I even had time to straighten my hair today. It's growing so long :) By 8am, we were all up and ready to go. Except Jake. Luckily, he was up. And was at least attempting to get ready. Just slowly... So we were about 20 minutes late leaving the house.
I drove over to Margots house (about 25 minutes away), and picked up Emma. She was coming to church and over after to play so her mom could relax. She had a KILLER toothache, and I was helping her out.
Here's me, on the way to church. Windows down, trying to stay cool. And my hair is blowing EVERYWHERE! hehe.
Here's Tom
Jake and Eme
After Sacrament, the kids headed off to class. Leo went with Joe. And I took Emma to nursery. And yeah, she wanted NOTHING to do with it... sigh. That was supposed to be my weekly break from children...
Here's us in Nursery
My friend Chrystal and her daughter in nursery
Jim and Leo
In the middle of cooking, we got a knock at the door. It was Animal Control. Apparently, Boxer had been jumping the fence, and going on "runs" with people. And yeah, people kinda frown on that... Two different people had called in saying there was a "loose" dog in the neighborhood.
And I totally get that that's not appropriate. I honestly don't know what to do with the dog. We decided to get a tie cable and attach it to the beam in the backyard. And then tell the kids that EVERY TIME they open the back door and go outside, Boxer needs to be on his rope.
Eme and Emma
I decided that the rope and carabeaner that we rigged up in the backyard wasn't gonna cut it. If Boxer got out again, we could get in BIG trouble. So, I decided to go to the PX and get something "real"... Amanda said that she'd come and "sin" with me. hehe. Because we don't shop on Sunday.
Anyway, she and I headed to the PX, and found all the stuff we needed to set up a nice, secure "anit fence jumping" apparatus for Boxer. LOL.
We came back home, and the kids did chores. And got the house cleaned, and earned 2 popsicles each. Then, we had a cookout. We had burgers and watermelon and hot dogs. And Amanda and I worked on laptops while the kids watched a show. I found some Movie Titles that would work well as WordArt freebies, and we even found some photos that would make GREAT layouts.
Jake gave the dog a bath, and Leo went home about 7:45pm. I designed for a little while, then went on a walk with Kari at 9:30pm.
Me, before my walk, at Kari's house
And me after the walk. I totally took this picture on the way home, and BLINDED myself. hehe. I was afraid I was gonna not make it home. ROFL!
The little kids went to bed, and when I came back home, Jake and Tom and I watched a few episodes of Hoarders. And yeah, it SO makes me wanna clean my house.... NASTY!
Tomorrow, Eme and Tom go to sports camp from 9-11, and Amanda and I and the little boys are going to Savers and the Dollar Tree. Then pick up the big kids, go to free lunch, a bit of time at home, and pool in the evening. Should be a good time! AND, it's 7-11-11, and I think 7-11 is doing a promotion for free slurpees today. So we'll DEFINITELY be swinging by...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
OooOoo, cool! I want some chocolate! hehe. Thank, Sharon, now I need a "fix".
Its Stefani, not Stephani
That jester hat is just too cute! Hope you can control Boxer! Thanks for the word art. :)
Thanks for the fab word art. Using it for chocolate pics is a great idea, Sharon.
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