Saturday, I slept in. Till after 9am. It was HEAVENLY! Sleep is SO nice :) hehehe. The house was still mostly clean from our cleaning on Christmas Day evening, which was nice to wake up to also. The kids were happy, and playing with the Wii and their new toys. What a great morning :)
Captain America and Emeline got ready to go horseback riding, and I got ready to go to the store with Andrea. We both needed a few things from the store. Her, milk, and I contact solution. I only had enough solution to put my contacts in one more time. That's not good - LOL!
Captain America left around 11am, and so did I. Andrea and I headed out to the mall. She needed to check on a video game exchange, and I wanted to stop by a clothes store. The trade in deal they were gonna do wasn't very good, so she decided to try her luck with The clothes? I found some CUTE stuff. I got a hoodie sweater (black, of course) with faux fur hood trim and pom pom strings (SO cute!) for $12.99, a leather looking green coat for $5.50 (SOOOO cute!), and a red button up dressy shirt for $6.00. I got it all for about $26 after tax. Almost exactly what I had left from Santa. I just love new things :)
After the mall, we headed to the West side of El Paso. There's this awesome Chinese buffet that Ryan and Andrea used to go to over there, and she wanted to take me there. DIVINE! I wanted to start my diet on Saturday, but we'll start it on Sunday - ROFL!
I had some white rice, some chicken broccoli, some beef with broccoli, ( i tried to stay away from the stuff with the dried red peppery looking things - I'm not good with hot...) a few noodles, some terykai chicken, and some coconut shrimp. OMGosh, the coconut shrimp was SOOOOO yummy. With just the plain rice. I lOVED it. We also got some crab legs.
Crab legs..... just not the same as fresh. The shell was harder to crack, the meat was a bit rubbery, and it just wasn't like my Dad catches. I know, I'm spoiled. Andrea said that it was really good crab. She's tried a lot at a lot of different restaurants, and had a lot of crab legs. Apparently they WERE good, if fresh out of the ocean isn't what you're used ot. Dad, can you get me some crab to share with my friend???
We got a bit of Mongolia grill, which was SOO awesome. There's this whole buffet table with different raw ingredients. You assemble what you want on your plate, add sauces and oils and such, then give it to the guy to grill. SO fun! I even took a movie...
I got some more coconut shrimp with rice, a bit of sweet and sour, and a YUMMY roll. Have you ever had rolls with cream cheese in the center? Anyone have a recipe for that? OMGosh, they were to die for :) My grill was pretty good. Needed more sauce, or some oil or something though. And, you'd be proud of me. No diet soda with caffeine :) Just water!
Next, it was on to Target, which was on the same side of the road. Andrea found her milk, and I got my contact solution. And hair dye. And a set of Star Wars playing cards. And a new slinkie for Joe, since Jimmy broke it yesterday.
We got home at around 2. The kids were doing just fine. It's amazing how well the kids get along when you take just one of the kids out of the mix - LOL! And it doesn't even matter which child it is. Go figure ;)
I thought about taking a nap, but ended up farting around on the computer instead. I used my new popcorn maker, and made popped popcorn for the kids and I, and Jimmy and I watched CARS in my bed. I almost took a nap. Almost.
I made some homemade Chili around 5:30pm. Kim had given me this MASSIVE can of chili beans, and I decided to turn it into Chili. There was a recipe on the back, and I followed it. After browning all 3 lbs of burger with 3 onions, I realized that I didn't have a pot big enough to handle it. Crap! What was I gonna do? I'd already opened up the can of beans, too.
I ended up getting our big galvanized bucket that we used for Civil War reenacting to boil water with, and making chili in that. SO funny. It was a TON of Chili. SO, anyone who wasn't to drop by for food tomorrow, just let me know! I'll hook you up with some chili :)
Captain America was supposed to be back home at a decent hour, and we were supposed to go to the movies, but he didn't get home in time. SO, I decided to go on a date with Tom. 2012 was playing at the theater, and I thought it would be fun to go with Tom. He seemed pretty excited about it Eme got to go on a "date" with Captain America, Jim and I had a "date" the day before Christmas Eve where we went shopping and ate breakfast at Target, and then Tom and I to the movies tonight. Just Joe is left. I wonder what fun thing we'll go and do?
We made some Carmel Corn right before the movies, and it was SO good. I think the kids liked it. Thanks, Andrea, for the new Popcorn Popper!
Tom and I left for the movies at 6:45pm, and got there just in time. I had Tom pay for the movie ($2 for me and $1.25 for him), and get our movie card stamped. We'd earned a FREE medium popcorn and soda! Score it for us! I had him go and redeem it, then we went and picked our seats. Andrea and Sam sat with us.
Sam had met a kid in line, and sat in front of us, and chatted the whole time. I sat by Andrea, and we chatted the whole time, but whispered better than the boys - ROFL! Tom sat by me, and we shared the popcorn/soda, and I kept him filled in in the parts that he didn't understand. He held my hand during the exciting parts, and he squeeled and just the right times. He's SO much fun to watch a movie with, because he gets SO excited.
After the movie was over, I turned to Tom, and I was like, "Tom, did you like it?", expecting a huge "That was AWESOME", and he was like, "Um, no, not really". What? How could you act like you did during the movie and then say that you don't like it. Strange child - LOL!
All in all, it was a nice date. I think that taking him to the movies, and showing him how to take a girl to the movies will be beneficial to him in the long run. How else can we expect our boys to know how to treat girls if they don't practice? And practicing on mom is the BEST way to learn :)
We got home at almost 10pm, and Captain America was already home. Eme and him and Jake were watcing Kung Fu Panda. Jim and Joe were in bed. After about 20 minutes, we made Jake and Tom and Eme go to bed, then finished watching the movie together. He'd never seen it before, and laughed so hard I thought he was gonna wet himself a few times. Jack Black is HILARIOUS! Especially in kid movies, because he's not being dirty. Gotta love Kung Fu Panda!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks for the WA, Bethany! 4shared has been stubborn lately with leaving comments but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate you!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Dec. 27, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 27 Dec [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 28 Dec [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).
Thank you for the wordart. John 14:27 is one of my favorite verses and is posted by my PC.
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