We cleaned up after ourselves, so the house stayed mostly clean. Which is good! Since Jake and Justin had put in SO much time and effort the day before! And it looked SO good :) I started some crock pot rotissarie chicken, and cooked up a pot of pasta with sausage. And we got the kids ready, and we all headed out to the stores.
I picked up Amanda and Austin, and we dropped off Jake and Tom at Game Stop. Then we went to the Commissary. We got some drinks and some disposable forks. And some chips and some cookies. We paid, picked up the boys, and nixed the Dollar Tree stop. Commissary works just as good! And off to the Park we headed! We were a bite late, but still met up with our friends. Sorry, Ms Kari, so leaving you hangin'... Don't hate us too much. hehe.
We hung out and had a grand time with the kids. Kim and her kids eventually showed up too. It was a pretty good time. The weather wasn't fantastic, but the sun did come out a few times. The kids played, the moms chatted, and the kids burned off a lot of energy. Perfect! The moms all had shopping errands to run, so after a few hours, we went our separate ways. Justin and Jake (fused at the hip these days!) wanted to go to the Youth Center, so I volunteered to take them. I didn't have enough seats, though, so Kari said that she'd take Joe with her.
And off we all went. First stop, though, Dollar Tree on Mesa. The biggest one in Town. hehe. It was an exciting trip. 4 moms, 13 kids (11 boys and 2 girls, 4 of which have special needs....) We only pretended that we didn't know the kids a few times. hehe.
Amanda and I dropped Justin and Jake off at the youth center, then dropped Tom and Eme off at home. Tom totally could have been dropped off at the youth center, but he hadn't cleaned his room yet. He informed me that I was ruining his Thanksgiving break. Last I checked, I didn't mess up his room.... We headed to Amandas house with the little boys, and loaded up her broken chairs from Ashley furniture, and returned them to the store.
I waited in the truck with the boys while she dealt with them, and they came and got the chairs. Then we went to Big Lots. We'd seen that they had a 5 in 1 Record player on sale for $59. Record player, MP3 player, Cassette player, radio, CD player. Sounded pretty cool. Um, yeah, they were sold out. Drat! I was looking forward to showing the kids what records and tapes were! hehe :) And guess who we ran into??? KIM!!! Clear across town! What are the odds??? hehe :)
We got a few christmas decoration things, then headed to Target. We looked around for a little while, then headed home. My head was starting to hurt. Migraine time for me. Oh darn! We put the stuff away, and I had the kids work on their chores some more. And get their rooms clean.
Kim had texted and said that Scotty had had a melt down while Amanda and I were at Target, so when she offered me some cereal that her kids didn't want, I jumped at the opportunity to come over and get it. I needed to check on my friend and make sure that things were ok.
She was a little rattled, but otherwise ok. I totally know the feeling. I offered to keep the little boys so that she and her hubby and Scotty could go to dinner. So Cory and Austin came to play with my kids for a few hours. They had a TON of fun running around my house with my kids. Literally. Running laps around my house. LOL.
I had taken some migraine meds, and I laid down on my couch in my room with my neck massager for a while. I helped a little, but not enough. I decided that it was probably a hormonal headache. Which sucked, because there wasn't really anything that I could really do for it... besides medicate the crap out of myself. hehe. Bring it on!
The kids played nicely for a few hours, and Kim and hubby came back, bringing a pizza for my crew. Awe, SO sweet! At around 8:45pm, my kids all were ready for bed, and Jake was spending the night at Justins house again. And I was going to the movies with the girls. We were going to see "The Help". But my head was killing me. So I took some of everything, put the kids to bed, and headed out. Kari was driving, don't worry. hehe. Kari and Kim and me and Veronica went. It was a good time! About 1/2 way through the movie, the meds kicked in, and I didn't feel a thing. LOL :)
I got home, and was exhausted! I remember crawling into bed with my laptop and my glasses and my clothes on. And laying down, and opening the laptop up, and realizing that I needed to make up a preview for the wordart. And "resting" my eyes while photoshop opened. And then it was 3am. And I couldn't for the life of me think of how to change the resolution from 300 dpi to 72dpi. I've only done it for the past almost 4 years. But I couldn't remember how to do it a 4am. hehe. So I went back to sleep. LOL. So yeah. That's why there was no blog. And why it's here now.... Blame it on the migraine :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Nice one, Sharon! Great family picture and great family layout!!!
Check your email ASAP!
Thank you! It sounded like a good day overall :)
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