Jacob, my oldest, broke his glasses earlier in the day. Apparently, he just pulls off and on his shirts, and doesn't remove his glasses first. Well, it loosened the screw that held the lens in place, and it fell out and was gone forever. So, he had to go the rest of the day without his glasses. And he can't really see too well without them. Poor guy.
The nice lady at Wal-Mart was able to get us a new screw, and also replace a nose pad that had fallen off. He was VERY grateful to get his glasses back. I know that I'd be sick if I didn't wear my contacts/glasses for the afternoon. And I wouldn't know who anyone was - ha! Yep, I'm that blind!
We also took back my son, Tom's Air Soft gun that we just got him. We bought the $11 gun, but should have bought the $14 one. So, if anyone out there is buying one of these Air Soft guns for their kids, go for the slightly more expensive one, it'll work better - LMBO!
I am also kicking around the idea of getting a new laptop. This one is SO SLOW! What should take me 10 minutes to design is taking me 30-45 minutes. I just need a little more RAM. But, I'm using my "designing money" to pay for my trip to KY to see my hubby graduate from Basic Training in October, so I'm gonna have to work something else out. Hmmmmm....... I was quite proud of myself though. I figured it all out, and between the flights, the car, and the hotel, my trip may cost about $800. And, with my next Scraporchard paycheck, I should just about have that covered. So, thanks to all of you who have bought my WordArt in the past few months! You're helping me to go and see my Sweetheart!!!
So, here's the WordArt for today! Hope you like it, and you can use it! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
Thanks, you guys, for letting me know that I'd forgotten to link up the WordArt - I guess I should play it off as if I meant to do it, cause practice makes perfect or something, but really I just forgot - LOL! But, it's all done and working now :)

Perfect - Luxury Royale JF
All rest - Too Much Paper
Perfect - Luxury Royale JF
All rest - Too Much Paper