I woke up at 5:45am on Sunday from a dead sleep, realizing that I was supposed to make something for Cub Scouts to hand out on Sunday. Dang. I snuck out to the living room, and got on the computer. Check out my super cute invites I made for the pack meeting. Isn't it cute! I used Jaye Day Studios Jungle kit. She's so awesome :)

We left the kids with my parents, and Captain America and I headed for the church. We were meeting the Stake presidency before church. They extended Captain America the calling of 1st Counselor in the Bishopric. Dang, that's a big calling. But then, with big callings come big blessings, right? I know that Captain America can do it. For us, it means not seeing Dad at all on Sundays. Early morning meetings, after church meetings.... He's gonna be even more busy now :( But we know that we'll be blessed as a family for our sacrifice. We're willing to do it :)
We hurried back home, picked up the kids and my parents, and headed back to church. Here's a pic of Joe right before we left for church. What a handsome kid! Remember this picture for later in the post......

It was also Jacob's first Sunday for passing Sacrament. Between the flu, conferences, Civil War reenactments, and the bishop being out of town, it's the first opportunity for him. He did a great job, considering he didn't have a lot of coaching. He seemed pretty pleased.
After Sacrament, the primary practiced for the Primary program. We had this Sunday and next Sunday to practice, then the following Sunday is the program. I think it's gonna sound great. We're still trying to iron out all the details and seating arrangements. We have about 60 kids in the primary. Dang! Good kids, though! I love 'em!
After church, we left Captain America to his meetings, and headed home. I think I had too many constricting clothes on, because dang did I feel bloated when I got home. LOL! I have this full body girdle thingy that I LOVE to wear when I'm a little heavier than I'd like to be, and I think it stretched it to it's limit. I think it's time for my diet on Monday morning.
We had left over Chili's for lunch (see, Diet on monday will be a good thing!). Mmmm. Quesidella explosion is just as good the 2nd time around - LOL! We just hung out at the house for a few hours. The kids ate their food, and played in their Sonic drinks. They froze them from Saturday, and were eating these Ice Chunks. Who knew a frozen drink could be so much fun??? LOL!
I think I forgot to mention that Jacob got sick Saturday night after he'd gone to bed. Probably forgot to mention it because it's SO nasty. He puked up Country Fried steak and Fries ALL over his comforter. OMGosh it smelled nasty. My mom got it from the bedroom to the bathroom tub, and I went up to help at that point. I almost lost it all in the bathroom. We took down the shower curtain, and wrapped up the blanket in it. Then, we carried it down to the backyard. Not before a lot of gagging, though. SUPER nasty.
We spread out the blanket on the grass to dry. Well, after church, we went to get the blanket to wash it, and found that it had been picked clean by the birds. OMGosh. Nasty, eh? I guess we're doing our part to feed the hungry pigeons in El Paso. Eeeeewwwwhhhhh!
My parents packed their stuff up, and we headed out to the park at 1:40 ish. We needed to get some energy out of the kids. They were going nuts inside. They played pretty good for a while, then Joe came over crying and holding his eye. Poor thing. I opened my arms to give him a big hung, and noticed the gash. He'd cut his right eyelid on something. He said that he'd ran into a pole.
Mom and I took him home, telling him to close his eye. I grabbed one arm, and my mom grabbed the other. We were leading the poor little thing. This is what he looked like when we got home.

Captain America took Jimmy to the ER, and I stuck around to get my parents to the Airport. We needed to leave by 3:35pm to get them there on time. Jake watched the other kids. I dropped them off at the Southwest terminal, and headed to the ER. Thanks so much for coming and visiting me, Mom and Dad! I had a really good time!
I found Captain America and Joe in the waiting room, and traded places with Captain America. He went home to watch the other kids, and I settled in for the long haul. And long it was. We finally got called back to the ER at 6:20pm. Joe had fallen asleep in my lap, so he was sleeping when I laid him on the table.
The nurses up front had triaged Joe and told Captain America that he'd probably just need glue, but the doctors said that stitches would be better for him. The doctors were super nice and friendly. They acted like they had a good time there. Mom, you'd have liked them :)
We held the sleeping Joe down while the doctor cleaned out his cut with iodine. That woke him up. He didn't know where he was, or what was going on. Poor little guy. We finally got him calmed down, then they injected lidocane directly into the cut. Yeah, I know how that feels. NOT happy. Not happy at all. I'm sorry Joe Joe! I know how bad that feels.
His wound got all big and puffy, and nasty looking. They tried to sew it up, but realized that more lidocane was needed. SO, back to the injecting it again. More tears from Joe. Poor thing!
Finally, it was numb enough to sew on. 3 stitches did the trick. Joe was very brave, and did a great job. I'm proud of you, honey! They put some Bactroban cream on his stitches, then a yellow bandage, then a clear adhesive tape bandage. Here's the finish result.
"If you think this looks bad, you should see the other guy!". hehehe. Just kidding :)

We got home at 8:45pm, fed Joe, and got everyone to bed. I was feeling pretty lousy. I was a bit achey, and had a nasty cough, really congested, and just tired. I'm gonna "drug" myself up and go to bed after I blog this. So yes. We played too hard today. Well, this weekend in general. Would I change it if I could? Probably not. We had a TON of fun. Well, maybe the ER visit part I'd change. But then, all my other kids had had stitches except Joe. Now he can join the group - ROFL!!! ( you know I'm just kidding, right????)
Here's a WordArt for ya for today. Hopefully I'll be sleeping and relaxing when you read this on Monday morning - LOL! Paying for playing too hard!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Oh that poor boy! And what a long day to walk around with it.
That injection part sounds so nasty... Wishing him all the best
Thank you for the wordart!
OMG! That poor baby! I hope it's not hurting more today. You know how the day after an injury goes!
Poor Joe!! And it's pretty sad that even when you're bleeding you can't get medical attention!! Glad he's ok :)
Oh my poor guy - hope he feels better soon. Thanks for the very-appropriate word art!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 26 Oct [LA 06:10pm, NY 08:10pm] - 27 Oct [UK 01:10am, OZ 12:10pm] ).
Oh, your poor son! I can relate to this in SO many ways. I hope his recovery goes more smoothly than the trip to the ER!
Thanks so much for the very appropriate word art! :)
Good morning!!!!!!
Hope that you managed to get some rest to knock out your sniffles!!!!!!!!!
Give Joe a HUG for me!!!!!!!!!
I think we all go thru that faze with our boys I know I did with my 2 when they were young but now grown!!!!!!!!!! LOL
TY so very much for todays AWESOME WA!!!!!!!!
Thank you! Love the Word Art. You are always doing something crazy at your house! Have a happy/safe week!
Oh My Gosh. Poor dear! And poor Mom too! Hope he is feeling better soon!
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