I was at my friends house babysitting at 8 am ish. I DID get a new WordArt pack designed. That doesn't help me move, but it was sure fun :) It was a Words Active WordArt Pack, with 4 WordArts like the "Jump" WordArt. And, I included a layered PSD file (rasterized) so you could easily re-color the white and black parts.
I called the school, and learned that I had to come in and fill out some papers. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! Geesh! But, I guess it's for a good reason.
Maren came over and hung out while I babysat. We had fun. She's a GREAT friend, and I really enjoy her - Thank, my friend, for coming and keeping me company!
So I was done babysitting at 2:45, and Maren took me to pick up my truck from the shop. And who knew that the shop didn't take Discover. What's up with that? That's the only credit card I have with room on it. geesh. Not shaping up to be a good time. Luckily, my mom was there to help me out again. I should just have the army deposit our travel money in her account - LMBO!
My truck runs FABULOUSLY!!!! I'm SO happy with it. Steve (the mechanic), checked the levels of everything, the tire pressure, changed the oil, and made it all ready for the trip. Thanks, Steve!!! You're the BEST!!!
So I finally get home at 3:40 ish (stopped by the school to fill out papers), and my dad wants to know where the key to the trailer is. See, there's a spot on the trailer where the trailer tongue attaches to the hitch of the truck. There's a ... um... latch that keeps it on there. And there's a spot for a lock. Well, we put a lock on it, and I had the key. HAD. I'm not to be trusted with things like that.... Captain America should know that - LMBO! I lose everything.
So I searched the truck, and found an extra set of keys, and a little key that I thought might be for the trailer lock. I went to the backyard to look at it, and noticed that my tags EXPIRED in December '08. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I'm leaving on MONDAY. It's a holiday, and the DMV isn't opened. I must admit, I started to panic a little bit.
I immediately went into the house, and called the DMV. Luckily, they closed at 5:00 pm. I had about an hour to work with. So, I told them my problem, that I was moving from Oregon to Texas, and I had expired Ohio plates. I asked what I should do. They said to bring the trailer in (great!), and pay for a trailer license, registration, and title fee, totalling $150. Oh My GOSH!!!
So I search for the keys for a little while longer, and realize, I don't have time to search any more. I ask my dad what I could do. Does he having anything to cut the lock with? No, he says. Just a hack saw, and it'll take a few hours to cut through it. Well, I know that I don't have a few hours, so I hop in the truck, and drive to the hardware store.
Give me BIG BOLT CUTTERS, I say. The guys was doubtuf that it would work, but I bought the BIGGEST bolt cutters they sold. I am now the proud (or not so proud) owner of $40 bolt cutters. So, if you EVER need a bolt, lock, or anything big and metal cut, just call me. I'd be happy to help!
I drove home, and parked by my trailer. I whipped out the bolt cutters, and with one easy motion, cut through the lock. No problems at all. I got the lock off, unblocked the wheels, backed up the truck and lined up the hitch/ball (yeah, MUCH easier said that done - I hate backing up - LOL), hooked up the trailer, chains, lights, etc. (good thing I paid attention all those times Captain America did it), and was off to the DMV, with 30 minutes before it closed.
I brought in the title, and asked to get a new registration and such. No, they said, because it was only in Captain Americas name. He needed to sign it. AHHHHHH! Now I really started to panic. But I tried not to show it. I asked what other options she had for me. I needed to get my trailer to El Paso without getting pulled over every 5 miles for not being registered.
Well, she said, why don't you just get a trip permit. Those are only $20.
And I'm only hearing about this option now WHY? She could have told me that on the phone. I didn't really want Oregon plates since I'm MOVING to Texas. Goodness. All we needed to get the trip permit was the VIN #, which was on the title, which I had. I didn't even need to bring up the trailer. But at that point, I was SO relieved, that I didn't even care.
Sometimes, I just wish that things would be easy. LMBO! But I guess that's what keeps life interesting. And sometimes my life is interesting. Well, entertaining for you all, at least. I wouldn't want to disappoint. What kind of a story would "I hooked up the trailer and loaded my junk" be. LMBO!!!
After dinner, and after the little kids went to bed, my mom and I worked on packing/filing all the paper junk that was mine. For any of you who have kids, you know the vast amount of paperwork that comes home. Well, times that by 4. And then add no space to keep it. There were piles of papers all over the house. And unfiled bills. And just stuff. So, we threw away 95% of the kids school work (it killed me, but I'm not packing around all that stuff), filed all the bills into the bill box, and packed up the random junk. I have about 5 boxes packed and ready to go. I also pack our DVD collection. I went through each one, just to make sure that they're in there. I have a 3 year old. 'nough said :) LOL!
Today, I need to get everything else packed, loaded in the truck, and tarped/shrink wrapped down. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, but I'll have lots of help. My dad, my mom, Maren, my Aunt Sue, and my Grandma Ida are all gonna help. Mostly, if the kids are entertained, I should be able to get a lot done. I"ll DEFINITELY get a pic of the final product. That should be funny - LOL. Remember what it looked like on the trip to Oregon? I bet it's higher this time.
This WordArt request is from Laurie. But you know, it really fits my life these days - LMBO! Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Z - Scratch my back
oo - Yippy Skippy Alt
All rest - Seriffic Grunge
Z - Scratch my back
oo - Yippy Skippy Alt
All rest - Seriffic Grunge