Yep, Jacob got his Football shoulder pads! Goodness! Now he's got the helmet, the shoulder pads, and the football pants with built in pads. The jerseys are coming on Tuesday. Woohoo! He's gonna look pretty good when he's all set! First game next Saturday. Anyone wanna come and hang out with us :)
As we were picking up the pads, I asked the Boys and Girls Club guy about Cheerleading (which we had signed Emeline (1st grade) up for. Oh, he says, didn't someone call you? They're practicing right now at the Elementary school. Nice. No, they hadn't called. So, I hurried over to the school, and left Eme at cheerleading. So see how missing the bus was a good thing! Hehehe.
We're heading down to Coos Bay today to go shopping (yippeeee!). Apparently, K-Mart is having a big sale, and I'm all about sales - ha! Plus, my mom wants to get her hair cut, I need some groceries at Wal-Mart (yeah, it's really cramping my style to have Wal-Mart an hour away, instead of 5 mintues!), and a trip to Ross. Do you all have Ross? It's FABULOUS!!! And, we get to go to lunch at Puerto Vallarta (a mexican restraunt), which should be fun. Doesn't it sound like a WONDERFUL morning?
This WordArt request is from Laura. She wanted to have this scripture, since it's the LDS 2009 Mutual theme. What a great scripture! I hope you like what I did with it. I LOVE how it turned out :) Click on the image below to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Example, charity, spirit, faith, purity - Stephanie Marie JF