At about 8:30am, I got a call from the school. Apparently, in this school district, if you have an injury where you get stitches or break your leg or somthing, you have to have a doctors note to go back to school? What the heck is that? I've never heard of that. Isn't the fact that I'm sending them back to school enough?
Apparently Joe's teacher thought his stitches and bandaging looked pretty nasty, because he got sent home. Whatever. I was feeling SO sick and nasty. I drove somehow up to the school, retrieved him, and came back home and died some more.
The rest of the morning/early afternoon passed in a blur. I know that a lot of PBS cartoons were watched in my room. I'd fall asleep when one was on, and wake up in the middle of another one. It's really not good when Mom gets sick, is it?
I knew that I had things that needed to be done later in the day, so I decided that at 3:00pm, I had to be better. When 3pm rolled around, I hopped out of bed, and headed to the shower. I must admit, once I looked better it was easier to fake feeling better.
I baked Pumpkin muffins with walnuts and chocolate chunks to take to Family Home Evening at hte Huezo's house (our new bishop). I made 2 batches, but only had time to bake one. We were at the Huezo's house at 6:oo pm. We let Jake skip wrestling so he could come with us.
We had chili for dinner, and a nice little lesson, then the dessert, then home again. Between us and the Huezo's and the Porters (the 2nd counselor), we have 16 kids. That's a lot of little bodies running around in one house - hehehe.
We stopped by the PX on the way home and bought some foot powder for Captain America and some Niquil for me. I took some as soon as we got home. I cooked up the remaining Pumpkin Muffins, and took 1/2 the batch down to Andrea's house. The smelled SO good. I knew that she had company visiting, so they could use the treats :) Now, I just have to get rid of another dozen pumpkin muffins. Well, 11 more, because I ate one before bed. Mmmmm, melty warm chocolate is SO good :)
As I write this, I'm starting to fall asleep. They Niquil is affecting me more than I thought it would - hehehe.
Here's the 3rd part in that Glenn Beck quote thingy. I hope you like it! I really think that this one has many scrapping possibilities. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

What a bummer that you are feeling sick! Nyquil is my best friend when I feel icky. Hopefully you wake up today feeling lots better!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Oct. 27, 2009. Thanks again.
HOpe you feel better!!!
Thanks for sharing! I love your word art! In fact, I wanted to let you know that I am giving you a Lookin' Good Award for all that is gorgeous about your site. You can see it here ( and if you'd like to pass it on to some site you love, then feel free!
Thanks again for sharing your beautiful talent with us!
thanx for the wa - luv it. if we can't speak w/o fear then what do we have??!!
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