I got Jake going on school, did some business work on the computer, cleaned a little, this, that, and the other thing... Hilary texted at one point, and said that I'd left my wallet in her Truck last night, so not to leave post. Cause I couldn't get back on without it . Good point!
hehehe. She was working today, but was gonna be there by herself, so said to come up, get the wallet, and stay and chat for a bit. So I did. We had a nice chat, I got my wallet, and even a Sonic Drink she'd picked up for me on the way to post this morning. What a sweetheart! Thanks, girl :)
I went back home, fed my kids lunch, cleaned up some messes, and hung with Captain America when he came home at 1pm. A bit later than usual, but at least he was home :) I printed off my shopping list, and figured out what I needed from the commissary.
At 1:30pm, Hilary was off work, and came to get me. We went to the commissary, and I got the weekly shopping done. Seems like I'm ALWAYS grocery shopping - hehehe. We swung by Wal-Mart, and I got my and Jake's contacts. They'd been in for a while, I just hadn't gotten back to that particular WalMart to pick them up. I also had a few household item to purchase that I couldn't get at the commissary. Same with Hilary ;)
She dropped me back off on post, and I had the kids help me unload the groceries. And put them away. And cook the frozen pizzas for dinner. I know it's not the homemade ones that I've been promising them, but it WAS pizza. That's gotta count for something.
Laurie had invited Eme to come over to her house after school, so it was just the boys and me. It's nice for Eme to get to play with girls every once in a while - hehehe.
It was cold and windy and sprinkly today. Ewwwwh. Next week is supposed to be in the 80's every day, with Wednesday being 89. I'm SO ready for it. I had on socks, flip flops (I'm from the Pacific Northwest, so I'm entitled to wear that.....) jeans, and a hoodie. I was freezing all day :)
Anyway, kids did their chores, played, and I scrapped a bit. Kind of. I made a new Avatar for Facebook (you know that's what the little picture of yourself is called, right? Avatar - it's not just a cartoon of a kid with an arrow on his forehead or a movie about blue native American aliens). Do you like it? I used pieces from Scrapbookgraphics new project, Creative Fusion. It's a WONDERFUL "kit". Check out the Creative Fusion category HERE.

Captain America got home at around 5:30pm, and we had dinner. Then he and I drove over to the Carl's Jr parking lot, just off post, and he sold his Guitar Amp. He's decided that he never plays it anymore, because he doesn't have time. He has an accoustic that he's keeping, but he's getting rid of all of the electric stuff. Some dude paid him $175 for the amp. If he sells all the stuff he's trying to sell, he should have about $900 to fix his truck with. He's pretty excited :)
Anyway, we came home, got the kids ready for bed, teeth brushed, jammies, and Captain America and I headed out for a date. Jake and the kids watched a movie together in the living room, and we went to see a movie with Hilary and Paul. It was pretty fun. It's nice to have another couple to double with. Not something we do often, but we should! hehehe.
We saw the new Steve Correl/Tina Feay movie, Date Night. Gonna warn ya, it's pretty naughty. But some of the parts were SO funny. Mom, don't see it. You wouldn't like it at all. Dad, you'd die laughing :) If you got the jokes - hehehe.
We were home by 10pm, and got ready for our busy Saturday. I don't know if I can even remember all of the stuff going on on Saturday. Let me see if I can write it all down... (not everyone is doing all of these activities)
8:15am - drop tents off at Old Ft Bliss
8:30am - leave Ft Bliss for Tom's football game
9:00am - Tom's football game
10:00am - Church Relief Society Enrichment meeting @ church
11:30am - Get ready for Old Ft Bliss Civil War reenactment/living history, in costume
12-2pm - @ Old Ft Bliss
6pm - Tom has a sleepover at Veronica's Michaels house for his b-day party
At some point in the day, there's a blog readers sister whos hubby is getting stationed at Ft Bliss who's coming for the week to try and buy a house who wanted a tour of Ft Bliss, so we're gonna try and fit that in.
And Post Wide Yard Sale is in the morning. And I have sharing time/singing time on Sunday to prepare(a total of 45 minutes worth of content, once for the 3-7 year olds, once for the 8-11 yr olds). And make up a calendar for Cub Scouts. And type up the Pack Meeting Agenda and program. I'm getting tired just thinking about all the stuff I need to do. I feel like there's something else I'm forgetting too.
Oh yeah, Captain America is meeting with a guy about another part of his guitar. A pedal, maybe? I don't remember what piece, or when, but that's on the schedule too :) Crazy times :)
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