Hey girls! Here's my new products for the week. Hope you like them! And thanks to everyone who purchased my Grab Bag! It was a GREAT sale :) Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to check out this weeks Fresh Fruit, and pick it up at 20% off this first week ($2.00 a pack)
You know, for staying home most of the day, I'm still exhausted - hehehe. My alarm didn't wake me up thismorning. It went off at 7am, and I slept right through it. Captain America woke me up at 7:20, and was like, "aren't you supposed to be getting kids ready for school?". Crud! I jumped up out of bed, and headed out to wake everyone up. Tom was already up and showered. Jim and Joe were both up and mostly dressed. Jake was up, but just barely. Eme was still in bed. I was so proud of them for getting ready without me! Woohoo.
Eme came out of her room, said that her stomach hurt, and that she thought she was gonna puke. I sent her right back to bed. Poor thing. I got everyone else ready, and out the door. Laurie brought Rowan (2 almost 3) at about 7:45am, and he and Jimmy had fun playing most of the morning.
Eme came back downstairs at about 8:30am, saying she felt better. Um, no. That doesn't work in our house. If your too sick for school on time, your too sick for play. I made her stay in her room till about noon. Reading, or doing whatever. I think she was just tired from being at the rodeo so late the night before. AND, because I was babysitting, I couldn't drive her to school. So, she got the day off. She's SO far ahead in her class, I'm sure she didn't miss anything. She's such a smartie pants - hehehe.
I worked on my presentation for Enrichment meeting all morning/afternoon long. Did I tell you about it? The other ward asked me to come and present a 5 minute mini-class on fun things to do as a family or as a couple with little to no money. Right up my alley, eh? I found a TON of stuff that we've done. I was gonna print out the pictures and make scrapbook pages, ran out of time and found WAY too many pictures. SO, I made a movie. Do ya wanna see? It's kinda fun. It's divided into sections. One about School Activities. One about Job Perk Activities. And so on. But, it's all things my family has done in the past 10 years. SO much fun.
Laurie came at 11:30ish to pick up Rowan, and the kids had lunch. Jake did his school work, and went jogging for 30 minutes. He's really doing a great job. His lab report for Science looked pretty good today too! Way to go, Jacob!
The movie took me most of the afternoon to make. I also typed up a page of fun stuff to do around El Paso. Who knew there was SO many things to do. Lots of museums and historical sites and missions and such. Maybe we'll go visit some of them when my parent visit in October. That might be fun.
I also made up some Thank You cards for the leadership in Captain Americas class. He graduates on Friday. They looked SO stinkin' cute. We sent them to Wal-Mart for pick up later. I got the kids dinner all ready (it was a sandwich night - ran out of time), and headed off to my Enrichment meeting. Captain America was taking Joe to Cub Scouts at 6pm, and I was supposed to be at the Hondo Pass chapel at 6:10pm.
It was SO nice to see my friends from the old ward. They seemed excited to see me too. I was just glad that people remembered who I was - ROFL! We had a class on getting a 3 month food supply that our families would actually eat together. Then a class about relaxation and breathing. Did you know that at about teen years, we stop breathing right. Look at how a baby breaths. Deep breaths, stomach moving, whole body into the breath. We get self conscious, and stop breathing correctly about then. We need to make an effort to breath deeply and correctly.
Next, a lesson about Object Lessons. How to use them, and where and why to use them. It was pretty good.
Next, they had a Homemade Jam and Homemade Bread tasting contest. TONS of food to sample. I brought a diet root beer to drink. I was full from dinner, so it was ok. I'd also brought an apple that I ate earlier. So I wasn't hungry.
Next, it was my class. I think it went pretty well. I just showed the video, and talked about how you don't have to spend a lot of money to have a good time. You just have to have a good attitude and be a bit creative.
I left 1/2 way through the "What to do with powdered milk" class, but got the handout. Actually, there were some pretty neat looking recipes on it. I'm gonna have to test some of them out. Especially the one for chocolate milk. I bet my kids would LOVE that one :)
I drove to Wal-Mart to meet Captain America there. He needed to get the photo cards before 9pm. It was cutting it pretty close. A storm had rolled in, and the lightning was SO bright and scary. And it was raining so hard, I almost had to come to a stop. Crazy downpour!
We got to Wal-Mart, and the photo lab was closed. 5 minutes early. He wasn't too happy, but what do ya do? I made him go ask at electronics if they could go and look in the drawer. I'd paid online, so if it was in there, they should be able to just give it to me. And she did. And it was there. And we got it. Captain America was SO glad that I made him check :) Yeah me! Now he can give his instructors/cadre the thank you cards :)
We walked around for a little bit longer, and I found a book to buy. The Hunger Games. I had a digital copy, but wanted to have the real thing. I'm reading it to the kids, and reading it off of the laptop was getting annoying. SO, I now own it! Woohoo! Owning books makes me VERY happy. hehehe.
We got the yogurt that we needed (the commissary was out), and headed home. Again in the rain. Coming in Cassiday gate, Captain America got "randomly" selected for the car searching again. For the 3rd time in 3 months at the same gate. Now how random is that? I'm just saying..... Poor guy was tired and just wanted to come home and go to bed.
I am looking forward to Captain America's graduation tomorrow. I need to find out exactly what time it is. AND, after graduation, he gets 10 days TDY. It's for travel and getting set up and such. Um, yeah, no moving. No setting up. BUT, if the army wasn't to let us have 10 days TDY, by all mean, we'll take it. We needed a little vacation from school, anyway :) hehehe.
This WordArt request is from Shannon. I hope you like it, girl! I think it would be great on a heritage page, don't you? Click on the link below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 13 post on Sep. 18, 2009. Thanks again.
I went to a Powdered Milk class once for Enrichment. You could really taste the powdered milk in most of the recipes except the chocolate milk! And it works well for hot chocolate too. Just make sure you have coffee creamer in there. It makes ALL the difference!!
And I bought your grab bag. It's AWESOME!!!
Thank you so much Bethany. Of course I love it, I knew I would. I am surprised to see it so soon. I know you were running behind. Yeah, now I can finish my vacation album. You made my night!
Thank you so much Bethany. Of course I love it, I knew I would. I am surprised to see it so soon. I know you were running behind. Yeah, now I can finish my vacation album. You made my night!
Bless you, your time, hard work and your amazing talent
That you have shared with us all and thank you so
Very much for this amazing gift that you also share
With us all bless you and hugs Nana Kat
3 of my friends got baptised today [WOOOHOOOO] and i was going to make up some scrap pages for the event but i started freaking out coz i couldn't find any baptism WA. Then i thought of you and your blog and all was good again. Thanks :o))
Thank you!!
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