Heres the recipe - oh yeah, just as a warning, I cook kinda, um, loosely. Measurements are kinda eyeballed. So I dont know how that's gonna translate to a recipe - hehehe.
1 Package Italian Sausage
1 Onion
2 Green Peppers
3 Large Tomatoes
1 Large Sweet Potato
4 Cups Chicken Broth
Italian Seasoning
1 Zuchinni
1 Large Package Tortillini
Let see, dice the onion and green peppers, and sautee them with the Italian Sausage. Add the broth, and the diced tomatoes, diced sweet potato, and spices. Cook until the sweet potato is tender. Then add the zuchinni and tortillini, and cook until the tortillini is done. Garnish with cheese, if desired.
OMGosh! It's SO yummy! Make it, you'll LOVE it too :) So, that was Monday night. Well, last night, my Mom cooked. She found Lunchables at Grocery Outlet (we call it the used food store - hehehe) for $0.60 a piece. So she got a pizza one and a burrito one for each of the kids. They were in HOG HEAVEN. They don't usually get that kinda stuff, so they were very excited. I had the Tortillini soup myself. It was a no-brainer choice for me - hehehe.
I bought the new Batman (The Dark Knight) movie yesterday. I just LOVE Batman. It doesn't hurt that Christian Bale is a HOTTIE (I've LOVED him since I saw him in Newsies)!!! So, I know that it's really violent and scary, but I still love the movie. I know, I know, I shouldn't like those kinds of movies. hehehehe. Did I ever tell you that I like Natural Disaster movies too? You know, those ones that a volcano explodes and wipes out the town. Or that a tidal wave sweeps the city away. What's wrong with me. Ha!
This WordArt request is from Joy. She just found out that her hubby (military) will be extended, and won't be home for Christmas. I'm SO sorry. That totally sucks, girl! Be strong - he'll be home soon!!! Do an extra little Christmas as soon as he gets back :) She wanted to know if I'd work up this quote for her. WELL OF COURSE!!! Here it is, girl :) I hope you like it :)
Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work. And don't forget that you have to be logged into the gallery in order to get the zip file.

I used to frequent your blog but have not had time for doing any digiscrapbooking lately and it has slipped by. However, I came back today just in time to find another fellow Christian Bale admirer and someone who actually knows what Newsies is!!! I am so excited. Keep up the beautiful work. =) I will definitely be back!
Thank you for a very sentimental word art. My mom used to sing that song.
Hee hee hee.... I have the same "crush" on Christian Bale - and it all started with Newsies!
I actually have the soundtrack on my ipod.
And huge thanks for the word art!
Joy Im sorry your DH wont be home for Christmas. We did Christmas without my husband last year. I know what you are going through ((hugs)) Hang in there, the end of deployment is coming and before you know it, it'll be ready for him to come home. Give me a shout if you ever want to talk!
From one military wife to another
((lots of prayers coming your way))
Thanks Bethany for another set of lovely wordart! I love using your products!!
Thank you so very much Bethany! You're such a sweetie.
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