Here's the deal. These are all OLD WordArt packs. I don't want anyone misunderstanding. This is NOT new stuff. They're all in my store right now, for $2.50 a pack. BUT, if you buy the bundle, you'll get all 10 WordArt packs for only $5.00. That's $0.50 a pack. I KNOW! That's cheap. AND, I tried to make it a true variety. A little bit of everything. So, do you like? I thought it would be the perfect way for someone who didn't have anything from me to get a taste of stuff. Anyway, click HERE if you wanna go and check it out :) It'll probably be available for about a week or so. So get it while you can!
When I got up at 7am, I went out to see how far along everyone was, and noticed Tom laying on the couch, fully dressed. I was like, um, come on, go get breakfast, get moving, and he was like, "Mom, my foot is KILLING me. I didn't sleep at all last nigth". Sigh. It was gonna be one of THOSE days.
Of all the kids, Tom is kind of a drama king. And I know that sounds harsh to say about your own kid, but call a spade a spade, right? He's got a low tolerance for pain. He just does.
SO, I knew that there was nothing wrong, but I called the appointment desk, described how he was acting, and they got him right in. 8am. So, I threw on some clothes, took the other kids to school, left Jake with Jim, and headed to the doctor. Captain America had taken my truck to work, since his wouldn't start again (even after the new battery - must be something else wrong with it), so I took his Saturn. Good thing we all fit!
We got RIGHT in to see the doctor. She looked at Toms foot, and said that it probably wasn't broken, but that she'd order some xrasy.
So we hobbled over to Xray, and got those taken, then hobbled back to the patient room again. She came back in, and nope, no break. She showed me how his feet were flat, and if it wasn't an issue now, that it would be in the future. He needed inserts. She said the fact that he's overweight doesn't help. He's 95% for height, and 105% for weight. I know that 105% sounds horrible, but really, it's only 10% off his height. So he needs to cut back and play more, but that's it, I think.
She referred us to the Brace Shop at the hospital to get the inserts, and to a nutritionist. Cool. I've always wanted to talk to a nutritionist, honestly :) Now I'll get the chance! Oh yeah, and a prescription for Motrin. Because that's what Army doctors prescribe. Motrin. I was kind of excited, because I didn't have any Army Motrin yet. Woohoo!
We were 15 numbers away from being called, so we sat down and read for a while. I'm reading the Cassandra Claire book, City of Bones (or something like that). Just started it. Seems promising. I've heard a lot of good things about it :)
We finally got the Motrin, and headed to the hospital. I was a little stressed about it, since I had Captain Americas car, and the hospital sits on a hill. Why is that a problem, you say? Well, Captain Americas car is a shift stick. So I roll when I stop on hill, and it about gives me a heart attack. BUT, I managed. I slowed WAY down when the light turned red, and by the time I eased my way up to it, it was green again, so I didn't have to start from stop. I'm sure the people behind me thought I was dumb. LOL!
We had to park CLEAR in the back, because they're building a parking garage, and theres construction EVERYWHERE! One bad thing about living in the warm weather. No season off for construction. It's year round. Sigh. SO, poor Tom was limping and hobbling all over creation looking for the Brace shop. He got his inserts, and we headed back on post.
Captain America texted around that time, and wanted me to switch over vehicles. So we dropped off the Saturn at his work, and took the Suburban. I SO love my truck. Wouldn't trade it!
Next ,it was on to Toms school to sign him back in. While we were there, the Vice Principal called me in to talk about Joe and Speech. Yeah, the kindergartner can get speech, but why not Tom, the 4th grader, who REALLY needs it. Sigh. Anyway, I signed paper after paper after paper. He was really good about explaining all the stuff that I needed to know. Mr Vasquez is a GREAT guy, I think :)
I finally got home at around 10:45am. Long morning, all ready. I came home, changed my clothes (or did I. No I think I had the same hooded sweatshirt on - LOL), made sure that the kids were still alive and well (ROFL!), and headed out again. I'd made plans the day before to go to lunch and get my eyebrows threaded. The Tom thing threw me off. Sigh.
Kim and Andrea and I went to lunch at Olive Garden. Mmmmm, soup and salad is my FAVORITE. I like the potato/sausage one. Can't remember what it's called, but it's SO good. We had fun eating and chatting and laughing. Andrea and I ALWAYS make Kim laugh - hehehe. I think it's because we're naughty - LOL!
After lunch, we headed to the mall to get threaded. The chickie said that she needed 15 more minutes, so Andrea and Kim headed to Sears, and I headed upstairs to Game Crazy. Only it wasn't Game Crazy, it was Game Stop. And they didn't have the same sales. They had a PS2 plus 2 games for $50 at Game Crazy. And Jake had the money. I was supposed to be looking for him. Sorry, Jake.
I headed back downstairs, and the threading girl was back. But there were 2 girls in front of us. So we waited. And chatted with each other, and the people who walked by. Andrea went first when it was our turn, then me, then Kim. Yeah, it hurts. The inside part of your eyebrow worse than the outside part. But it's SO worth it. They look fabulous when they're done, and it lasts SO much longer than plucking. Thanks, threading girl! I love you :)
After threading, we headed back on post. We dropped Kim off at her house, then headed to the school to pick up the kids. Luke had fallen asleep in the Suburban, so I stayed in the vehicle with him, and Andrea went in to pick up the kids.
We got home, and Jake and Jim were SO happy to see me. Poor kids. It'd been a long day. I didn't mean to be gone so long. LIke I said, the Doctors appointment really threw me off.
We got a snack, then did our chores, then watched a bit of Night at the Museum 2. Jimmy just LOVES that movie. Too cute!
I finished designing my "teacher gifts" for the kids teachers, and sent the finished product to Walgreens. They looked pretty good! I ordered 8 of each (6 different prints), and 3 pages of tags. It was coming together nicely.
We had fried egg sandwiches for dinner (well, it's better than cheese and crackers, right?), and I headed to Walgreens to get the photos. But first I stopped at the gas station to fill up. Captain America had been harping on me ALL day long to get gas for the truck. Really, for the last 2 days. So, I finally went. I also filled up the little tank for the lawn mower. See, I'm just that good :)
Next, on to Walgreens. Tom needed a gift for the gift exchange in his class, so I spent a lot of time looking around the toy isle. The toys all cost about $7. BUT, they were having a deal of 3 for $14. SO, it would only be $4.33 if I got 3. So, I spent more money to save money, if that makes sense. I got a present for the exchange, and some lip gloss/body glitter for Eme, and some cars for Jimmy. They didn't really need another present, but I was feeling generous :)
I got home, and started making cookies. Andrea and I and Laurie were all going in on the idea. We were each baking a few types of cookies, then putting them in little tubs, then giving the teachers a framed Christmas saying. Pretty cool, eh?
I put all my scrapped pages into the frames, and tied raffia around it. I made "cake mix" cookies, and roll out sugar cookies. I felt like it took FOREVER. And I was super tired, on top of that. Not a good combo.
The kids helped a little but, but lost interest quickly. We were supposed to go to Scouts, but we skipped. I needed to get the teacher gifts done.
Captain America got home at 8:30pm, and helped Tom with his inserts. Thank goodness. I didn't know what to do for it :) I was still baking cookies.
After I got done with the 2 different kinds, I realized that I was supposed to have treats/snacks for the kids classes too. Sigh. I really didn't wanna make more cookies. REALLY didn't. So I grabbed my big boxes of Nutri-Grain bars, and decided to let the kids take those. I'm so bad - LOL!
At around 10:30pm, I went over to Andreas house to trade cookies. Laurie was there too. OMGosh, we ended up staying and chatting until 1:30pm. And I told Captain America that I was coming right back. Oops. Sorry, honey! I really meant to come right back. They sucked me in. It's all their faults - ROFL!
So here it is, 1:42 pm, and I'm just finishing up blogging. And I need to design something for y'all. Something. Preferably something without typos. But that's a lot to ask, since it's after midnight. OK, be right back!
So, in honor of all the crazyiness we've had over the past few days trying to get ready for school Christmas parties, here's a Christmas Party WordArt for ya! I hope you like it :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 18 Dec [LA 02:37pm, NY 05:37pm, UK 10:37pm] - 19 Dec [OZ 09:37am]).
Thanks so much Bethany. Life gets so crazy. You are great to design after midnight. I look forward to your post- is that crazy? I really do have a life but it is inspiring to me to read someone else surviving "crazy" too. You rock!
luv this. thank u so much!!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you!
You always seem to know the wordart that I need :) Here is my layout!
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