Grocery shopping days are the best, right? hehehe. Whatever ! I woke up at 7:15am, hopped up, and got ready for the store. I wish I were more enthusiastic about it, but hey, it was 7:15am. hehehe.
I got dressed, and went out and fed the masses. Yogurt with Fiber One cereal. Some LOVED it and some hated it. Can't please everyone, right? I straightened up the kitchen a bit, then printed off my shopping list. And crossed off what we already had and such.
By 8:30am, Maddie and I were ready for our shopping excursion. We headed to the commissary in the truck, got out the cash I needed, and we proceeded to shop for a week. It's amazing how much food it takes to feed this group. ha! All I can say is THANK HEAVENS for free lunch. That's 5 meals a week that I don't have to worry about...
Anyway, we swung by the Thrift store on the way home. The Ft. Bliss Thrift Shop is only open 3 days a week. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. We caught it on an open day. hehehe.
Maddie found quite a few $0.25 girl clothes in the clearance section, and was shopping up a storm. She only brought a few clothes for her kids, so now they're gonna have a whole new summer wardrobe - ha!
I found a few things for my family too. I got Eme 2 new pairs of pants, a swim shirt and swim skirt, a fancy Sunday dress, Jake got a Hawaiian shirt, and an Authentic Army BDU top for playing in, and Tom got a Motorcycle shirt, Jim and Joe got a Black Swim shirt to share, I got a series of 6 kid books, and #4,6,7,8,9 and10 in Series of Unfortunate Events, some other paperback books (Including 2 copies of Harry Potter #1 - we have 4 #2's, 3 #3's, 2 #4's, 2 #5's, and one each of 6 and 7), a pair of fancy black sandal/dressy shoes for myself, 3 Boy Scout shirts (2 short sleeved, 1 long sleeved), all for under $20. Not too bad, right? I was pretty pleased with my finds.
Maddie and Eme's new dress
And here's Maddie and I with our Thrift Shop finds
Remember that LARGE LOAD truck we got stuck behind last lunch? Well, we got stuck behind it this time too. I guess they're on the same schedule as us - LOL!
Here we are at Free Lunch. Today was spaghetti, carrots, honeydew, and milk. Jake was glad he stayed home, cause he HATES spaghetti. hehe.
After lunch, we headed to Kelly Park to play in the sprinklers. The little girls absolutely LOVED the place. And so did Maddie. She didn't have to worry about Lily drowning. Just concrete, no large body of water. ha!
We saw Heidi and Bridgette (both from Church) there, and hung with them. Here's a pic of Heidi. Her baby is 1 month old. Brand new little girl. That makes 3 girls, 1 boy for her family.
We came back home, and started on dinner. I cooked marinated pork (Hawaiian) with left over mashed postatoes. People seemed to eat them well enough. They did their chores, and played outside in the back yard for a while, until it started to rain.
Captain America came home at around 6:30pm, and he and I left on our date. Jake was given instructions to have the kids sit on the couch and watch a group movie together, then all were to go to bed. The older ones could read in their room, but the little ones had to go to sleep. Maddie and her girls were gonna hang in the living room, undisturbed for the evening.
So as Captain America and I left for our date, this is the BEAUTIFUL rainbow I saw!
We didn't have to wait too long to get seated, and our waiter was fairly quick with our food. I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't substitute a salad for the rice in the fajatias. That's REALLY what I wanted. BJ's lets you do it.....
Here's me at the restaurant
Captain America and I came back home around 11:30pm, and here it is, 1:22am. My designing is done, and I'm getting ready to hit the hay. At least I can sleep in tomorrow. Cause it's Saturday. And I LOVE Saturdays - hehehe. So don't wake me up early, ok? You promise?
Got a special treat for you today! I made my wordart from yesterday into an alpha! And I'm giving it to you :) Now, there's 2 different options for the download. You can get it in 26 individual PNG files, or you can get 26 individual PNG files all in one PSD file, all on one page. So you just open it up, and drag and drop which letters you want. Whatever you choose :) Enjoy!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
4shared - 26 letters, individual files (PNG)
4shared - 1 sheet of 26 separated letters (PSD) - 26 letters, individual files (PNG) - 1 sheet of 26 separated letters (PSD)
4shared - 1 sheet of 26 separated letters (PSD) - 26 letters, individual files (PNG) - 1 sheet of 26 separated letters (PSD)