Well, WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!! Woohoo! My mom loaned us the $$ until our Army check comes in, and we MoneyGram'ed the money. Have you ever done that? HOLY crap, it's expensive! 85 bucks to send $2000. The way it works, I fill out paperwork on my end, say who it's to, then they put the money into the Money Gram system. I give Captain America the conformation number, and he takes it to a Money Gram location, shows ID, gives them the number, and they give him the money. But do they REALLY have to charge so much - My Goodness!
Anyway, he picked up the money, and gave it to the Rental Company. $950 deposit, and first months rent. He's moving in TODAY!!! There's nothing in there (except what was in his car - LOL), no power, and no water, but he's IN OUR HOUSE!!! That'll all be taken care of before I get there with the kids, NEXT WEEK! That's right, we're leaving on MONDAY!!! So, I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to pack and leave - no pressure, right!
And, I'm babysitting all day long today for one of the girls that babysat for me last week. When she asked me last Sunday, I didn't know I was leaving quite so soon. Oh well. She did it for me, so I'll do it for her. That just means that I need to pack EXTRA good on Saturday :)
And, my truck should be ready today too. The fuel pump was shot. It's gonna be about $245 for all the repairs. New fuel pump, the distributer cap (or something like that) and um, yeah, not really remembering what he was fixing. Anyway, he's fixing what was broke, and not charging me a whole lot for it. It's my moms good friends' hubby. He's such a great guy!
Can you imagine if it would have all gone south on the trip? Me, with my 5 kids, on a 1/2 cross country, all by myself, with a broken truck. Not good :) I'm glad that it broke when it did, so I had time to fix it :)
I did some packing yesterday. I packed all the kids clothes, except 5 changes. I'll put them in suit cases when it gets closer to go time (yeah, like 3 days from now -LMBO), but the others will need to go in the trailer. What else did I do? Oh yeah, I helped a lady at church finish off her family calendar. We did the 1st 1/2 on Monday, and the 2nd half Thursday. My mom, my aunt, our friend Luell, and Jimmy and I went to lunch at McDonalds. It was nice and warm in the playplace, and I was SO glad. First time I've been warm all day long :)
Since I packed so long today, and I'm usually the food cooker, we got Taco Bell for dinner. Beans are good! Then, after the little kids went to bed, we got Apple Fritters from Safeway bakery. Yeah, I'm gonna be ROUND by the time I get to Texas - LMBO! It'll feel really good to get back on track with my diet. One of these day....
We watched President Bush's farewell speech last night. Did you? Well, if you missed it, I'm "trying" to embed the video below. If there's nothing there, um, I guess I didn't do it right - LMBO!
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Friday, January 16, 2009
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Good luck on the move... I did a cross country move (from CA to FL)... with 2 girls, a dog and my mother... it was an adventure but I did make it more of a vacation stopping to see the grand canyon and such...
Thanks for the word art!
Good luck with the drive and the new place. I was hoping to get together for coffee this summer when we came to the coast for a week. Bummers about that but I am tickled for you to be back together as a family.
LOVE the wordart today, FANTASTIC. I am in the minority who are VERY thankful to President Bush for all he has done and tried to do for our country. Yes we have been safe and it seems so many people take that for granted. I think I am going to use this wordart for my 'picture' on inauguration day. Thank you!
Congrats about the house! Wishing you and your children safe travels to Texas. Love the word art and the quote you posted at the end.
Lara in FL
LOVE this wordart!! I have to say that last night's speech was by far one of his best. All I could think when he finished was, "Welcome home, George and Laura" - that's what someone over in here in Preston Hollow (their new neighborhood) printed off for them. Haven't always agreed with everything, but seriously, name 1 president that does exactly what 100% of the country thinks is the right thing at any given point in time. Lord knows I would never want that job - you get absolutely no credit for when things go right and all the blame when things go wrong!
Anyway, glad your truck is working well - you guys be safe on your trip down!!
One of my favorite word arts of yours!! Thanks and have a safe move. I'm so happy that you guys will be together!!
Congrats on getting the house.
I, too, am a huge fan of President George W. Bush and will miss him. I think he has done everything within his power to keep this country safe and I hope that history will prove that out. Thanks for the wordart and the quote. Very well done!
Gosh I haven't checked your blog for so long and I'm so grateful I did today. You are such a wonderful woman of faith. I'm so excited for you to be reunited with your hubby!
And I too am so very thankful for Pres. Bush's service to us in helping keep our country safe from terrorism for this passed 7 years. I love that word art! thank you
I am more of a "lurker" than a poster on blogs but just had to comment on your post. I, too, am an admirer of President Bush and watched his farewell with sadness. I love your WordArt take on his quote. God bless him and Mrs. Bush.
So happy things worked out with the house. I've been following your blog and admire you and your family. How wonderful to be all together again!
Darn - I missed his speech. I totally agree with you; I think that President Bush made the choices he thought were best for us given the information he had. I think he's shown a lot of grace despite the criticism everyone seems to give him. Thanks for the quote!
I am so thrilled for you! Good luck with everything, what an amazing journey you have been on!
Hey, I love your blog. I think that yours is the only one I actually read! You really inspire me on my diet, although I am just doing the slimfast thing. And you followed the diet WITH 5 KIDS?? We live in Mineral Wells, TX. That is north central. You probably wont come over this far on your trip, but if you do and you need a pit stop give me a yell. We would be glad to help!
oh i am sooooooooooo HAPPY you got the house!!!!WOOHOOO!!!! MoneyGram & western union is NOT cheap but what a neat service to be able to get the funds quickly! but i am sure they don't have to charge so much!!!! BEST of luck with your move!! it will be AWESOME when it's all done!
Thank you sooooooo very much for sharing your AWESOME wordart! Hope you have a GREAT day! :D
i'll plead the 5th on what I think of GWB, but i love the wordart!
Congrats on getting the house... see, everything worked out for you! I am sure it will be quite the adventure traveling but take it slow, don't stress and just have some fun!!
Love the word art!
Oh... I used your congrats word art on a layout yesterday. It is posted on my blog. http://iamsimplysarah.blogspot.com
Bethany I am so happy for you. It'll be so good to be in your own home with your family all together again. Good luck to you sweetie !
Thank you so much for the word art. It's awesome! I too am a fan of Pres. Bush and am grateful for his service. Umm. . . I have a request. If I remember correctly GWB said "This GREAT NATION will never tire, never, falter, never fail." I love the GREAT NATION part, just because we do live in the GREATEST NATION on earth. How blessed we are! Thank you for all the time and energy you put into your art. I am so appreciative. I wish you luck and safety on your move, and am glad that you and your kids will get to be w/ your husband! Thanks again!
Thank you so much for the awesome word art! Congrats on getting the house, and good luck with your move!
Oh my god, that´s quick but sooo cool! I am so excited for you! God makes things happen, as he knows, it´ll be ok ... so am I ...knowing your car will be fine, and you all will be fine!!
Good luck on things Beth!! I´ll be thinking of you!! Cant wait to read you back, buying curtains, and stuff and awee, just cant wait to have you back happy with hubby at night ..hm .. is he gonna let you go for net? LOL
Travell safe!!
I just LOVE this wordart! Thanks so much. good luck with the drive, and be safe!!!
I'm so glad you had this post! He is not appreciated enough! That guy has been in a tough situation since day one! And, I LOVE that quote too! Thank you for sharing and good luck on the long trip -- you're TEXAS bound!!! :)
good luck with everything.
I just fond your blog and love your wordart . I was wonderin if you had any wordart for someone that just got engaged? If not I sure would appreciate some.
thank you for all your wordart
Great quote! I also am supportive of President Bush. Thanks for the word art!!
Best wishes on your travels. If my guest room wasn't full of boxes (we just moved) I'd offer you a place to stay on the way.
Just hopping by... But wow, what great news about the house! How happy you'll all be to have a place, and to be toghether after so long!
Awesome job, awesome quote, and OH MY - pack up everything in three days and drive all the way to Texas with 5 kids in a truck while pulling a trailer in the middle of winter? YIKES! All I'M doing next week is giving birth - and I was dreading the labor - but compared to you, I'm thinking I'll have it easy! And I can get an epidural - what can YOU take? LMAO!!
Wonderful quote. It really was a great speech, I'm glad you posted it because I didn't have a chance to see it. He was a good man, not an easy position.
I'm so excited for you and your family to be together. At least it won't be as long to get there as it was to get to Oregon from Chicago. It certainly is a blessing to have your truck fixed now then on the road. I've been there before, 8 1/2 months pregnant - not exactly my idea of a good time. Drive safe, and I hope your kiddos enjoy the drive too.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Word Art post on Jan. 16, 2009. Please, notice that I've changed my url(and blinkie). Thanks again and Happy New Year.
Thank you so much. I admire our President so much for his willingness to stand tall under the criticism and never stoop to the level of those who attack him. This was another example of the gracious and compassionate way he lives his life. You are wonderful for putting your talent to work to give us this great word art.
I had chills watching President Bush's speech, and I got chills when I saw your wonderful word art. I adore President Bush and will miss him greatly.
Thank you so much for all you do. I love your word art..I am a fan of Pres Bush and I thank you for putting the video on, I had missed it. I love this man who has kept us safe. Good luck to you Bethany on your move and thank you for your wonderful work..
This is wonderful that you posted the farewell address. It was a wonderful presentation and I will miss the Bush Family in our White House. THank you for the freebie and I have bookmarked your page so we can come back and view it later on. THANK YOU!!!
I'm so happy for you, I hope everything goes great with the move. I trully admire you. Cris
I didn't want to post as "anonymous" but blogger won't accept my password, silly, since I came here straight from my own site clicking on: blogs I follow! Oh well...
merci beaucoup !
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