I was up at 7am this morning, rushing to get the kids ready and out the door by 7:30am. Breakfast was just cereal, but I did buy Raisin Bran and Rice Crispies (no sugar), so that's healthy. And milk is protein, so it's all good, right?
I think it actually takes more time at the bus stop than it does driving the kids to school. LOL! I left the house at 7:30, walked 3 minutes there, and waited for the bus. It came at 7:45. But didn't leave until 7:50am. Then Andrea drove me and Kayley home. I didn't get home until 8:00am.
I got Jim and Jake up, and started on school and Breakfast, and went to exercise. I was home by 9am, and Jake was working nicely on school. I showered and got pretty, and I sat down to design for a few minutes. I picked out all my quotes, and even got 1 WordArt pack designed. Andrea called at 11am, and said that she was ready to head out.
Jimmy and I drove to her house, and picked up Luke and Andrea. We headed to WalMart. I needed to buy Dye for some pants of Captain Americas. OK, anyone have any experience with dying things? Captain America has gray wool pants, and he wants to dye them black. Does that even work? Does wool accept dye like that? The black dye that you can buy in the laundry isle of Walmart. Any comments would be appreciated :)
But, of course, Walmart was out. I did find the ringed note card thingy for Captain America, though. And some 1/2 off Valentines Gummy candies. The kids would like that :)
We paid, and headed off to Applebees. I'd made a little bit of extra money designing last month, and decided to take out a little bit more for myself. :) I was doing good on my diet so far for the day (I've put on an addition 7 lbs as of late, and was trying to be good), so I just ordered a diet coke (but they only had pepsi), and a Grilled Shrimp and Spinach salad, with the dressing on the side. Veronica and Laurie came too, and Veronica ordered the Artichoke dip with chips. Yeah, that was HARD to resist, but I did it. No cheating at lunch for me :) My salad was really good, too. It's my absolute favorite thing to eat when I go out. SO tasty.
After lunch, we headed back home. I dropped Andrea off at her house, and I came back to mine. Jake was LONG finished with school, and was playing nicely. Jimmy sat down to watch a movie, and I snuck in a quick 20 minutes of designing. I got another WordArt pack done, and another one started.
At 3:20, I headed for the bus stop. Kayley and I and Laurie hung out there until the kids came. At 3:40ish, the bus showed up. I gathered up Eme and Joe and Veronicas 2 little ones, and Andrea's Ben, and we headed to the park. Andrea was at the school picking up Sam and Tom and Vernoicas oldest from AQ. I think tomorrow is my day :)
We played at the park, and Andrea came about 10 minutes later. At 4:00, we all headed back home. My friend, Heather, called and asked for a ride from the airport to home. She's 4 blocks from my house, and the airport is under 2 miles from my house. I left Jake in charge, and went and got her and her 2 little girls, and delivered them home.
I didn't get home until about 5pm, and started on my designing again. *sigh* I got all 5 WordArt packs designed, and then started on dinner. Ever since having Crepes at Kayleys house on Sunday, I've been craving them (I know, it's only been 2 days.... it just seems like longer). SO, I found a recipe online, printed it off, an set to work.
2 cups of flour, 4 eggs, in a large bowl, and beat with the hand held mixer. Add 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of water, and continue to mix. Add 1/2 tsp of salt and 4 TBSP of melted butter, and mix a bit more.
I poured the batter into a large glass measuring bowl, and heated up my griddle. I made large circles, and cooked for about 1 minute on each side, and they were FABULOUS. A few were a bit thick, but I think that's just practice.
I filled them with a cream cheese/powdered sugar mixture and diet yogurt. Sprinkled with powdered sugar. I was SO wishing that I had strawberries, but we made due.
I ate one. It's SO not on the diet. I also had a large salad with spray on ranch and a bit of chopped lite Italian sausage. Captain America came home at about this time (6:30), and I went to finish loading my products into my store. I had the kids clean up a bit, and then they did homework, and had free time.
I was bad, and finished off Jimmy crepe. It was just SO good. I helped put the little boys to bed, and Captain America sang them guitar songs. I sent the big kids to bed, and sat down to work on WordArt Wednesday and blog, and I can now hear Captain America in the living room sing guitar songs to the big kids :) And I must admit, I went back and had another crepe. So much for my diet, right? Bad... BUT, those 3 crepes were the only variance from my diet today. That's gotta count for something, right? And the yogurt was fat free and plain. And I only put powdered sugar on 2 of the 3. hehehe.
I think I'm gonna watch an episode or two of something, and go to bed at 10 or 11. I'm feeling quite tired tonight. All my late nights are catching up with me, me thinks!
I really wanted to make a WordArt that said 2010 Olympic Winter Games, but I was afraid that the copyright police would find me - hehehe. And we don't that that, you know. I figured that this one would pass. AND, you can use it for snow layouts, too - see, I'm tricky! Olympics? What Olympics, officer? This is for snowball fights..... (It'll be our secret)
Click HERE to go to Scrap Orchard to download the ZIP file, and remember, you must be logged into the GALLERY (not the forum or store) in order to get the download. Leave some love if you won't sick the Olympics 2010 copyright police on me.
LOVE your thinking! Too too cute! Thanks so much for the great WA! :0)
OK, girl! I left you some LOVE and I can't find the Winter Games WA anywhere! lol I went to the Gallery and it wasn't there, so I checked the Forum and the Store even though you told me NOT to and it wasn't there. Where is it! HELP ME PLEASE!! Thanks so much and many hugs to you. :0)
I found it here.
BTW Thanks so much Bethany!
Hey girl, some more love coming your way! As a mom of 5 myself, I totally get those stolen moments we need for a sanity break. Anonymous sounds like a miserable person who just wants to lash out. She probably doesn't have friends of her own, with an attitude like that, so is jealous of yours.
Don't pay any attention to it. I am sure it can be upsetting, but don't ler her foul state make you sad. How sweet of Brent to make a comment on your blog too.
I have been reading your blog almost since the beginning, and I love hearing your stories, and I use your WordArt ALL the time! Keep up the great work, 99.9% of us think you're terrific!
Thanks, Margaret, but I got a message that it could not be found on my server. I'm assuming that the letter after "/showthread. is a "p" because it is partly cut off in the message window.
THis one's great for this time of year! Thank you so much! Oh and I had to check out your Attitude ones - I love those. Found several that I can use right away!! Thank you again!
Thanks for all the great WA, and for keeping it real. I love your blog; I read it every day.
I think B's wool pants should accept dye just fine. Haven't actually done it myself, but I have done a bit of reading regarding wool crafts, and people dye wool all the time.
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