Then I started cleaning. And I didn't stop until 8:30am. Yeah, I guess that's only an hour. ROFL! It felt like 5. hehe. I cleaned the living room, dining room, kitchen, and a little in the bathroom. My friends were coming over to make a craft, and I couldn't have the house completely trashed. It wasn't super clean, but it wasn't super disgusting either. hehe.
Veronica came over at around 8:30am, and then Leslie. I left the 2 of them chatting, and I went and got dressed. Because even though I didn't have time for a shower, I STILL wanted to put on some better clothes, and a nice bandana and some contacts. ROFL! I felt a little better after that :)
We started making the wreaths at 9am. Leslie just came to chat, so I showed Veronica how to do it. Laurie came around 9:30am, and Rowan and Jimmy played. Oh yeah, here's what we made :)
Laurie left at around 11:15am, and Captain America was home at 11:30am. I was feeling the beginnings of a headache, so I took a pill. Stupid migraines. I've been getting them a lot more frequently. And I don't wanna believe that it's "diet" products. So I'm taking that option off of the table. It's the only thing, food wise, I still have left that I enjoy. ROFL!
Anyway, Captain America and I went to Carlos and Mickeys for lunch. Cause I just LOVE that place. We were seated right away, got Diet Dr Peppers, and ordered our yummy sombrero salads. Mine beef, and Captain America's chicken. And got our salads within 8 minutes of sitting down. Sa-weet! They were SUPER fast today.
And everything was spicy. My lips were BURNING by the time I was done eating. hehe. Here's a few pics that Captain America took with his phone :)
If you EVER got out to Mexican food with me, you can have my Guac. Because I don't eat that nasty green stuff. See, Captain America has a double helping on his salad, because I removed the offensive stuff from my salad and placed it on his. hehe
We were done eating and on our way home in about 30 minutes. Yeah, it was THAT fast :) Captain America still had time to hang at home.
He went back to work at around 12:45pm, and I turned on the movie Arachnophobia. Remember that one? From 1990? And promptly fell asleep on the couch. hehe. I dozed in and out of the movie, and woke up at 2pm and got a snack and watched the end of the movie with Jake.
I got Jimmy from the bus stop at 2:30pm, and we watched another movie. I think my drugs were making me sleepy. At least my head didn't hurt.
Check out my "happy" toe. Isn't it funny - ha!
And I went through about 10 different outfits before I settled on jeans and a maroon/red shirt.
Woohoo! I don't know where we're going on our date, but as long as it includes my cute hubby and a stop to get a soda, it's a PERFECT night for me :)
Oh yeah, and while I'm thinking about it, I need to analyze a choice :) Hmmm, lets see if I can think of an event....
I'm working on my blog, and I hear Jimmy SCREAMING madly upstairs, and growling at his siblings.
Meaning 1, someone is being mean to Jimmy. Feeling, annoyance with other kids. Action 1, call all the kids together and talk about what's going on. Action 2, remove Jimmy from the situation. Action 3, send Jimmy to his room.
Meaning 2, Jimmy is tired from getting up early today. Feeling, sympathy. Action 1, read Jimmy and book and put him to bed. Action 2, remove Jimmy from the situation and give him a hug. Action 3, remove other kids from the situation and talk to Jimmy.
OK, event analyzed, now I need to go do something about Jimmy screaming. hehehe.
And I'm back. It's now 10:31pm, and I just designed you all a freebie :) Captain America and I went out on our date night around 7pm, and left the kids watching Spiderwick Chronicles. You ever see that one? I like that one :)
Anyway, he and I drove over to the Fallas on Montwood and looked around. He'd never been to that one. Whaaaaat? That was the first Fallas I went to. I think he's been there, he just doesn't remember it. hehe. Wait, it wasn't the first Fallas. The first one I went to was on Dyer.... But I found that one soon after. Anyway...
We looked around for a while, and we found a pair of shorts, a shirt, and some new jeans for Emeline. And I found a few shirts and some unmentionables :) And we just had a good time walking around and looking.
We stopped at Howdy's (yeah, this one did NOT have Diet Dr Pepper - waaaaah!) then headed home. Kids were just going to bed from their movie, and Captain America and I watched an episode of "Lie to Me". I just LOVE that show. You guys watch that one? It's on FOX. I'm behind in the episodes, but am slowly catching up :)
Anyway, I'm excited for General Conference tomorrow. It's on at 10am and 2pm our time. MST. Here's the link, if you wanna watch too :) It'll be our first time watching conference on our BIG tv :) Better than everyone huddled around a little computer screen. hehe. Cause we're too cheap to buy Dish and watch the BYU channel. ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!