Kids got up, got showered/bathed, got ready, and we got to church on time. The kids sat mostly nice for Sacrament, and Primary went well. I did sharing time, and it was well received. We learned all about service, and how we, as a family, can serve others. I think the older primary kids got more out of it than the younger one - hehehe.
We got home a little after noon, and had lunch. I took some of the leftover turkey, ground it up in my new food chopper, added Miracle Whip, and had a sandwich. Just like tuna, but with turkey. I put it on bread, and added a layer of homemade cranberry sauce. Soooooooo tasty :)
After everyone ate, we hung out for a little while, and Captain America was actually home early. He was home by 1:15pm. Dang! At around 2pm, we got the kids situated with a movie, and we went to take a nap. I was SO tired. After staying up late so many nights in a row, I needed a nap.
I actually slept for a few hours. I felt pretty good when I woke up. At 4pm, I went out, and started to get ready for dinner. We were going over the Kayleys house. Andrea, and Laurie, and a few other girls from church were all gone come together for dinner. Bringing our Thanksgiving leftovers. SO much fun :)
I turned my leftover turkey into noodles/soup, and reheated the mashed potatoes, and baked a pound cake. And brought the cranberry sauce. We got there a little after 5pm. SO much fun! I have 5 kids, Kayley has 4, Laurie has 4, Chelsey has 2, Heather has 2, Jessica has at least 1, and Andrea only brought one of hers. That's 7 moms, at least 19 kids, and Captain America. ROFL! All the other guys are deployed :) But I think he had fun too. But let me tell you, the volume level was LOUD! hehehe.
What a great idea, for us all to get together. Because I can tell you, Sundays are the hardest when your husband is gone. Because everyone else has their families, and are busy. When Captain Americawas at trainings, Sundays were definitely the longest day of the week. Hopefully the idea will stick, and we'll get together more often :)
We got home at 7ish, I put the little kids to bed, and I chatted on the phone with Andrea for bit. Chelsey came over at 8 to borrow the first 2 Twilight books. She stayed and chatted for about 30 minutes.
I put the older kids to bed, and here I sit. Blogging, Facebooking, and listening to New Moon on the MP3 player. Life is good :)
I really liked the way this WordArt turned out :) Hopefully you can find something good to scrap with it. Like pictures of kids ganged up on their Dad - ROFL!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks, I love this, especially since I have 5 kids too ;-)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Nov. 30, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Sorry, my previous post was linked wrong. Your freebie can be found on my freebie list at:
Thank you.
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