My parents are going to Utah this weekend to visit my Sister, so the kids and I are gonna get the house to ourselves. And yes mom, we'll keep it clean and safe - LOL! Captain America should have the weekend off too, so we should get the chance to chat a lot, too! Woohoo!
We had a TON of fun at our Enrichment meeting (Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meeting) last night. It was a dinner, where people brought either soup, pie, or rolls. YUMMY! My friend Maren made the BEST tortillini soup. I'll HAVE to get her to give me the recipe, so I can give it to you guys, because honestly, you'll LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
After dinner, we had a little program, where we learned about Thanksgiving, and had a few special musical numbers. I got to sing a song with a group of 4 others. It was really pretty. Especially since we didn't practice before hand, and we did parts - LOL! But, it's a primary song that we sing ALL the time at church, so it was pretty easy. It's "Love One Another". So pretty.
The part that stuck out in my mind the most out of the presentation, was when the lady said that she was so glad that we had Thanskgiving before Christmas, because focusing on our blessings helps us be in the right spirit for service at Christmas time. How true is that! I really hope that I take opportunities this year to serve others. Sometimes when you're feeling down yourself, the best way to pull yourself up is to lose yourself in service.
After the program, we had pie, then had an ornament exchange. We were all supposed to bring a Christmas ornament (either homemade or inexpensive), with a favorite Christmas saying/story/poem/experience/thought on it. So, I got a few Dollar Tree ornaments, digiscrapped a few tags (which I had developed at the store), and tied them on. SO CUTE! But, I ended up with the BESTEST one. My friend, Maren, does Stained Glass, and made an ornament of baby Jesus. OMGosh - it's SO cute! I'll get a pic tomorrow. But, it was sure a GREAT evening.
This WordArt request is from Rose, who has 2 children, and her sister has 4. She thought that this saying would be PERFECT for their families. And I bet it'll work for a lot of your photos too! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

God, Made - Felix Tilting
Cousins - The King & Queen
Wow, do I know the perfect two children this would apply to... (mine and one of her cousins)! Can't wait to use it!
I can't WAIT to use this! Thank you so much for sharing! I love it.
That ornament exchange sounds like fun! :) Thanks for the WA.
This is SO perfect for our family. Thank you for sharing all your word arts with us.
Ruth P
Love the Word Art! Have the perfect picture for it! I posted it to my blog! Thanks for sharing!
This is great! It would be fun to have one that says "friends" instead of "cousins" 'bout it? :)
Yaaaay! Thank you for making that for me (and everyone else)! Makes me feel special, lol. It will definitely come in handy, I want to take some pictures of the kids at Christmas all together, I'll email you my layout when I use it! It looks awesome, thanks again!
Oh! How do you know??? This is sooo perfect! I found some old photos of my cousins, and my brother and me playing at Grandma's house sooooo many years ago (1951) This wonderful wordart is PERFECT! Thank you soooo much!!!
Love the ornament exchange idea too, and I'll wait patiently for the soup "HOW TO".... Sounds as though you had a wonderful time - but then when we all slow down long enough to appreciate our many blessings - a feeling of humble happiness can't be too far behind.
Thank you again for all the marvelous wordart I have taken away with me.
Thanks so much...this is PERFECT!
I have never heard this quote before!!! I am laughing so hard! I can't wait to use it...gotta get the cousins together! Thank you!
This is a terrific quote and works for me! Thank you Bethany!
Oh, how true this is!!! Thanks so much for sharing this delightful wordart *Ü*
Love this, thanks so much, ps. king and queen is one of my all time favs!
Hey Bethany!! I have been slacking in the layout making, but will be getting caught up soon. Thanks for having me on your CT and for the awesome wordarts. BTW -- you have an award over at my blog :D
You have no idea how perfect this is! I had never heard this before, but I needed this! I have the perfect pics to put with it! As always I seriously LOVE your word art, it is fabulous! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Too Too True!
Thank you for sharing your talents!!!
Thank you so much for this wordart, sweetheart. It will be perfect for a picture of my cousin and I (we are only a couple months apart in age). When we were little our families lived together, and we got into all sorts of trouble. Whenever we did get into trouble, we used to run upstairs into the game room and hide in the little nooks under the pool table. Oh, the memories.
Again, thank you, sweetheart.
I love your word art - and you find the best quotes! Thanks so much.
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