Captain America came home from PT around that time, and got ready for the day. The kids slowly woke up one by one, and went about their day off. I got ready, and decided to go do some After Christmas sale shopping around 9:30am. I had a TON of stores to hit. I left Jake in charge, and headed out.
First stop was the Sears repair shop to ask about a part for my dying washing machine. No dice, though, because they were closed until 11:30am. Next stop, the furniture warehouse store across from Target. Andrea and I have a friend who bought her table there for $5. Seriously. And it's big, and relatively nice. But they weren't open either. I was totally striking out.
I decided to give WalMart a try. They had practically nothing left. And it was only 50% off. That's not a great deal. I was looking for a pre-lit tree, preferably 7 foot or taller. They had 7 footer for $40, but it wasn't pre-lit. I didn't need that. They had a 6 foot something tree, pre lit, but it was $50. Didn't want that either. I left Walmart with nothing.
Next, Walgreens. I knew that they had trees at one point. But none that were tall and prelit. Sigh. I did get some lights, white, 100 count, for $2.00. I ended up with 2 packages.
Next, I went to Big Lots, but they didn't have anything good. Their stuff was on 50% off a few days before Christmas, so it had been picked over pretty good.
I went next door to Kmart, and they had a TON of stuff, but it was SO expensive. Their trees were 50% off, but when they start off at $300, it's WAY too cheap to buy and put in the garage for a year. That's probably why they had SO much left.
I went to Target, and they had quite a bit of stuff, but I wasn't gonna pay $68 for a 6 1/2 foot prelit tree. I thought it was still too expensive. Strike out at that store too.
But now the furniture store was open, so I swung by there after Target. I found a SUPER nice little man to help me, and I told him the kind of table I was looking for, and how my friend had got a KILLER deal last year. He explained that the new owner/manager/person didn't want them doing that anymore, so deals like that didn't happen anymore. I told him that I needed a table to fit 7 people, I didn't care what it looked like, and I didn't want to spend more than $50. He said that he'd look around, and ask the guys in the warehouse tomorrow, and see what he could dig up for me. So, while it wasn't really a no, I walked away with nothing again.
I went home, and was a bit disappointed in my shopping day. Sure, I got out of the house, but I hadn't really accomplished anything. My house was getting SO messy, but I wasn't feeling motivated to clean it.
Captain America got home a bit after me, and I hung out with him for lunch. He was back to work by 1pm, and the kids and got ready to go to the store again. They had "Grandma Ida" dollars ($5 each) to spend, and it was burning a whole in their pockets. Jake decided to stay home and play Wii, but all the other kids wanted to come.
First dropped by the Sears appliance repair center, since it was now open. I asked the little man if they sold parts for an Admiral dryer, and he was like, yeah, but it's not gonna do you any good, because you don't know what's wrong with the dryer. You need to hire a repair man. Sigh. Not the answer I was looking for. My friend Kim had said, yeah, just go flirt with them, and they'll give you what you need. Yeah, my "flirt skills" suck, apparently. :(
The kids and I headed out to Family Dollar, and actually found some good deals. I could have bought a 6 foot prelit tree for $20, but passed. But that was the cheap deal that I was looking for. I just wanted it bigger :) Because bigger is better, right? LOL!
Tom found a HUGE aircraft carrier that he wanted, Joe found a skateboard, and Jim found a BIG car that played music and drove itself an such. They were happy with their choices. Goodwill was right next door, so we went there too. Eme found a new in the box Easy Bake oven, for $7, and decided to get it. Sure, she already had the oven, but now she has 4 pans. And you can't buy the pans online for cheaper than that. She was pretty excited to have 3 ovens now - ROFL! And we found a bike helmet for Joe for his skateboard. See, I'm all about safety - LOL!
After that, we headed over to the church. I was supposed to meet the Cubmaster there to fill out some paperwork. For about the 5th time. The Boy Scout council keeps loosing my paperwork. What's up with that? SO not cool. Anyway, I filled out a new application, and the Cubmaster said that he'd get it taken care of for me. He's a good guy :)
After that, it was back home. I'd been working with my Brother in Law Nathaniel (Fan for short) to find a new laptop for myself. Mine is having serious issues. It keeps overheating, and turning off at random times, or locking up, or what not. I can't be working on something important, and have it die on me. That's just NOT cool.
Anyway, he'd found a really good one for me around Thanksgiving, and I'd waited too long, and it was now $100 more than then. SO, I asked him to find me a different good one - ROFL! HERE's what he found for me. Looked good to me. I ordered it, and it should be here in a few days!
So my old laptop will go out to the kids, and we'll have another computer to add to the mix. I think that will bring our family total to 7. Sigh. See how big of nerds we are - ROFL!
SO, I spent the majority of the rest of the day transferring files from my laptop to my EHD. My digiscrapping file is HUGE, so I try and re-save it once a week to my EHD. Because I would be SO sad if I lost all of my designing files. All that hard work..... BUT, it's all backed up now, so while I don't want it to die, it can. But because I'd be fine with it dying, it won't. Murphys law and everything, you know :)
At 6pm, I got on the Wii, and played Wii fit for 33 minutes. Aren't you proud of me?? Never mind the fact that I ate anything and everything that happened to come within my line of site today. I Wii fitted for 33 minutes! Woohoo me!
Apparently I have good balance. Because my Wii age is 33. And I'm 34. How cool is that! Jake's Wii age is 27, and he's 12. Tom's is 28, and he's 10. Eme's is 28, and she's 8. Hmmmm, somethings wrong with this picture, I'm thinking. Captain America was 39 on the Wii, and he's really 37.
Anyway, I played a whole bunch of Wii balance board games, and it was SO much fun. I raced 3 times, and played the step aerobics (LOVED it), did the tight rope walker game, some penguin on ice game, a bubble game, soccer ball game, ski jumping, and a few more. It was fun.
Captain America got home a few minutes before I was done playing, and we made him get on the Wii and make a character. He enjoyed it! He picked a girl trainer, and had fun doing the strength training exercise. He thought it was SO cool when she kept telling him, "You're really strong". Should I be jealous??? Yes, he's really strong. And he's all mine. Go find your own strong guy...
After Wii fit, they moved on to Guitar Hero. At least there's some good music coming from the living room now :) I spent quite a bit of time online on Facebook, doing who knows what, and now I'm blogging. Then I have to make a freebee. I think I need to go to bed. It's almost 11pm, and my eyes are burning. Or maybe I just need to take out my contacts - LOL!
So because I was exhausted, and didn't feel like coming up with a saying/quote, I changed my status on Facebook to ask for sayings. And you girls really d come through for me! I got a WHOLE ton of ideas! I actually made one for Tuesday, one for Wed, one for Monday AND Tue of next week. See how good you guys are to me! Thanks, girls.
Anyway, I thought that this was just hilarious! Because you know, sometimes, I DO have other plans - ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNg file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

This is too funny! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!
Didn't see your FB request, but this is a saying my husband ALWAYS uses. Thanks for it [though I'm a tad stymied on how to use it - LOL!]
K, Anonymous, I updated with post with a "how to use this wordart" photo - LOL! Hope it helps!
I love it! Think the teachers I work with might appreciate having this saying hanging around somewhere. :)
Bethany, I forgot to upload this to you gallery until today but here's a link to a layout I did with your Christmas Eve WA.
Love your laptop as I got practically the same one at office depot before Christmas. I think mine is 16" instead of 17 but specs look the same. It was only $429.00 and I am thrilled. It doesn't get hot on my lap at all. So congrats on the MSI! Love your wordart and your stories are cute. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Dec. 29, 2009. Thanks again.
I always take pictures of my kids crying, but more so because I don't want them to think they were always angels smiling for the camera. I want to capture all those little heartbreaking moments. I'm just keepin it real!!
Hi - I enjoy your blog & wordart! Regarding appliance repairs - I've had great luck at the site helps you diagnose your problem and has pix of the parts so you can see if you are ordering the right one. Have gotten parts for a dishwasher and our dryer.
This is really funny! I hope you find your dream table soon!
This is such a cute (and funny) WA! Can't wait to use it! Thank you :)
Thank you!!
I love the quote hun... it's a really good one to use with some images... lol Thanks!!
well this is so funny ... TYVM
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