Only, by Monday night, its so bad I can't hardly stand it. And I'm tough. You all know me. I had natural childbirth 5 times. I get migraine frequently. I still go about my daily life. But this really hurt. After I got the kids to bed, I called Tel-a-nurse, which sent me to the ER off post (i picked that one because it's faster). 3 hours later, I had a diagnosis of bad Kidney Infection, and 2 different drugs. One was a big ole antibiotic, and the other was supposed to turn my pee orange, but stop the "burning when peeing". Sounds good to me.
So, here it is, 1:46am, and I'm just now home from the ER. I can't fill the prescription until William Beaumont Army Hospital opens up tomorrow am. But I"m also supposed to take it easy and not go anywhere until my symptoms recede. I'm gonna have to make Captain America go after PT. Poor me.
Other than the evening, though, the day went well. I got up, got kids off to school (sore back and all - well, really sore kidneys), and then went walking with the girls. I told them I had to go a bit slower because my back was bothering me. Still, we walked for an hour 20 minutes. That's a big walk. I was sweating and everything.
About an hour later, the girls and I went to the USO. Never been there before. It was AMAZING! Free snack bar (diet soda anyone?), free xbox 360 on flat screen tv's (yeah, jake was in heaven!) (about 6-8 of them you could check out), pool, tv, movies, internet. Then, Fudruckers came and catered lunch today. For free. Apparently they do it the last Thursday of the month. Well, it's not the last Thursday of the month, but I'm not complaining. Jim and Jake got free food. I brought myself my apple (I would eat lunch when I got home) and drank all the diet soda I wanted. Katy (and Eric) and Adela (and Victoria) and Andrea (and Luke) and her mother in law were all there. I see a new lunch date for the last Thursday of the month. Heck, I see a new free date place for Captain America and I. I'm going this Friday - hehehe.
I got home, and read my book in Jimmys room. Jake worked on homework. I didn't really feel much like moving. My back hurt when I did. But if I sat real still it wasn't too bad.
I finished off "Catching Fire". OMGosh it was SO good. And a cliffhanger isn't really nice. Do you hear that, Suzanne Collins! You'd better hurry up and write that 3rd book - hehehe. I'm anxious to see what happens. It's such a captivating story. I just love it. If you haven't read it, buy it or check it out from the library. It doesn't disappoint.
Captain America was around and about on and off during the day. They were taking a week for "processing". Tying up loose ends before graduation. He was weighing the car empty and full for some kind of reimbursement. He went to the Scout office and got some stuff for Scouts. I don't know what else he did. He said that he got about 90 texts today from class. Dang, they keeps that boy busy!
Captain America took Jake to his first wrestling practice on Monday night. They were gone from 6pm to 8pm. Jake home home looking tired, but happy. The coach told them that as soon as they get home, they've gotta take a shower and wash all the clothes they were wearing. There's some mat disease they can get if they don't. Because those mats on Ft. Bliss are used SO much, there's so many germs living on them. Nasty. I sent him straight to the shower.
I decided that since I love the Hunger Games books so much, and since I hadn't continued with the little kids a tradition I started with the big kids, I was gonna start reading a chapter a night to the kids. Jim and Joe mostly played around, and Eme and Tom tried to listen. But, I've gotta tell you, when we got to the end of the chapter (a bit of a cliffhanger), the kids ALL wanted me to keep going. They wanted to see what would happen next. Yes! They were listening.
As I was sitting in bed after the kids went to sleep is when I realized that my back really hurt, and maybe it wasn't my back. My sister had had a kidney infection, and said that it felt like back labor. The later it got, the more it felt like it. And, you know the rest of my evening.
I don't think I'm ever gonna get to re-cap my Civil War weekend. I didn't even mean to re-cap todays events. It just kinda came out. Funny, eh? I haven't blogged (really blogged) in a few days, and it just kinda creeps out of me. That's when you know you're really obesses. When you have a serious kidney infection, and rather than go to bed (like a sane person would do), you blog about it. I need help - ROFL!
I made this WordArt earlier today. I was taking pics from the Civil War Living History event, and turning them Black and White, then adding a Vintage Action to make them look old fashioned. Look on my facebook account under photos, and you'll see them. They're kinda cool. Anyway, there was a empty space on the page, and I needed a WordArt. I planned to include it in a new WordArt pack I'm making, but because of my kidney infection, and trip to the ER, I needed something to give you. And you all know what happens when I design after midnight. No one wants to think about that. Hehhe.
SO, click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

thanks for the freebie
Thank you! That is a pretty saying!
Well darlin' girl, I've not been about for a bit, SLOWLY making my way back to SCRAPLAND and saw your new post on my blog roll and had to come visit!
I can TOTALLY relate to your pain and I, like you, have a HIGH pain threshold having given natural childbirth to six, including a set of twins, and I told EVERYONE that I would HAPPILY give birth ALL day long as opposed to the EXCRUCIATING pain I endured when I, too, found myself going to the ER after realizing that the pain was NOT going anywhere on it's own! ROFL!
I was actually misdiagnosed and told that I had a UTI! HA! Uh, how about a kidney infection or possibly even kidney stones! At my age, not bad as it was my first ever, but I tell you this, NO WAY I am going there again if I can help it! I know it's SUPER important to stay hydrated and I think that kicked it off for me.
Well, I like the sound of your NEW date place and your NEW word art is LOVELY as always!
Thank you for sharing and I hope you are pain-free soon! All that walking I am sure was of some benefit as the more endorphines we release, the less pain we feel ... or so they say! *wink*
Have a BEAUTIFUL day love,
Linda :-)
THANK YOU! This was absolutely perfect for a page that I'm making.
pretty layout! :) thank you for sharing your LOVELY wa too! :) i was without a computer for a few weeks and missed ya! Have a WONDERFUL evening!
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