So since I went to bed on Thursday night at 2am, I was SO tired when I woke up at 7:15am. I finally found the right site online, and confirmed that school was indeed delayed 2 hours. I checked my email, and changed all my prices in my store back to $2.50. That was no small task. But, it was done.
Andrea was on Skype, so we chatted for a few minutes, then kids were in my room, and wanting to go and play in the snow. By 7:45am, they were outside playing. At around 8:30am, I came out of my room (couldn't go back to sleep) and started fixing breakfast. Since we had more time, I made sausage and eggs.
Leslie's kids came over again, since she was in school. At about that time (9am), I retrieved my kids from outside, bathed them (well, the big ones do that on their own - hehehe), and got them ready for school. Captain America came home around then, and I drove Hunter to school (middle school starts 40 minutes before elementary school). When I got back, we cleaned up a little bit, then at 9:50, we took the other kids to school. Captain America was gone by then.
Jake got started on school, and was SO excited that all of his classes were easy for the day. Not much work in any of them. Jimmy and I went in my room, where I tried to go back to sleep. He watched some PBS cartoons, and I dozed. I finally dragged my sorry butt out of bed at 12:30pm.
I made sandwiches for the kids, cheese and cucumbers for myself, and cleaned up some more. You know what, no matter how much I clean, it's still always mess. I hate that - LOL! I worked on the bills for a while, and tried to figure out Christmas expenses.
At around 2pm, I headed out to the grocery store. When I went on Monday, I forgot to buy Captain America his apples for the week, so he'd been eating mine. And I'd only bought enough for me. SO, a trip to the store was in order. I also wanted to buy some chocolate for a dessert for a product party I was going to on Saturday. And needed to get some cash. My spending plan works well because you get out cash, put it in envelopes, and only spend that much for the month. My envelopes needed filled because it was the new month.
I texted Andrea to see if there was anything that she needed while I was there (Vitamin D milk), and headed out. It was SO crowded at the commissary, but luckily I only had a few things, and went to the self check out. The line was short. After shopping, I swung by (yeah, it's off post, so I don't know that it's really swinging by - LOL) Sonic and got Andrea and I each a Happy Hour drink. I just LOVE their ice. Freezing, snowing, and I want cold soda with ice. I know, I'm odd.
I swung by Andreas house, dropped off the milk, and picked her up. We were going to pick up the kids from school. We got everyone, loaded them in the truck, and headed out. By the time we got back home, it was almost 4pm.
I fed the kids a brief snack, and the kids and I headed down to the park. Our Friday routine. We watch Kayleys kids so she can "piano lesson" them. But dang, Jackson, it was frigid! Buzzy! Leigh, my neighbor, and her kids came to play too. And Andrea. And Jenica, a friend of ours who is moving. She'd gone to visit her family for a few weeks, and is now driving to Georgia, but stopped off in El Paso to visit.
We could only stay at the park for about an hour, since we were freezing so bad - hehehe. So we came home, and started cleaning again. It was SO messy. Earlier in the day, I'd swept all the 'things' into a pile, so that when the kids got home from school, it could be easily picked up. Someone (insert Jimmy) had run through the piles, and it was trashed again. Sigh. SO, I made the piles all nice and neat again, and waited for the big kids to come in from playing.
They worked on their rooms they were responsible, and the house looked MUCH better when they were done. I cooked my dinner, and theirs, at around 6pm. Noah, the neighbor kid, came over to play, and stayed until about 7:30pm.
I took a shower after he left, and got all pret-ty for Captain America. Nice jeans, a black sweater, make up, jewelry, perfume, big hair (LOL) Cause we were supposed to go on a date. But he wasn't home yet. Sigh. I put the kids to bed at around 8pm (Joe and Jim), and let Tom and Eme and Jake play on the computer. I sat down on the couch and played on the puter for a while. Facebook (Happy Aquarium, Happy Pets, even Farmtown), and then started blogging and designing.
It's now 9:05pm, and Captain America just texted saying he's coming home. It's a bit late to be going out. We're both tired. I wonder if we can make it to the dollar theater before the showing of Surrogates ends? That one looked interesting. Crap, just checked it, and it's 9:20. Don't think we'll make that one. But the Vampire's Assistant starts at 9:45pm. Maybe that one will work. Hurry home, Captain America. I'm ready for my date :)
OK, he just walked in the door, and I'm leaving on my date!!!! Woohoo :) See ya guys tomorrow :)
So, I'm trying something new. You know how on Sundays, I always have something for "Faithbooking", and WordArt Wednesday, you have to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file? Well, we now have Second Chance Saturday. I'm gonna go through my older WordArts, and give them a "make over". A second chance to be good - LOL! Because frankly, some of them SUCK! Seriously. I know that I was proud of them at the time, but now? Not so much - LOL!
This WordArt first came to us on February 7th of 2008. What a nice quote, but it was poorly done. Here's an updated version, and I'm sure that you'll all love it :) Click HERE to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Snow in ElPaso? I'm in Canada and we don't have any white stuff yet (although I'm sure I just jinxed that!)... thanks for sharing your life and your art!
Thank You for the WA. We had snow flurries the last couple of days, cold temps though BURRRR. Hope you have a great day.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Dec. 05, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you, Bethany. It's a wonderful sentiment.
I'm sure the El Paso folks are enjoying the snow. I know if it snowed here in Florida, everyone would go good kind of crazy.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 05 Dec [LA 02:00pm, NY 05:00pm, UK 10:00pm] - 06 Dec [OZ 09:00am]).
Thank you for the freebie! I like the new version much better! All your work is great!
Also....are you going to be doing any 2010 wordart? I'm working on my calendar, and hoping to see some of your work for the cover!!!!
I like the new version a lot! Thank you! :0) P.S. We had snow today too, but we're in Pennsylvania.
love them! Thanks!
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