Anyway, I woke up at 6:45am, and I'd like to say I hopped right up, and go on with my day. But that would b a lie. I grabbed Elmo, and came to the couch. And snuggled with Jim for about 30 minutes. The kids were all awake by 7am, which was our 2 weeks before school starts routine plan. So far so good.
But then Jake had a meltdown. He didn't wanna go to horse camp. The one that he'd BEGGED to go to for a 2nd time. And I got the last slot. And paid $35 for him to go. I couldn't make him go. He tried to get Tom to take his place, but Tom didn't wanna come. So I told him that if he didn't go, that he'd be grounded for the week.
He threw a fit, and went to his room. And stayed in there for about an hour.At 9:30am, the kids and I and Aunt Sue and Maddie and her kids got ready to head out for the day. I locked up all the electronics in my room, and we all headed out. Joe and Jim and Eme had piano camp at 10:00 am. We dropped them off at the Skies building, then headed to Fallas and Big Lots.
I found some new undies for Jim. He and Joe used to share, and yeah, that's SO not happening now. Jim is a solid 16 waist, and Joe is a 8. Maybe. More like a 6/7. hehe. Body types are SO different. Anyway, I saw Jim trying to squeeze into a size 6 whitey tightey, and yeah, it SO wasn't happening. hehe.
Anyway, I grabbed a few 3 packs for $3.99 a pack. Not bad, huh? And I got a few unmentionables, and we paid, and headed to Big Lots. Can you believe that they have out the Halloween crap already???
They had grilled cheese and fries and apples and milk. My kids LOVED the lunch today. I don't think Maddie's kids enjoyed it nearly as much.
But this time, it was only 30% off of childrens. Dang! And nothing off of anything else... I was used to the new manager making killer deals all the time. Jake founds some jeans, and some shorts, and a new pair of Sunday Pants for himself. I got a couple pairs of pants for Emeline,and some $0.99 shirts for her. And I found another new swimsuit.
And here's the deal. I had a 20% off coupon at home. But it didn't help me in the store. So I had Aunt sue and Jake buy a $0.99 shirt, and then go and donate it for the 20% off coupon! I ended up saving about $10 off of my order. Sweet, huh? Way to work the system. hehe.
We stopped by Walmart on the way home to get some new shoes for Jake. And Birthday presents for Joe. His b-day is on the 12th, and we're having his party on the 12th. I got him some Halo Legos. We got some corn dogs and tater tots for dinner, and headed home.
Once we got home, the kids were all SO excited about getting in the pool. And even Aunt Sue and I got in! But there were WAY too many kids in there for me. So we got out pretty quickly. And sat in the sunshine for quite a while. It felt SO good.
Then, at 4 something, I headed inside to cook dinner. After dinner, Joe was really having some problems. I'm not sure why, but there was a TON of racket coming from the pool. And he came in a few times crying and calling people names. Finally, I had had enough, and banned him from the pool. And pulled off his swim shirt, and tried to get his shorts. But hes a fast and whily little guy. hehe.
And I decided to use a technique that my therapist told me to use with Jake. Get him out of the situation. Offer to take him for an ice cream. Or a soda. Or something fun. So I did. I asked Joe if he wanted to go to the Dollar Tree to look for birthday party stuff. And he instantly changed his mood. And got dressed, ate his food, and we headed out. I'm gonna have to remember that technique.
Aunt Sue and Joe and I headed out, and picked up some stuff to make his cake out of, and cups and plates and such. And some present bags for the gifts we'd bought for him. We grabbed a soda, and headed home. And yeah, they had NO diet other than Pepsi. Gag! I guess it's my fault for buying it, right? hehe.
I'd bought a new box fan today because my upright fan crapped out on me. Something inside of it broke. So I told Jake that he could have my broken fan. And the turd took it, opened it up, superglued something back together, and viola! Nice, new, working fan. Hmpf! I want it back! *pouts*... hehe. Im glad that he's so good with electronics :)
We put the kids to bed at 8pm, and Jake finally went to bed at 8:30pm, and the grown ups headed out for the night. We were gonna go for dessert. But then we decided that we were hungry, so we went to dinner instead. ha! We went to Applebees. And Aunt Sue and I were in our sweats. ha! I'm in mine often, but not Aunt Sue! I think I'm rubbing off on her LOL!
And I talked the girls into taking a quick trip with me to Walmart. I needed a new laptop. Because I can't be very effective hooked up to a television. I just can't.
I found a Sony Viao for $500. And I bought a wireless mouse and keyboard to use with my broken computer hooked to my TV. So we can still use it too.
We paid, and stopped by the McDonalds inside of the Walmart. I wanted an Oreo Bizzard thingy. And they said that they were OUT of ie cream. What the heck??? So not cool. I think it was the universe saying "DONT EAT THE ICE CREAM". hehe.
We headed home, and Ella and Jake were snuggling on the couch. I guess she'd woke up sad, and Jake had gone to comfort her. It was the sweetest thing :) Thanks, Jake, for watching out for your little cousin!
Maddie and Ella and Jake all ent to bed, and Aunt Sue and I grabbed little laptops, and put on Psych, and I got to work. and here it is, about 20 after midnight. I'm gonna be sleepy when the alarm goes off at 6:45am. Maybe I'll re-set it for 7:30am. Cause I really don't wanna get up. hehe.
Tomorrow, we have piano camp at 10am, then dentist appointments at noon. For ALL 5 kids. Wish me luck! Hopefully the new laptop is all set up by then so I can bring it and have something productive to do. Otherwise, I may read for a while :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

GREAT colors, Sharon! Loving the browns and pinks!
I've been watching Psych on the Netflix too! I've never watched it before but I'm really enjoying it! I wish they would update with new episodes of Pawn Stars and Swamp People though! And Some of my other favorite shows they are seasons behind on! ;)
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [10 Aug 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Oh my word! Your Applebee's food looks sooo good. Makes me hungry. lol
That sure was a smart way to get your coupon at Savers.
I hope you get your new computer tomorrow and love it. :)
Thanks for the great word art. Hugs!!!
Thanks, Bethany! :)
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