just so he didn't think I didn't like him anymore, what with me running off to play every night - ha!), and blogged for today, and now I'm getting ready to go to Adela's house. We're gonna watch "Fun with Dick and Jane". I know I've seen it before, and remember thinking it was funny, but honestly don't remember a lot about it. I can watch it again :) But I won't be staying as late. I'm gonna need some sleep :)
I stayed at Adela's house until 1am. Not too bad :) Plenty of time to still come home and sleep :) We had fun watching the movie, then chatting.
Friday we're going to Biggs sprinkler park for the morning, then there's a free Ice Cream give away at Kelly Park from 2-3pm. I'm ALL about free, so the kids and I'll be there. They're SO excited about ice cream :) We also talked about an alternative plan, of watching X-Men Origins with the kids, then getting ice cream. As long as there's ice cream - ha!
Then BBQ at Lauries house on Friday night, and BBQ at Captain Americas Army school instructors house, or something like that on Saturday. Should be a fun weekend. Already packed!
Since I gave you guys a dog themed WordArt yesterday, I thought it was only fair to give you all a Cat themed WordArt today :) See, I'm an equal opportunity non-animal person - ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.