Anyway, I slept in till almost 8am, then got up, had breakfast (Captain America made it for me, what a sweetheart!), made sure the kids had eaten, cleaned up a bit, and hung for a while. The kids were all relatively happy (ha!), and Maddie and I were just chillin'.
At around 9:30am, Maddie and I and the baby headed to the Northeast Side to help Captain America pick up his Truck. It was at the muffler shop, and was able to be driven home. It still has a little work to do, but it's almost road worthy.
Anyway, we got to the muffler shop, he paid, he drove his truck, I drove his car, and Maddie drove her car back to post. It was a quick trip, but he seemed SO happy to have his truck at home finally.
Here's a pic of his new engine.
Pool was good. We played in the kiddie pool for a while, then took the little girls and my little boys into the big pool to play. We saw Hilary and her kids there, and her girls were swimming by us in the big pool. I hadn't seen them since they went on their trip to Ft Hood for a few weeks.
After 2 pool breaks, the kids were WAY done with the pool. Mine were fighting, and Maddie's were crying. LOL. We dried off, loaded up, and headed home.
I showered, and Maddie got Lily down for a nap. Ella and Jimmy fell asleep on the couch watching a movie, and Maddie and I slipped out to the mall, leaving Jake in charge. We went to the clothes store in the mall that I liked and looked around, then headed to the Jewelry Box. She'd never been there. I think she liked it. She decided that mom would have LOVED it :) They had a BUNCH of new stuff from last time I'd gone, and I was in hog heaven - hehehe.
We went to Eve's and looked a bit, then to Rue 21 (or something like that), and looked around, then headed back home. It was a quick trip, but it was nice. Maddie's pretty fun to hang out with :)
We headed home, and made dinner for the kids. Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, and Salad. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Maddie and I cooked our chicken/fish and veggies, and I ate my apples, and my crackers. And snuck some sugar free Popsicles into the backyard where the kids didn't notice it - ha!
Check out some pics of my new jewelry that I bought at the Jewelry Box:
MY cool bracelet. But first, I have to tell you, I have issues with jewelry with bows, or stars, or animals, or flowers, or hearts. You get the idea. So this was HUGE for me to get this with flowers. OK, i"ve said my peace...
And new nail polish. Last stuff was orange, and I was done with it. This blue matches my new blue jewelry. I also got Brown nail polish to match my new brown jewelry. And Deep Maroon nail polish too. Cause I just liked it :) hehehe.
After our meeting, we headed over to Paul and Hilarys house, and hung out on their back porch and talked for quite a while. It was a beautiful night, and it was very nice to sit and chat with them.
We headed home around 10pm, and here it is, 11:16pm, and I'm sleepy. I need to design something for y'all real fast, take out my contacts, and go to sleep. Yawn....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Jul. 21, 2010. Thanks again.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [21 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your word art. I spent quite some time yesterday on your blog, downloading a lot of them...and I love them! Will be checking out your store soon, too!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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