And I had a headache. OUCH! But may it was sinus? I didn't know, so I medicated for a head cold, a migraine, and sinus issues. And allergies. So yeah, I went back to sleep when the kids went on the bus, Eme and Joe and Jim with me, and they watched cartoons, and I slept. Until around 10am. And the headache was gone! Yes!
I texted the girls and told them that me and a Chinese restaurant and 2 coughing kids didn't mix. Dang, I was looking forwards to that, too...
I drove Jim to the bus stop, and dropped a Soda by Terra's house. She was out. And she was on her way to a playland to let her twins run off some energy. So I headed back home, grabbed the portable DVD players, and took Eme and Joe to Burger King. No one cares if there's 2 hacking kids at Burger King. They ate their kids meals, and sat very quietly watching movies. The twins were freaked out by the playland (hehe), so they just sat with Mom, and Maggie and Hannah joined us too. She is freakin adorable. hehe. She and I had fun playing with the crowns.
It was sample day, and my kids were SO excited about it. We had crab ravioli, Doritos, chips and cream cheese salsa, fruit leathers, pistachios, yogurt, wontons, and frozen fruit. Dang, that's almost lunch, right? hehe. We had fun walking around. I ended up getting some soda, a new suit for Eme, some flour, and some sugar.
Next, we stopped by Sonic for 1/2 price drinks. I got a RT 44 DDP, and the little kids got a small green apple slushie. Terra got a limeade.
We loaded up, got Tom from the bus, and went to the library. The kids watched a movie about desert. Camels, and lizards, and scorpions, and sandstorms. Kinda cool.
I visited with Kari and Margot. She came too! The kids had popcorn and cupcakes, and we were out of there by 4:50pm. Terra is hosting a luncheon tomorrow for some new peeps to get to know the group, and I invited Margot. She said she'd come :)
Tom had a Orchestra concert tonight, and needed to be there at 5:10pm. Kari took my sick kids to her house, so I didn't have to drag them to the concert. Jake was at the youth center. Jim grabbed one of the portable DVD players, Tom changed his clothes, and we headed out. We made it to the school at EXACTLY 5:10pm. Nice, huh?
Jim spent the entire concert watching Scooby-Doo. I should have thought of the DVD player sooner....
Tom's Orchestra did 2 songs, and it was over. The took a little break for the next group to get ready. And we slipped out. We drove to Biggs to pick up Jake from the Milam Youth Center, and got some Info on some summer camps for his age group. He wants to do the Robotics camp, the BMX Bike camp, and the horse camp. I think I can handle that! I was glad that there were things that he was interested in :) Not sure how much they're gonna charge us, cause it's a sliding scale based on pay.
We headed back to main post, picked up the sick kids, and headed home. We had dinner (tortillas and cheese), and Terra dropped by 1/2 a pizza. They didn't want the other half. Yeah, I don't know what that means. hehe. We've never had left over pizza, I don't think. hehe.
So dinner was done, and Joe was feeling sick again. He laid down on the couch, and Eme laid down in my bed. Tom and Jake did their chores, and I took some more meds. My headache and sinus pressure and head congestion was back. Crap. And I just wanna go to bed. But I knew that if I did, I wouldn't wake back up to blog. So I pressed ahead.
The kids are all watching a movie, and I JUST got done with my blog. It's all linked up, and I'm sure hoping that I linked it up right. If not, I blame it on the many drugs (OTC, of course) that I'm on at the moment. hehe.

Tomorrow is the get together at Terras house, and should be fun. I wanna make THIS and THIS, so I need to go to the store in the morning...
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Dang, Sharon, you're good! LOVE this one, my dear :)
The correct spelling is actually 'bated' - it means held back like you are holding your breath. Just thought you might like to know.
I've made those cheesecake bites before, they're pretty yummy!!!
Oops! I was just going to post the same thing. It's spelled incorrectly. I'll come back and get it when it's corrected. TY!!
I'm glad you were able to get out, even though you had to miss the Chinese lunch. The recipes you have picked out for today's get together sound awesome!!! Thank you for the fabulous word art. Hugs!!!
I would love to pick up the corrected word art...thank you for all your freebies!
Thank you!
Thank you, Bethany! Hope everyone is feeling better!
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