This is Andrea's house!

And, the infamous pants! I mean, really. Who wears these???? Strike that. I know who wears these. When we went to the commanders Christmas party, 2 different chickies had on pants this tight and similar fabrics. Sigh. I guess it's just ME who doesn't wear these pants - LOL!

Another Sunday down - hehehe. Just that much closer to Christmas, right? LOL! Captain America was late for his meetings this morning, because his phone was on vibrate from the movies, and he uses it as his alarm. Poor guy. He was headed out the door when we all got up.
We made it to church on time/early, and got the seats that we liked :) Primary was busy crazy as always. We had 2 teachers not show, one come late, and one that the teacher doesn't start till next week. It always makes for an interesting Sunday.
After church, we came home, ate turkey sandwiches, and I took a nap. I laid down at 1:15pm, and got out of bed at 3:45pm. I wasn't asleep the whole time, but I did sleep. Jake came in 3 different times to wake me up, Joe rang the door bell once, a friend dropped by a b-day present, Captain America came home, you name it, I was interrupted - LOL!
I directed the kids to clean up when I finally came out, and started on dinner. I was going to Laurie's house for a "group" dinner. I made some potato chowder, and it really turned out well. I tried to follow a recipe, but changed it a WHOLE bunch. Do you ever do that?
It was pretty fun at Lauries. Captain America didn't come, because he was napping. He didn't get home until almost 4pm from church. I tried to wake him up, but he was incoherently talking about work. I figured I should let the poor man rest - LOL!
Laurie's family, my family, Christie's family, and Kayley's family were all there. We had 2 kinds of soup, and 2 different lasagnas, and some chips/crackers/dip. It was a nice evening. Laurie read a Christmas story, and we chatted, then we all went home.
I stopped by Andreas house to give her family my left over soup. I was betting that she hadn't made dinner yet, and I was right - LOL! I knew that she'd been baking Gingerbread for her hubby in Iraq, and I know that if I had been baking, I wouldn't be cooking too - LOL!
Captain America was awake when I got home, and the kids and he sat down to watch "The Dukes of Hazzard". I was in the bedroom with the door opened, folding laundry. I could hear it, but didn't want to stop. I was on a "laundry folding" roll. Best not to interrupt that, right?
When I was done folding, I came out and finished watching the show with the family. I worked on a scarf that I was crocheting for Jimmy, and actually finished it off! He LOVED it :) Captain America read the kids stories after the show, and put them to bed.
Now, all I have to do is put the clothes away, design a freebee, and I'm good for the night. I have a busy day planned for tomorrow, so maybe I'll go to bed early. Or maybe I'll go clean.
Monday I have grocery shopping, then baby shower gift shopping, the baby shower, then getting kids from school, then piano lessons with Andrea (I just go along for company - LOL), then Family Home Evening. Dang, we're busy - LOL!
So since I'm feeling the holiday spirit, I decided to make you a Christmas freebee :) Because they're just so darn fun to make - LOL! Hope you enjoy!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Merry Christmas to you, Bethany!!!
Those pants crack meup.... my brother got some red leather ones- size 3T!!!! yep, and gave them to my second oldest... oye! like we need encouragement that early in life??? lol!
I wish you and your family all the best this joyful season!!! Merry Christmas from my crazy house to yours :)
And a Merry Christmas to you,too!
Love your pants! :) Have a Merry Christmas! Thank you for this wonderful xmas freebie!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on Dec. 14, 2009. Thanks again.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, too! Thanx for the great word art! :0)
SO cute! thanks so much!
Thanks for the WA, glad your birthday was a smash!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you Bethany! LOL on the pants. Merry Christmas!
Great post Bethany! I have no idea how you stay sane with all you do. Thanks for the WA!
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